» Sun Dec 11, 2011 9:11 pm
On Master at least, I think it's pretty good actually. Way better than what I expected. At early levels I had to pick my fights very carefully, and run away from more than I could count. At mid levels, I could start some simple questing at least, but still avoiding many enemies I knew I couldn't handle yet. At higher levels (currently lvl 45 fighter), I can do most of the stuff with relative ease, only to get seriously smacked about and one/two shotted from certain enemies (especially magic users).
What is great about the new system is that I can evade my enemies. They don't attack on sight anymore. I need to think tactically to choose my (magic) targets first. Dragons still own me if I don't use cover.
Things just starts to make a lot more sense now than before. Biggest problem I have now are locations where you're locked into a fight without any chance of getting out of it. But I have to restrict my world exploring so that I don't enter dungeons and set its level. Even at master, I think the game lets me off a bit easy, as I don't have to utilize every trick I know to stay alive (most of the time).