The limits of Restoration magic

Post » Sun Feb 06, 2011 12:07 am

Or perhaps by having a higher INT then you are able to manipulate the magicka coming in from the sun and stars in a better and more efficient way such that you can cast spells which cost higher magicka. So our magicka pool may not be inherently a pool as such but just a representation of how much magic your mind can rechannel, use and manipulate. similarly when you are casting spells all day long and you deplete your magicka pool then maybe that just means that your mind has had too much exertion and needs some rest in order to be able to manipulate any more.
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Post » Sat Feb 05, 2011 10:18 pm

Yeah, I was thinking along the same lines. Like if a student at the Arcane University were to take a test or exam, what if they boosted their intelligence by 30 points? Would that enable them to remember more of the stuff they studied? From a game mechanic, it's flat out easy; allows you to have more magic points to use to cast spells. But applying it to a role play story or real life, what is it really doing? I sincerely hope the developers go into the practicalities and functions of magic more in-depth in the next game.

The instructors probably have some sort of spell or enchanted device that ensures their students don't cheat, or which allows them to catch cheating students. I'm not sure what they consider cheating but if I were a magical instructor I wouldn't want my students artificially boosting their intelligence before a test unless part of the test involved a demonstration of that ability.
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Post » Sun Feb 06, 2011 1:08 am

The instructors probably have some sort of spell or enchanted device that ensures their students don't cheat, or which allows them to catch cheating students. I'm not sure what they consider cheating but if I were a magical instructor I wouldn't want my students artificially boosting their intelligence before a test unless part of the test involved a demonstration of that ability.

Depending on how the spell is supposed to work, casting dispel on everyone would do just fine.
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Post » Sun Feb 06, 2011 8:06 am

No, magic is beguiling a spirit to enter the body, to channel other-planar forces for doing your will.

There's fallout, in Fallout, and they have knowledge of the medical stuff. Same in Tamriel, cept you substitute fallout with creatia.


umm.... no.
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Post » Sun Feb 06, 2011 10:20 am


umm.... no.

What Iconoklaust said is basically the truth depending on how you define "spirit". All magic users are channeling the residual energy left by Magnus - arguably his spirit energy - to manipulate the world around them.
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Post » Sun Feb 06, 2011 7:23 am

Or perhaps by having a higher INT then you are able to manipulate the magicka coming in from the sun and stars in a better and more efficient way such that you can cast spells which cost higher magicka. So our magicka pool may not be inherently a pool as such but just a representation of how much magic your mind can rechannel, use and manipulate. similarly when you are casting spells all day long and you deplete your magicka pool then maybe that just means that your mind has had too much exertion and needs some rest in order to be able to manipulate any more.

What Iconoklaust said is basically the truth depending on how you define "spirit". All magic users are channeling the residual energy left by Magnus - arguably his spirit energy - to manipulate the world around them.

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Post » Sun Feb 06, 2011 7:03 am

My assumption is that a higher INT allows a person to more effectively channel magicka and channel more at once. The magicka isn't actually always inside their body, but they can more quickly and easily tap into it with more intelligence and willpower.
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