Wood for the trees guys?
Most of us think that's a trivial issue.
Heyyyy - the big 'us'.

Scaaaarrryyy. or does that stand for United states???? Massive!!! I must not contradict 'us'. Ummmm ... hooooolld on a minute, Who is this US. How many of US are there? 50, 500, 5,000? And because this undefined US thinks one thing that makes it so? Definiteley a winning argument with frightened 3 yr olds and school kids who you are educating into the belief of US and therefore your own superiority. I know that game. Getting back to this question later

That has absolutely nothing to do with why people were upset with Oblivion Lore
People ... you ran a poll? Seveeral polls? And half a million people responded? sorry, I don't put too much store in polls for various reasons - including the fact that with mass media vast numbers of people can be influenced to support things they do not actually understand. Beside another poll will tell you the opposite. I will accept that this is honest comment on your part (polite of me eh?

) but then I have talked with lots of people too, and watched them make choices about how they wanted to mod Oblivion and Morrowind before it. Guess what? I have seen very few SF mods using ES (those that did had some good people in and they folded) and whenever anyone tried to introduce SF/modern artifacts into traditional ES mods they got laughed at.
What it boils down to is you appear to be part of a small but talented clique that is busy convincing itself that black is white and relying on the reputation of a few former devs to intimidate others into accepting anything you post as Lore. Well, please back off from that a bit and let others breathe too.
It's unofficial because it's yet to be put into a game. Most of us think that's a trivial issue. The text is by a former developer who still writes for the games
Either the guy is on the team or he is not. If he is rehired then he becomes a dev, and if his Nu-Mantia intercept is accepted as is then it is Lore - if not? Well, he might still write, but if Beth aint buying then he is writing fan fic and gets massive kudos for past contributions as a dev and present contributions as a fan based on the quality of his work. Did it ever occur that if the actual devs of a future release decide to incoroporate this document they will just buy him out, then cut it to pieces to suit requirements and excise any tiny detail that goes in an undesireable direction. And are you saying devs only become cool once they are no longer employed by Beth? rofl
Look - we had a new member joined our site the other week - guy called Terry Pratchett - who is truly a wonder of modern fantasy writing on this side of the pond. I checked to make sure that this was not a case of a kid stealing his identity when I was informed we had a new member, I welcomed him to our Forums, bunged in a notice in the new Library Forum I just created stating there were "no jokes to be made about apes unless Terry says Ook! Because we suspect the The Librarian may have interdimensional capabilities." - for a larf. And got on with my own stuff. He's a cool guy - very friendly, totally fascinated by modding, and downloading oblivion and our stuff for him and his friends. I did not feel overawed to the point where I lost touch with my own commonsense and my personal values, though I rate him right at the top and I'm pleased as punch he found something that interested him on our Site! (sob - he did not say anything about my books

- oh well, such is life

) See, I just name-dropped too! Telling me that a former dev wrote something is not a winning argument for something else. It tells me that you rate that former dev = cool as far as that goes. I do not rate devs as Gods or Daedric Princes, wonderful though their contributions may be - except for a larf. I grew up, got ripped off, published, praised, cheered and disappeared - that's life. And like your Dev I have hopes of being published again.
Heyy, maybe I am Todd


maybe you are Todd - so what? That stuff is a game too.
Let's assume we accept the term Void. But what is the Void in our 'scientific terms? Maybe what makes the Void differrent from the sky and the Mundus is a lack of magica? Maybe the Void is actually co-eval with the Mundus and you get to it by slipping through the 'cracks' in the fabric of the Mundus? Now where did you experience that?
A future and even an ancient past Nirnian society might create a Void-ship - it might be silvery - but purlease do NOT try to sell me on a Chromed Studebaker, mega-camper with 4 wheel drive or Columbus cxxx

Now THAT's lame. Though I did enjoy Hitchhikers' Guide to the Galaxy aan dDoctor Who flies about the timely looniverse in an obsolete police telephone box - right?
A future and even an ancient past Nirnian society might create a Void-suit. Now what might it be made of? Alchemically created or treated cloth? With a permanent enchantment weaving a sheathe of magica-generated spells to conserve or build magica, protect suit and wearer against the whatever long-term effects of the Void - which may have significant differences from 'outer space' ... and be more to do with movement/lack of magica in that realm rather than a lack of air?
And what of "was arrayed in armor [from the future time]."???
I think I just answered that re the Void or it might be that new kinds of enchantments have been created.
Things do not HAVE to go the SF way even if a few former devs (note the plural) say so. ... be honest and face facts, with Lore the wordies dictates the genre. As one of 'US' wrote earlier it is the number of key words that define the balance, bung in too many key SF wordies and it no longer is fantasy
Pelinal - So enchantments are now lame? No matter how simple of infinitely complex they may be? Get on with you! Sounds more like you have become a bit jaded and need a break? So take a break and see if you still enjoy ES when you return to it.
Just DO NOT try to tell me that your argument re 'a' is correct because you kissed 'b' last night - big turn-off and that's exactly what you have been doing in your sly adolescent way.
- 'course if 'a' is a great kisser and you tell me you learned something from 'a' and you highly recommend other people to kiss 'a' that's fine if 'a' likes the idea - but be prepared for the fact that I probably kissed 'a's' grandmother and she was the hottest thing you never tasted!

If you are not prepared to accept that and in good fun, then I am just going to assume that you are on an ego-trip ... again. Which is boring.