Whenever Brink comes out, we will be playing with a bunch of strangers, but why not add each other on xbox live so we can play Brink together when it finally comes out?
So everyone out your gamertag so that we can add each other and actually have a group of people who are familiar with the other, so we can play more co operatively.
We are just going to use a Silver account Gamertag, EVERYONE ADD:
BrinkForumFans(forum name) - (gamer tag)
Gamertags List:
Laneljh - Laneljh
J u K E - x TaILBacK
Rammer - Rammer94
EVIL - SO Crates97
Torvaak - Torvaak
Zanchile - Mawgaman
Brink1515 - POP THAT OOMPA
Wraith - COTA Thanatos
gamabiter9000 - gamabiter9000
Dutch - HD DeMiGoD
reptaR - SCOOBY D0NT
Topkilla - Top killer1944
TG Muffin - TG Muffin
RocknRolla - Kaio Xing
Assassin - Fallen2811
VyingApprentice - RelaxingJohnson
Revolver Hawk - Relex Cryo
artificial100 - Quesel
ToBeDestroyed - ToBeDestroyed
Tiwatta - Tiwatta
Albino Gunner - Albino Gunner
Perseus - IXx PERSEUS xXI
Miller the Killer - General Mills44
H0RSE - ii h0rse ii
Last Paige - Last Paige
dimmedshadow - dimmedshadow
kemj25 - kemj25
Im a OG - OG BxK
Nathaniel - Mister Guevarra
SavageSaint777 - SavageSaint777
Deamonus - T1CKL3 TH1S
Skavenger2 - Skavenger2
KonkreteSmile - KonkreteSmile
3 ton rooster - bovis dupree
martini - martinimarts
abrain - abrains
CaNiBaL Elite - CaNiBaL Elite
lionpure22 - LionPure22
Lord Kaelin - Lord Kaelin
stocker2000 - STOCKER2000
PuppetRebel - PuppetRebel
Im a PC - XxKittenKingxX
Rawrmonstar - Rawrmonstar
Rawrmonstar's Girlfriend - FIRExWITCH
That tall guy - STUdly STUntman
PoofyKoda - PoofyKoda
securitydefeatsall - StabbErXjack
Check my signature for everyone who wants a clan