THE LIST OF COMPLAINTS (PC) ~~poll~~ Give a Letter Grade

Post » Sun Jan 30, 2011 10:18 pm

I'm experiencing allot of grenade clipppings, I trow the grenade trough a windows and it magicly trnasfers back and bounces in my face.
Also some hitmarkes are redicules, bashing is like cod totally random you can die from a 180 bash.
Scar is WAAAAAAAAY to overpowered compared to guns like SMG's. I remember putting a full clip into some 1 without his armor mode and he turns arround and shoots me with 1 bullet. Where's the old "weapon pickup animation"? And why arn't there any vechicals in MP?
ALso annoying is bunny hoppers... in short I wish I never bought this game, it's just good for its setting and graphics, I enjoy the SP tho, but to many bugs and no PC real pc support. Crysis was pc only and that made the game so good, now you fail.
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Juan Suarez
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Post » Sun Jan 30, 2011 10:53 pm

I'm experiencing allot of grenade clipppings, I trow the grenade trough a windows and it magicly trnasfers back and bounces in my face.
Also some hitmarkes are redicules, bashing is like cod totally random you can die from a 180 bash.
Scar is WAAAAAAAAY to overpowered compared to guns like SMG's. I remember putting a full clip into some 1 without his armor mode and he turns arround and shoots me with 1 bullet. Where's the old "weapon pickup animation"? And why arn't there any vechicals in MP?
ALso annoying is bunny hoppers... in short I wish I never bought this game, it's just good for its setting and graphics, I enjoy the SP tho, but to many bugs and no PC real pc support. Crysis was pc only and that made the game so good, now you fail.
So true!
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 7:24 am

Major Update Complete
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Jake Easom
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 8:42 am

maximum speed = fail in this game. most of my tactics in the first game was run and shoot then hide, this one its **** slow!
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Mr. Ray
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Post » Sun Jan 30, 2011 8:03 pm

I have one major issue and that is the save system. Checkpoints should go immediately except for loading into a new area.

Anyone else having issues actually loading a checkpoint? I go into load a checkpoint to maybe replay an earlier mission to get a collectable because they're like xbox achievements, wonder why, you can get them and then get out and go to the next area and still have obtained them.

Add load checkpoints doesn't work on my version of Crysis 2 to the list.

I just want to buy a new graphics card so that I can play Crysis 1 on max settings without my cards heating up to fry an egg. That game is still awesome to me!
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Jennifer Rose
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 4:19 am

I personally am having so much trouble completing the campaign. Not because it is difficult it's because I'm finding it so boring. The aliens are supposed to be jumping off walls and run and gunning, they don't. All I have to do is put on armor and mow em all down. Stealth is useless because they know where you are somehow anyway. It's really just going from firefight to firefight. I am about 2/3 done with the game and thus far am so underwhelmed.
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Rhi Edwards
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 10:05 am

Stealth mode in the game, you are still casting a shadow. Which if I were the enemy seeing a shadow but nothing in front of me, I'd still shoot to be sure.

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Donald Richards
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Post » Sun Jan 30, 2011 10:15 pm

By the way, here is a list of problems I've found on single player. A compilation of what I've already written down from another thread.
Re: Crysis 2 PC fixes & info
Post March 25th, 2011, 1:22 am

Not sure if this is the right place to report problems. These are my findings on PC single player: hardest difficulty running on a ASUS G73JH laptop @ 1920 x 1080 on high graphical settings with vsync off.

- Jump button when pressed is not a instant response, there is a slight delay.
- My gun sometimes stops shooting even though the ammo counter says there are still bullets in the clip -- like as if its a jam. Once that happens, the reload button doesn't work so I have to use the mouse scroll to swap weapons and back, attempt another reload and the process happens again. Sometimes its stuck forever.
- The quick nanosuit menu selection is not accurate and responsive when you move your mouse to select armour, stealth, binops, nano catalyst, etc. Its actually worse compared to the first Crysis.
- In Semper Fi or Die, where you are extracting with Delta team, the soldiers keeps yelling out "MOVE UP, GO!!!", gets annoying after a while.
- Some of the maps when you try to pick off a target from a distance, it doesn't hit the enemy because there appears to be "invisible polygons" (not sure if anyone gets this, apologies).
- Melee button sometimes doesn't work even if the suit has power.
- Sprint function sometimes fails to respond even if the suit has power.
- Why are there no customisable graphics settings where we are only left with preset ones?
- Where is DX11?
- Why does the game play a video cinematic scene then load to another stage, couldn't you have combined it together like how Call of Duty does it? Reduces waiting time.
- Why is there no prone function in the game this time? Makes sniping useless without it.

Will compile more findings later.

Re: Crysis 2 PC fixes & info
Post March 25th, 2011, 10:41 am

what about semper fi or die, just stops and can't continue after you kill all the aliens. the marines just stand there ,you can kill some for your bordom but 3 stay alive and nothing happens been over every square inch of the map and nothing

If you are talking about the part where you need to defeat the alien resistance objective, I had the same problem but worked out a solution.

I had two aliens shooting at my team mates but we couldn't shoot back at them because they were invisble.
One was hiding in a bus on a broken highway and the other was firing through the cliff.

Facing the chopper to your left, there is a path that will take you to the sewer system, the stage ends from there, took me a bit of time to work out. Hope this helps you out.

Semper Fi or Die is one the buggiest stage I've faced in the game so far.

Will report more findings later.
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casey macmillan
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Post » Sun Jan 30, 2011 7:21 pm

I gave it an A....but I think a B is more suitable. It will get the A once the DX11 and Sandbox Editor comes (and both have been annoucned).
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Laura Shipley
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 2:59 am

By the way, here is a list of problems I've found on single player. A compilation of what I've already written down from another thread.
Re: Crysis 2 PC fixes & info
Post March 25th, 2011, 1:22 am

Not sure if this is the right place to report problems. These are my findings on PC single player: hardest difficulty running on a ASUS G73JH laptop @ 1920 x 1080 on high graphical settings with vsync off.

- Jump button when pressed is not a instant response, there is a slight delay.
- My gun sometimes stops shooting even though the ammo counter says there are still bullets in the clip -- like as if its a jam. Once that happens, the reload button doesn't work so I have to use the mouse scroll to swap weapons and back, attempt another reload and the process happens again. Sometimes its stuck forever.
- The quick nanosuit menu selection is not accurate and responsive when you move your mouse to select armour, stealth, binops, nano catalyst, etc. Its actually worse compared to the first Crysis.
- In Semper Fi or Die, where you are extracting with Delta team, the soldiers keeps yelling out "MOVE UP, GO!!!", gets annoying after a while.
- Some of the maps when you try to pick off a target from a distance, it doesn't hit the enemy because there appears to be "invisible polygons" (not sure if anyone gets this, apologies).
- Melee button sometimes doesn't work even if the suit has power.
- Sprint function sometimes fails to respond even if the suit has power.
- Why are there no customisable graphics settings where we are only left with preset ones?
- Where is DX11?
- Why does the game play a video cinematic scene then load to another stage, couldn't you have combined it together like how Call of Duty does it? Reduces waiting time.
- Why is there no prone function in the game this time? Makes sniping useless without it.

Will compile more findings later.

Re: Crysis 2 PC fixes & info
Post March 25th, 2011, 10:41 am

what about semper fi or die, just stops and can't continue after you kill all the aliens. the marines just stand there ,you can kill some for your bordom but 3 stay alive and nothing happens been over every square inch of the map and nothing

If you are talking about the part where you need to defeat the alien resistance objective, I had the same problem but worked out a solution.

I had two aliens shooting at my team mates but we couldn't shoot back at them because they were invisble.
One was hiding in a bus on a broken highway and the other was firing through the cliff.

Facing the chopper to your left, there is a path that will take you to the sewer system, the stage ends from there, took me a bit of time to work out. Hope this helps you out.

Semper Fi or Die is one the buggiest stage I've faced in the game so far.

Will report more findings later.

did you even read my thread most of this is addressed
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KiiSsez jdgaf Benzler
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Post » Sun Jan 30, 2011 9:41 pm

I'm posting it here just incase Crytek misses my other one and yours "somehow" =D
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Sweets Sweets
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Post » Sun Jan 30, 2011 9:41 pm

I like many others am completely pissed off, I canceled my pre-order a day before Crysis 2 came out.. thanks to there Demo that I played. I've played the released version, glad I didn't buy it and no longer have it on my machine.

They set the bar so high with all this build up of how great there new engine was and took a jump to a few years backwards instead and down graded from the original version... This and Bioware had my top 2 game companies spots.. sorry but they don't even make the list any more except for a "long long ago" but Atari made that list too... and they don't do much to excite me any more either.

So bummed... R.I.P. Crytek... oh hell just Cry now I guess :P QQ They can delete me from this community as well.
I just wanted to state out loud that yet another fan was lost due to this huge turd they called a game. Looked forward to this crap for so long only to have it come out a total loss.

My personal reasons:

1.**** bag grafix, I mean really... not good at all, look at Dice for what you should have surpassed with all the **** talking about how good the cryengine3 was. Hell Metro 2033 killed this game too.. as did many others...
2.Lack of sand box
3.Poor controls and lack of bindings.
4.Lack of computer tunable grafix settings.
5. Destructible environments... really? where? when you chose to let that one thing be destroyed? The first one had destructible environments... again, Dice kicked your ass, then again you kicked your own ass as well with your old game.
6.Amazing amount of glitches... Poor hardware support.
7.Total disrespect for the PC gamers that even gave you the rep by praising your work (which was and still is amazing on the first game.) Those PC gamers back then are still PC gamers now, if I wanted console crap-tastic grafix I'd buy a console... Thanks for the "Port" and the straight to "bargain bin" release.

Speaking with my post and with my wallet when I say good bye Crytek.
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Post » Sun Jan 30, 2011 8:13 pm

Constant resets of rank, dog tags and stats: some times games aren't recorded on your record for some reason. (seems to be better now)


My rank has been reset almost 6 TIMES. I'm almost done with this game.
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Rach B
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Post » Sun Jan 30, 2011 6:52 pm

I like many others am completely pissed off, I canceled my pre-order a day before Crysis 2 came out.. thanks to there Demo that I played. I've played the released version, glad I didn't buy it and no longer have it on my machine.

They set the bar so high with all this build up of how great there new engine was and took a jump to a few years backwards instead and down graded from the original version... This and Bioware had my top 2 game companies spots.. sorry but they don't even make the list any more except for a "long long ago" but Atari made that list too... and they don't do much to excite me any more either.

So bummed... R.I.P. Crytek... oh hell just Cry now I guess :P QQ They can delete me from this community as well.
I just wanted to state out loud that yet another fan was lost due to this huge turd they called a game. Looked forward to this crap for so long only to have it come out a total loss.

My personal reasons:

1.**** bag grafix, I mean really... not good at all, look at Dice for what you should have surpassed with all the **** talking about how good the cryengine3 was. Hell Metro 2033 killed this game too.. as did many others...
2.Lack of sand box
3.Poor controls and lack of bindings.
4.Lack of computer tunable grafix settings.
5. Destructible environments... really? where? when you chose to let that one thing be destroyed? The first one had destructible environments... again, Dice kicked your ass, then again you kicked your own ass as well with your old game.
6.Amazing amount of glitches... Poor hardware support.
7.Total disrespect for the PC gamers that even gave you the rep by praising your work (which was and still is amazing on the first game.) Those PC gamers back then are still PC gamers now, if I wanted console crap-tastic grafix I'd buy a console... Thanks for the "Port" and the straight to "bargain bin" release.

Speaking with my post and with my wallet when I say good bye Crytek.

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Robert Bindley
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 3:30 am

Took the words out of my mouth. What would be awesome is if they fix/responded to the issues.
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David Chambers
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 7:01 am far what i've noticed when i play this game

-u got stuck on something while running on small object..they character should easily pass the thing.. ( as mentioned on first post)
- bug on nano catalyst when suddenly it's reset to 0 and even u kill alien more the point wont increase.
- alien can teleport (not the guardian where u can find him in last chapter) and disappear in the middle of the war.
- i cant join any multiplayer servers with msg serial code already in use n etc
- i hv to enter 1000x serial code for multiplayer.
-normal alien soldiers seems to know where ur hiding even u in cloak mode.
-very hard to fight when u r in the dark or low light enviroment, and ur health is low..ur screen is just black lol.
-in the last chapter the number of alien was so small and u can win it so easily. i dunno rather it was a bug or not..i thought that it must be a chell gv u hard time to reached the spear. the previous chapter i died few times but in last chapter 1 time only lolz.
-somehow even alien in cloak mode, i can see them using visor n tagged them. and sometime alien when they in cloak mode, the upper body is invisible, but their feet is red! so i can detect them lol. i like this bug coz previously my nano catalyst that i gather to buy cloak tracer gone just like that. ;p
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Angelina Mayo
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Post » Sun Jan 30, 2011 10:39 pm

This is a good list!

If all of those things were fixed / made better this would have perhaps been the best game of all time IMO.
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ashleigh bryden
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Post » Sun Jan 30, 2011 8:39 pm

Good list of bugs and stuff there. I gave it A, mainly because i've enjoyed it so much and the only real issue i've been constantly having is the 'Melee didn't work after death and reload of previous checkpoint.' I can't really continue playing the singpleplayer yet if a can't melee :( So i'll be waiting for the fix.

All in all, excellent game, best singpleplayer i've ever played before, and multiplayer is enjoyable too.
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Oscar Vazquez
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 10:53 am

Updizzled for today
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Alan Whiston
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 9:35 am

The game is far from what i consider done. How can anyone release a game that so much cut down and bugged that has been hyped prior to release.

Because the previous titles of Crysis where really good and the cryebgine 3 tech demo was superb i bought this one. But the fun stopped for me. It's a downcut version of a game that can't even compete with some other titles.

Even those weired "spawn" points that make enemies spawn near you are a frustration. And what's the big idea to put 3-5 soldiers inside a camp and after you shoot the first you get a couple of waves to deal with. Where's the logic behind all this? Reinforments don't spawn even at logical "entry points" but rather in the middle of nowhere or next to you.

Regarding physics and deformation there is maybe 5% present compared to the engine tech demo. I didn't expect to level a skyscraqer but we have nothing compared to the previous crysis titles.

If i kick a car that has some tons of weight, i assume that a simple lantern would atleast bend..but still standing like nothing happend and blocking a flying car is something i consider non existing physics
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Ricky Meehan
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 2:39 am

I gave it a C. Single Player seems fine, but that's cause I didn't get far into it yet. But multi-player is just ridiculous, a lot of problems with connecting, and ranks resetting, and even key not saving. SP + MP complete would be an A but given only SP finished drops it to a C since its only half as good as it should be.
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Dawn Farrell
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 8:19 am

Hi, anything about dx9.dll or crysis.exe crash errors ? A lot of people received these errors while playing beta. I installed the game last night, rushed into and look for the graphic settings(i'm disappointed, i guessed that 3 choice graphics setting for only beta) without playing. I received the crysis.exe error again after exiting the game. I'm using latest dx9 packages.
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Hussnein Amin
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 3:09 am

Updated to include hackers......o joy
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Andrew Lang
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 5:22 am

F for FAIL i got a problem that i cant collect nano catalyst
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Darian Ennels
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 8:13 am

I would give it a C+ if I could. The single player is entertaining, so far the story line is pretty neat, and I like the mass killing and carnage I can do (except for blowing up walls and such)...however this game is far less than its predecessor.
Beside the listed bugs (most I have not experienced, some I have) the general quality of the game is less then Crysis 1.
The game does feel like a dumbed down version of Crysis 1, granted you are in New York and well, there isn't a lot of room however being able to actually traverse a few blocks rather being guided down one road to be blocked by a wall of some sort so turn and go down this other road, the levels are more linier.

There is a mission where you need to traverse the roof tops a bit, well I see a tall building with a fire escape so I head that way, it was pretty tall, and by all means looked like I could go that way. I at least expect to maybe find a weapon, a collectable or a different path (I'm in the nano-suit I can fall a few stories and not die).
However as much as this looked like a path I could go, due to a perfect ramp for jumping right onto an very inviting ladder, I just hit it and fell down. I thought I ran at it wrong, so I just tried to jump on the ladder...nothing. Wouldn't grab the ladder or anything, I gave up and went down the designated path they wanted for me.

The destructible environment is sad. I was in that heavy APC with those with the side rocket launchers on the turret. I could'nt run over a lamp post let alone blow it up so it was out of my way. I got stuck on it needless to say, that was a disappointing, felt like playing an older game like...10 years ago. Like others have said, not a lot of destruction in this one...which again is a step back from Crysis 1.

Some people say wait for patches etc, however this game lacks what its predecessor had in many respects. I haven’t had a chance to try the multi-player (which from what I have read may be more trouble than it’s worth) so I cannot comment on it.
The main issues I have are this game is less then it could have been. I can handle bugs, but some of these bugs are due to multi-platform crap. The game was made to be less to work on lesser platforms, it’s that simple and it makes me a sad panda.

I expected it to be as they stated, a PC game first…this is far from the truth. I can only think is some corporate big-wig or bean counter broke wind and forced the developers down this path. I expected more for 60 bucks and because of the history of its predessor.
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