Overall I am happy with Crysis 2, although I had expected more. The original Crysis pushed my system a lot harder then this new version. I was expecting a more customizable graphics interface as I can play the game at 1920x1080 in extreme and I still have head room. With VS enabled I'm at a steady smooth ~60 FSP. I only get 30-40 FPS in the original Crysis with comparable settings.
Some things in the game look unbelievably realistic, like starring out into the harbor. and the lighting as it shines through the windows. Great job with the game play as well, I am a RPG fanatic so the more involving game play is appreciated.
Only bugs I have encountered is the stealth attack doesn't come up all the time in situations when it should. The slide function is a bit tricky when playing on a keyboard it requires me to hold shift, W, and C to execute.
Overall I gave the game a "B". I am excited to see the graphical changes and more Directx11 support. I need a reason to buy more PC components lol.
PS. I had absolutely no issues installing the game and have had no problem with screen flickering in Vertical synced and non-VS modes even running in crossfire leading me to believe some of you may need to roll back drivers. I am using the most update drivers for my cards.