THE LIST OF COMPLAINTS (PC) ~~poll~~ Give a Letter Grade

Post » Sun Jan 30, 2011 7:48 pm

THIS THREAD WILL BE UPDATED FREQUENTLY (so check back from time to time before addressing an issue)

So Crysis 2 is out and is...decent, here are the problems I have seen or that have been mentioned to me by other players. I Have updated the thread to be easier to read.

<>"The details" sub-sections under each category do not refer to less important issues they are just issues that can be explained without going in depth.

Single Player

-Campaign A.I: The A.I. is about average but most the time they are running into walls or facing the wrong way and just standing there. ( don't know if this is fixable)
UPDATE: Sometimes the A.I. knows where you are before you even get a chance to see them, sometimes they can see you from really far away and behind an object or wall.

-Excessive motion blur: I didn't notice it in multiplayer but in the campaign (gave me a headache) This can be fixed with better graphics options.

-Huge campaign maps free to play like you want?: Um my visor gives me 2 or 3 options in a pretty small environment not too much choice like in the 1st game pretty linear levels. Makes me feel like this is a console game..oh wait
UPDATE: I'm half way through campaign and this game is as linear as CoD, The only thing is "hey you can snipe here or flank here" well that doesn't mean it's nonlinear!

-Low health, low light: When you are at really low health in a dark environment the screen is almost completely black.

-Nano-Catalyst: The Nano-Catalyst or money (alien dust) you pick up sometimes shows that you have none when you do have some, shows none then doesn't ever go up even when you pick some up, shows none and doesn't let you buy the upgrades and finally never lets you pick up any throughout the whole campaign. (I moved this problem here from the bug report because it is so common)

The Details:

-Nano-suit mode selection wheel is slow or doesn't work (just use the hotkeys, wheel is dumb anyway)

-Getting stuck on the littlest objects this isn’t fun when trying to run away from an enemy or conserver your suit power


-Ranked Servers: how do I upgrade my guns and suit if your ranked servers don't work Everyone just sits in the lobby saying "is this thing gonna start?" The only one I could get into was a private free for all which is a terrible game type.
UPDATE: I could get in a few more ranked servers; they were not EA servers, however they rush you through the lobby you have no time to customize your load out in-between games.
UPDATE: So it turns out you can not join ranked games in progress you can be waiting in the lobby for up to 10 mins this is the reason every1 thinks most of the servers are broken (I don't see why Crytek couldn't tell us that)
UPDATE: Ranked server countdowns stopping at 1 and then never starting requiring server restarts or games actually starting and leaving players in the lobby

-Unranked Servers: The same rotation on all the servers and the same game types on each map I want to try other game types on other maps

-Lack for customizable servers: CVARS can be changed but most changes make the server unranked and thus not worth owning a server. Basically use the predesignated variants or your server will be unranked

-Constant resets of rank, dog tags and stats: some times games aren't recorded on your record for some reason. (seems to be better now)

-Some players can't access the promotional content: Weapon skin, dog tag etc. Mine didn't work this morning and now worked.

-Kill Cams: Why have kill cams if they are not accurate most of em are the player shooting in the air next to me and showing me dying I want to see the exact angle that i was killed so I can learn all the corners and advantages/ disadvantages of the game (CoDs cams don't have this huge lag issue)

-Player Death Delay: I don't know if this is due to player lag or what but I will drop a clip into some one and then 3 seconds later they die after I don't like wasting ammo

-Hackers: Reports of hacking have already been seen. I thought I might of had some in my games but the killcam is so questionable and laggy by itself that I can't really tell.
UPDATE: Hackers have been confirmed and the supposed anti-cheat software doesn't work if other issues don't kill the multiplayer this certainly will.

-Friend Requests and info: Just like in the demo buggy and often doesn't show friends that are online when they actually are

The Details:

-No quick add friends option (can't right click add friend etc.)

Graphics / Game Limitations

-DX11 (no further explanation needed)
UPDATE: Hopefully we get DX11 tomorrow march 24th when Nvidea releases their new card supposedly DX11 has been withheld for this, but don't get your hopes up.
UPDATE: So the new card is out and guess what no Dx11 they showcased their DX11 capable card with a DX9 game.

-Graphics options: I am in disbelief that this game was released on PC with the graphics options summarized in one word (extreme etc) and just the resolution

-A Step in the wrong direction: Sure CryEngine 3 looks good even with the lack of DX11 but let me remind you what CryEngine 2 was capable of.

UPDATE: CryEngine 2 and 3 Video comparison

-Crossfire and multi GPU cards: Simply put they have problems (screen-flickering and just unplayability) This is supposed to be the most advanced game on PC and it doesn't support the latest ok
UPDATE: possible fix for nvidea cards on their site sli profile for crysis 2 as for ATI nothing yet

-Not much is destructible: Can't shoot down trees or drive a truck onto a shack and destroy it like in Crysis guess this is due to lowering the bar for consoles. Sequels are supposed to take steps forward not back. The most destruction I saw was some rock coming off of a pillar. Dice did it with the Frostbite Engine on consoles (BF: Bad Company 1 & 2).

The Details:

-No 64bit.exe

-Why does the slide mechanic require me to hold 3 different buttons?

-Can't bind two keys to the same action (would help with the sliding)

-The mouse sensitivity is the same if you are scoped or unscoped most games lower it when you use the scope so it’s not so jerky

-No Sandbox

-No quick save: can't save progress in campaign on the fly or when you need to stop playing

-Vehicle Controls: Not a huge issue but they feel off and really clunky

-No toggle option for sprint or crouch I find myself pressing space to get out of crouch and of course that makes me jump in this game.

Issues/ Problems

-Installation Issues/ Day1 Patch Issues: Game won't install, game needs to be reinstalled, game will install halfway then restart, patch comes up with error 104 while installing. Patch can't find game requiring game reinstallation.

-Game won't Launch: The game won't start, gives an error, goes to a black screen, crashes before or after getting to a black screen.

-CryEngine Logo: When I start the game (at least on steam) why do I have to stare at the CryEngine logo for 35 seconds before the game actally starts, yes I timed it. This if before it says EA, Crytek etc. The first time I started it I thought it just froze. (If it's loading something then fine but then just leave me at my desktop don't give me a black screen with you're logo)

-Lack of customer support/ Feedback and numerous lies: It is simple, give us some information, if 90% of the community is addressing it then maybe you should respond to it Crytek. Also I'm still waiting for an email response I sent back while playing the demo. It's better to hear the bad news than having no news at all. Don't ignore us, that is childish. Don't promise a mind blowing DX11 game that isn't a console port if you can not deliver.

The Details:

-Some players can't log in with their correct account info

-Some players have to constantly enter their serial number or CD key to play

-Some players serial number or CD key doesn't work at all or it says currently in use

-Menu music overlapping and playing two or more tracks at once

-Surround sound 4.1/5.1 are having problems sometimes requiring sound to be set at 2.1

The Bug Report

~The Bug report is a collection of errors, glitches and bugs reported by the Crysis 2 PC community just because they are listed here does not mean they will show up during your game experience.

--When loading the next level in campaign my screen was black and my gun was shooting, when the blackness faded I had alerted all the enemies where I was and died from a grenade.
--The aliens charge into you, I'm guessing this should throw you back and knock you down but most of the time I flew upward and got stuck on some geometry or just hung in the air for a while
--You bring up the gun you are holding by pressing "x" sometimes the gun disappears, sometimes the options disappear and once even nothing appeared and it gave me a mouse cursor.
-- gun auto firing after reloading
--game went to black screen after completing a level could not even get back to my desktop had to reboot computer
--level where you need to follow a solider he doesn't move after calling "follow me!" you can just ditch him
--enemy pinger head started to spin around and it was shooting all over the place
--on the Grand Central Station level the enemy pinger started spazzing out its legs were going crazy and it's whole lower body was spinning around very fast.
--gun won't fire at all
--gun won't reload at all
-- enemy dialog overlapping the same enemies already playing dialog
-- enemies running in circles
--NPCs not showing up at all in game and cut-scenes
--delay from button press to game response (mostly nano-suit modes)
--when picking up enemies they flip upside-down or appear to be standing on your hand
--melee stops working
--Stealth kill doesn't work some times causing you to just do a normal melee
--Enemy uses wrong dialog in wrong situations (ex: player getting shot at while an enemy shouts where is he?)
--Ducking under something in multiplayer then dying for no reason and in the left corner it shows you died from a thrown object
--getting stuck in something, then not being able to move and having to quit because you need to die to reload a save
--Melee didn't work after death and reload of previous checkpoint
--guns dissapearing from your hands
--running is unresponsive
--jump is unresponsive
--after performing a "slide" player will keep sliding or walk uncontrollably
--cross hairs or red dots disappear from gun sights
--When shooting the animation is correct but no bullets are shot
--odd water effects when walking through water or swimming
--bullet holes and alien goo just floating in midair
--total loss of all saved data, dog tags, rank, progress etc.

Some of these issues are forgivable but most are not. If these issues are not addressed I can easily say I will not be buying any future Crytek products and I'm sure this is how most of the PC community feels.

Let’s hope for a patch

If you have any others please send me a pm or post them here, thanks.

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Post » Sun Jan 30, 2011 8:00 pm

Single player campaign is bugged or something. Mine starts out with 60 fps perfectly fine then drops to 4 and remains that way forcing me to exit the game or force close it through windows manager. Add that one to the list please T_T
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lucy chadwick
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Post » Sun Jan 30, 2011 9:52 pm

Single player campaign is bugged or something. Mine starts out with 60 fps perfectly fine then drops to 4 and remains that way forcing me to exit the game or force close it through windows manager. Add that one to the list please T_T

what are your comp specs?? that doesn't happen to me
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Alberto Aguilera
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 2:57 am

8gb Ram

2gb 6970 ati

AMD Phenom II x4 970 processor

320gb HD

Windows 7 64 bit

:( All my other games are running perfectly fine I don't get it.
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Janette Segura
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 4:29 am

To the OP.... I am HATING that there is NO Good Ranked servers up. I want to upgrade so many things but I do not see the point of playing a expand demo when I came to play THE WHOLE MULTIPLAYER GAME!!!!!! Give us those damn upgrades! At least I have a Good SP to tide me over till then.
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k a t e
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 4:02 am

8gb Ram

2gb 6970 ati

AMD Phenom II x4 970 processor

320gb HD

Windows 7 64 bit

:( All my other games are running perfectly fine I don't get it.

yea you shouldn't be having any problems that's very odd
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Sista Sila
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Post » Sun Jan 30, 2011 6:49 pm

To the OP.... I am HATING that there is NO Good Ranked servers up. I want to upgrade so many things but I do not see the point of playing a expand demo when I came to play THE WHOLE MULTIPLAYER GAME!!!!!! Give us those damn upgrades! At least I have a Good SP to tide me over till then.

I agree, I'm not playing right now because I can't upgrade anything so whats the point
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Elle H
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Post » Sun Jan 30, 2011 7:05 pm


The SP is awesome. I can tell the game is great. But I've yet to be able to connect to the MP server. Just keep getting connection errors.
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Eibe Novy
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Post » Sun Jan 30, 2011 10:04 pm

Add screen flicker to those that have crossfire cards and cant play unless we run windowed mode or disable one of the cards
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 5:18 am

Too many bugs in single player.

* Sometimes after reloading, my gun will "auto fire".
* Sometimes my gun won't fire at all. Happens a lot with the rocket launcher, it'll say 0/5. Mashing the R key doesn't do anything.

Single player campaign is bugged or something. Mine starts out with 60 fps perfectly fine then drops to 4 and remains that way forcing me to exit the game or force close it through windows manager. Add that one to the list please T_T

Me too.

* Sometimes audio files will not play. I.E. I'll play through a section, die, and then when the checkpoint reloads I go to talk to a marine again and he only says the first, second, skips the third, and then speaks the last line. Very odd.
* Sometimes when I access the weapon mod screen, and then get off it, the iron sights will be completely off and I can't fire in Reflex Sight anymore.
* Enemy A.I. (mostly C.E.L.L.) kill themselves by running into walls. Or trees. Or cars. Or anything, really.
* No DirectX11.
* My serial key is invalid. I bought this game. I have the original invoice from Amazon. Sometimes I'll be able to play MP. Sometimes I can't.
* Give me back my in-game console with 6700 CVARS.
* Re-hire that guy who leaked the game, because now I understand why the game was leaked: To show how different and better the leak was compared to the final release.

System specs:
ASUS Crosshair IV Formula Motherboard
AMD Phenom II Thuban x6 1045T
EVGA GTX 285, soon to be a 590
Corsair 8 GB ram at 1600mhz
Western Digital 1TB SATA II 6.0 GB/sec hard drive
latest drivers (nvidia)
ACER 3D monitor with NVIDIA 3D VISION (game is still buggy even in 2D mode)
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Austin Suggs
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 10:01 am

It's got to be your PC man, I have absolutely no problem playing the SP, and the game is great.
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IsAiah AkA figgy
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Post » Sun Jan 30, 2011 9:08 pm

Graphics: 8 could be better.

Sound: 9 best part of the game imo

Presentation: 3 new menus and options screams port right from the start

Gameplay: 3 its a port, poor level design, hate the new control scheme, sprint, jump, dumbed down mechanics, short campaign for 60 bucks, multiplayer is call of duty, which is what some want but i don't.

So overall it gets a C.
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 9:52 am

I have to give it a B+ if I just compare it directly to other PC games at this point. If you factor in the pedigree of the original game, the fact that DX11 is taking off right about now that this is something we should be able to expect to see in AAA titles. Then throw in the the comments made by Crytek about how great it would look, well then it drops down to a C-.
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Siobhan Thompson
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Post » Sun Jan 30, 2011 11:47 pm

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katsomaya Sanchez
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 10:07 am

NO Quick Save and the constant Game Hints.

Crysis 2 Grade: B

Enable Quick Save, option to turn off game hints, DX11(better textures).

If I see this happen, my grade will go up.
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 9:04 am


Menu systems, no dx11, no quick save, dumbed down gameplay, worse suit controls, smaller maps and SO much worse graphics? Really Crytek? I can see absolutely no difference between the 360 and PC versions from IGN"s comparison.

I've bought EVERY single one of your games. How does your conscience let you let this game carry the Crytek brand?
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Sierra Ritsuka
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 6:34 am

An F for **** graphics and 3 years of lies.
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JeSsy ArEllano
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 4:10 am

Im surprised how many F's there are, its not that bad is it?
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Heather M
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Post » Sun Jan 30, 2011 7:06 pm

Far from it, I find it rather enjoyable. Despite finding bugs here or there... mostly scripting errors, one or two design flaws. No different than any AAA game release. Multiplayer apparently has my serial in use, so I am working through the end of my first play through, and start Insane Cowabunga Difficulty tomorrow while hunting down my missing dog tags & souvenirs. I am digging the story and gameplay, learning the players, can't help but feel icky wearing this suit though. Yuck :D

This title has to be one of the best looking DX9 games I have ever seen, with the exception of a few textures here or there, everything is a visual treat. DX11 or no. People think that DX11 is going to add so much more to this game and apart from tessellation, I really don't see what else it could bring that these guys didn't pull off with DX9. I think we should rather be commending them on what they accomplished on the older API. Quite impressive, and the performance is great... although I have a killer rig so it should be.

Considering how many DX11 games have issues with both ATi and nVidia, I am not surprised their main focus was not DX11. From the sound of it, its just adding so much overhead and its killing performance according to AMD and a few developers. There is no getting rid of DirectX and not to support the latest iteration is a shame for Crytek, but they did a hell of a job on the graphics none the less.

As far as campaign bugs go, Crysis had just about as many campaign bugs and multiplayer issues when it first came out, it was just in addition to "OMG no computer can max this game out!" time period so most of that gets overshadowed.

I personally can't see why there is so much hate towards Crytek about this game. I think a lot of its mob mentality, anonymity of the internetz (saying things without repercussions), and immaturity for the most part. I really can understand a little frustration on playing online or x y z reason, but thats not really reason to threaten law suits, calling the game garbage, or just curse and swear at Crytek themselves. It isn't really an isolated thing, I just came from Homefront and Dragon Age 2 community, and while I have criticisms of both titles I feel are legitimate, there are people threatening to kill Bioware and KAOS Studio employees for the same glitches, game changes, and performance issues. Its ridiculous. I get paying for a product, you feel it should work, but none of that helps you get your problems across to the developers, when you claim you are going to ear raqe a dead grand mother.

I expect patches are well on their way, but hell, give a day to relax and enjoy the release. Usually release day must be a huge party fest. Then its back to business. I see some people can't register their LE stuff, and the serial codes are in use for multiplayer making online play impossible, and I am sure that urks people, but there are plenty of great things about this game. Hopefully tomorrow they will have the Serial key business straightened out and I can play online.

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Post » Sun Jan 30, 2011 9:34 pm

F are you happy crytek...
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April D. F
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 4:50 am

No sandbox3, Encrypted .pak = No tweak, no .cry for eventualy have fun with solo game map if SB3 come out.
No more PowerStruggle, FAR away less vehicle usable in thoses corridor map with 0 freedom.
I really miss the flying Aliens / Hunter / big boss. Bipod Aliens have 0 charism.
I mostly miss environement variety. City, or City, or City, and sometime City si cool, but well...

Forget the Cvar block. Let us have fun in the way we want.

Crysis2 solo is spectacular, but finaly so /yawn to play :D welcome in console fps COD's like game.

Crysis2 = F rank for me =)
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Nitol Ahmed
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 1:47 am

updated again
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Dean Brown
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Post » Sun Jan 30, 2011 10:19 pm

Don't forget having to enter the serial key every damn time you want to play MP!
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Suzie Dalziel
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Post » Sun Jan 30, 2011 7:58 pm

Just got the MP working so I'll bump it up to an A-. I'm having a ton of fun with the game but there are a few annoyances that patches will fix such as not having to input the activation code every time, more graphical options and general stability online.
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le GraiN
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Post » Mon Jan 31, 2011 4:40 am

Don't forget having to enter the serial key every damn time you want to play MP!

ah yes I have heard of many people having this problem
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Sara Lee
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