I like many others am completely pissed off, I canceled my pre-order a day before Crysis 2 came out.. thanks to there Demo that I played. I've played the released version, glad I didn't buy it and no longer have it on my machine.
They set the bar so high with all this build up of how great there new engine was and took a jump to a few years backwards instead and down graded from the original version... This and Bioware had my top 2 game companies spots.. sorry but they don't even make the list any more except for a "long long ago" but Atari made that list too... and they don't do much to excite me any more either.
So bummed... R.I.P. Crytek... oh hell just Cry now I guess

QQ They can delete me from this community as well.
I just wanted to state out loud that yet another fan was lost due to this huge turd they called a game. Looked forward to this crap for so long only to have it come out a total loss.
My personal reasons:
1.**** bag grafix, I mean really... not good at all, look at Dice for what you should have surpassed with all the **** talking about how good the cryengine3 was. Hell Metro 2033 killed this game too.. as did many others...
2.Lack of sand box
3.Poor controls and lack of bindings.
4.Lack of computer tunable grafix settings.
5. Destructible environments... really? where? when you chose to let that one thing be destroyed? The first one had destructible environments... again, Dice kicked your ass, then again you kicked your own ass as well with your old game.
6.Amazing amount of glitches... Poor hardware support.
7.Total disrespect for the PC gamers that even gave you the rep by praising your work (which was and still is amazing on the first game.) Those PC gamers back then are still PC gamers now, if I wanted console crap-tastic grafix I'd buy a console... Thanks for the "Port" and the straight to "bargain bin" release.
Speaking with my post and with my wallet when I say good bye Crytek.