Chapter one:An Imperial forester, holding his bloodied legion cuirass, Hobbled through the Forest which surrounded the Gold Road. The forester had been mauled by a bear, but not just any bear, it had been the legendary Silverbacked Bear of which all the locals knew its tales, many used to scare the children out of misbehaving.
After what seemed hours of running for the forester, He reached an Inn, The sign outside of which was labelled "The Brina Cross Inn". The forester burst through the door, dropping almost immediately onto the floor, Only the Innkeeper, A Breton called Christophe Marane, was inside the Inn "What the -- Hey you okay there?" shouted Christophe, Rushing to the aid of the forester "Pp.. Please, help" said the forester, Struggling to speak and breathe "What's happened to you, Friend?" asked Christophe "I've been attacked by... By a bear" replied the forester "A bear did all this? You sure it wasn't a kind of troll or something?" said Christophe, A strong look of pure fear appearing on his face "No! It was the Silverbacked Bear" Cried the forester "its east of here, He's ambushing adventures travelling along the Gold road".
A few hundred feet west, in the forest areas at the bottom of the hills into Kvatch. A deer moved quickly and quietly through the wooded glades and around the bushes and other shrubs, stopping only to graze at fresh spots of grass. Nestled against a bunch of shrubs an Imperial hunter lay patiently watching his prey, Cocking an iron-tipped arrow into his bow, awaiting the perfect moment to strike, The deer kept popping its head into the air, As if it was listening for someone or something to pounce in for the attack. The hunter had his target firmly insight, The arrow was ready to be launched but something just didn't feel right, The hunter knew that deer are constantly aware of their surroundings and ready to make their escape, But this one seemed to know something was watching it, Yet didn't want to move. "
Perhaps it's too scared to move" thought the hunter.
Noticing another shrub within a foot of his position the hunter removed his arrow and dropped to the floor, Laying flat he slowly crawled towards the shrub, Keeping one eye on the deer at all times. The deer didn't appear to have noticed his movement, or if he had noticed it hadn't bothered him. "
Something must be wrong nearby, This seems too easy" thought the hunter, Studying his surroundings closer "
Wait a minute, Why should it bother me if this deer is too stupid to think of me as a danger, I'm not here to watch it, I'm here to kill it and sell it for gold." Thought the hunter once more, Cocking his arrow again, He took aim at the deer's head.
Suddenly a loud neighing sound came from the road, only a few feet from the hunter's location, Followed by a large Bear-like growl and then the crashing of plate metal on the ground. The Deer darted away into the bushes before the hunter had a chance to fire his shot, He jumped quickly to his feet, Arrow still cocked in place, and ran to the roadside, An imperial legionnaire lay slumped over his horse, Who's face had been almost ripped clean off. The hunter immediately dropped his bow and arrow to the ground in a state of shock, Not many people could be mentally prepared to see and hear such a sight, Especially one that came from nowhere. Suddenly a large crash of branches and leaves was heard coming from a few feet north of their position, the hunter drew his steel short sword and jerked to the roads edge "Who's there!? Reveal yourself!" demanded the hunter.
(( For those who dont understand why i've switched from the old man telling a story to this, It's because the story is the same as the one the old mans telling, Only difference is i can go into more detail this way and think it'd be more enjoyable to read.
This'll probably be the longest of the chapters, Others will most likely be around the same length as the prologue as i earlier mentioned. Also about the ending of the chapter, I'm planning on finishing every chapter with abit of a cliffhanger kind of ending, Hopefally those who read will want to know whats happend and come back and read the next part,

@ Peleus, Thanks for the comments, I'm most likely gonna stick to a simple style untill i get into my stride writing-wise then try make it more interesting and a little more complex. Also thanks for reading.
Chev, ))