I have a Caesar's Legion character that I was planning on taking into Lonesome Road and Honest Hearts. I was wondering how does Ulysses react to a Legionary coming into the Divide since he was once a great Frumentari for the Legion possibly better then Vulpes Inculta. So I figured he might have some sentiment towards the courier or is he like everyone else in the Mojave and blindly hates the Legion? Also since Joshua Graham was once Caesar's Legate how does he feel about a Legionary coming into the the park? Since he was certain Caesar was sending another assassin to kill him. Does he disdain you or out right hate you? How do the White Legs feel since they wanted to side with the Legion? I was just wondering how the main characters in the DLC's react to the courier being in the Legion since everyone else seems to shot on site when it comes to the Legion and I was hoping that I wasn't walking into a terribly awkward situation with any of them. Thank you in advance.