While thats a nice idea, how the heck would you code a game to recognize something like 'the use of acrobacy to solve problems" or non-spam-based magic skill increases? Again, in a perfect world... But the only practical way to do something like that is to build an extremely rigid game where the actual opportunity for player creativitity in problem solving is traded for increased specificity in valid solutions (ie you get XP for going though the "sneaky" vent specifically coded by the devs) -- in other words and highly scripted game where you can choose only which of 2 or 3 options you want to use, which isn't very TES like.
Like I said, I already have a mod that does these things

. And it doesn't make anything rigid or scripted.
Here is how it works.
I make a new stat called "growth potential". It governs how quickly a character learns skills.
The passage of time (awake, not waiting or sleeping) increases growth potential slowly and steadily. Completing a quest adds a large burst of growth potential. Reading a skill book or having a training session increases growth potential equal to the skill uses that would have been needed to increase that skill naturally.
The mod occasionally looks at how many TOTAL SKILL uses (uses, not increases) a character has made and divides that by his growth potential. A result below 1 makes skills increase faster (by modifying fSkillUseMajorMulti and fSkillUseMinorMulti). A result above 1 makes skills increase more slowly. So basically, if the character is behind where he is "expected" to be by the growth potential, he increases skills faster, if he's ahead of his own growth potential, his skills increase more slowly.
Here's the practical ways this changes gameplay:
1. A character has less incentive to spam skills as much as possible (e.g. casting low-cost spells for a skillup's sake, attacking an enemy with a rusty iron dagger instead of his best sword) because it will just make him rocket past his own growth potential and make future skills come more slowly. A player instead has incentive to focus on the more fun task of overcoming the game's obstacles. However, spamming skills DOES give you a short term advantage. Here's an example. For simplicity's sake say that growth potential increases by 100 each day (so an "average" character is "expected" to make 100 skill uses per day). The character does do 100 uses a day except for day 3 when he goes nuts on skill spamming for some short term purpose.
Day 1: GP=100 Skillups=100/1=100 total skillups=100 Gmod=(100/100)=1
Day 2: GP=200 Skillups=100/1=100 total skillups=200 Gmod=(200/200)=1
Day 3: GP=300 Skillups=500/1=500 total skillups=700 Gmod=(700/300)=2.3
Day 4: GP=400 Skillups=100/2.3=43 total skillups=743 Gmod=(743/400)=1.9
Day 5: GP=500 Skillups=100/1.9=54 total skillups=797 Gmod=(797/500)=1.6
Day 6: GP=600 Skillups=100/1.6=63 total skillups=860 Gmod=(860/600)=1.4
Day 7: GP=700 Skillups=100/1.4=70 total skillups=930 Gmod=(930/700)=1.3
Day 8: GP=800 Skillups=100/1.3=77 total skillups=1007 Gmod=(1007/800)=1.3
Day 9: GP=900 Skillups=100/1.3=77 total skillups=1084 Gmod=(1084/900)=1.2
So despite practicing his skills 400 extra times on day 3, the character is only 184 skill uses ahead of his growth potential by day 9. He's still rewarded and given a lasting bonus to power for having done that extra practice, but it fades over time unless he does it again.
2. A character is not punished nearly as much for using his skills efficiently. A careful Assassin that takes care of problems with a single poisoned arrow from hiding won't have to feel like he's falling behind by not using his skills enough. Here's an example where a character uses his skills only 50 times per day instead of the 100 that's "expected" by GP:
Day 1: GP=100 Skillups=50/1.00=50 Total skillups=50 Gmod=(50/100)=0.50
Day 2: GP=200 Skillups=50/0.50=100 Total skillups=150 Gmod=(150/200)=0.75
Day 3: GP=300 Skillups=50/0.75=67 Total skillups=217 Gmod=(217/300)=0.72
Day 4: GP=400 Skillups=50/0.72=69 Total skillups=286 Gmod=(286/400)=0.72
Day 5: GP=500 Skillups=50/0.72=69 Total skillups=355 Gmod=(355/500)=0.71
Day 6: GP=600 Skillups=50/0.71=70 Total skillups=425 Gmod=(425/600)=0.71
Day 7: GP=700 Skillups=50/0.71=70 Total skillups=495 Gmod=(495/700)=0.71
Day 8: GP=800 Skillups=50/0.71=70 Total skillups=565 Gmod=(565/800)=0.71
Day 9: GP=900 Skillups=50/0.71=70 Total skillups=635 Gmod=(635/900)=0.71
Instead of being behind by half, the character is only behind by about 3/10ths because the gmod gives bonuses. Furthermore he can catch up to his potential pretty easily if he ever wants to because of the faster skillups.
Obviously, this mod has no point if vanilla level scaling is enabled, since characters are *punished* for leveling with scaling intact. However hopefully most of us have mods to get rid of at least that punitive aspect of leveling