It's the little things I really like

Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 4:56 pm

Sadly I am a PS3 user and, after 40 hours play, the game is basically broken for me.

Still, there is no denying that, when it works, this game is fantastic.

Such as when I picked up the unique warhammer, Trollsbane ....

I was walking around some hills and randomly encountered a couple of Trolls who were swiftly dealt with. I then went in to the small cave they had emerged from and within was the body of "Frofnir Trollsbane". I searched his corpse and got the weapon Trollsbane from him.

I love the randomness of stuff like that. There is incredible attention to detail in the game.

I also love stuff like how reading a book can trigger a mini quest.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 1:00 am

Sadly I am a PS3 user and, after 40 hours play, the game is basically broken for me.

Still, there is no denying that, when it works, this game is fantastic.

Such as when I picked up the unique warhammer, Trollsbane ....

I was walking around some hills and randomly encountered a couple of Trolls who were swiftly dealt with. I then went in to the small cave they had emerged from and within was the body of "Frofnir Trollsbane". I searched his corpse and got the weapon Trollsbane from him.

I love the randomness of stuff like that. There is incredible attention to detail in the game.

I also love stuff like how reading a book can trigger a mini quest.

Exactly, there is a lot of complaining, some warrantred, but all in all the game is a blast. I love the Elder Scroll series so much because the world feels large and you never know what you might find, like cannibals with apple pie for instance.
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Brentleah Jeffs
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 12:38 am

dem little things thread? Personally love that NPC's can use finishers, and REALLY love that they can do them to you.
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 11:25 pm

dem little things thread? Personally love that NPC's can use finishers, and REALLY love that they can do them to you.

Yeah, I find things like that really cool too. The NPCs in this game are impressive.
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 5:40 pm

I really liked killing a resurrected bandit who whispered "thank you when he turned to ash "
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Hazel Sian ogden
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 11:35 pm

The little NPC probably give this game more than the semi-final bossfght of the main quest. Even thought I haven′t played that far yet, I′m pretty sure thats only a minimal part of the game.
I love how everything interacts with everything and everyone else, just like in daggerfall, only that everything′s hand-crafted and behaves in a sense-making, not random way!

Anyway dude, whats wrong with your PS3? If you can save your safes (lolwut?) maybe you can get another version working?

Or jsut start over with a PC version, you′d play it several times anyway, wouldn′t you?
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Rach B
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 5:28 pm

yeah everything seems so real. i was wandering around the other day and saw a little hut. immediately i was like oh crap, its gotta be filled with a deadly warrior or some hidden gem worth a million septims!. nope some poor old lady is dead and a bear is chilling in her house! how awesome! also i found a guard tower with 6 (SIX!) guards all dead inside. there has to be a letter from an assassin or something that leads to a quest....nope they all just got jumped by something. i love that these things actually happen.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 1:38 am

I had an awesome fight inside a Bandit refuge....which had been invaded by Falmer. I had to fight 4 of them single file in a hallway, no much room to maneuver, so it was a lot of shield bashing (I love it when they block you repeatedly and the 'thunk' of that..great sounds!). After I cleared out the last chamber.... on my way back two giant spiders dropped from the ceiling (god I'm glad I healed up), but fortunately they weren't too hard. ..........I'm just about to walk out the main entrance............... when the Bandit leader and two underlings walk through the front door saying "What's happened here??!!" The Bandit leader was definitely the toughest of that whole encounter.

Oh, and there was a Bandit locked inside a closet, shouting things about not coming out

That was just a very small dungeon but really gave me a run for my money. Great work!
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phil walsh
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 9:00 pm

Lil things I enjoy too. I love when I find books and scrolls. Sometimes when I travel, I spot some place or fort and I think It's another village, but noo, it was bandit camp! Also, like to sneak into towers and backstab bandits. Dungeons are getting more used to now.
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 2:23 am

I agree about the little random details. They really make the game stand out.

Last night I was up near Dawnstar and decided to head out to an abandoned castle to find a relic. It was blowing snow but the northern lights were out and it looked amazing, lighting up the whole area. I saw a small campfire in the distance, and decided to investigate. When I got there, I noticed a hunting group consisting of a husband and wife. I started a conversation with them, and in the middle of a word, the man jumped up and said what's that? Suddenly, he drew his bow right at me, knocked an arrow, and fired, narrowly missing my face. I could actually hear the arrow wizzing by my head. For a split second I thought they were attacking me until I saw a small snow bunny hopping away.

They continued to fire away at the little rabbit, and you could see dozens of arrows sticking out of the fresh white snow all over the landscape. The way they bolted off and wasted half their arrows, you would think they hadn't eaten in a week. Once they finally hit the rabbit and went to collect it, they were attacked by a pack of wolves. I helped the man finish them off but not before the woman was killed. I ended up just chilling by the fire for a while and bought everything the man was selling because I felt sorry for him. It wasn't some epic adventure or anything, but little emergent gameplay sections like that really make the world come alive imo....
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 9:24 pm

I was amazed when I saw ants on a tree stump in Riverwood!
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Keeley Stevens
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 12:59 pm

I can't remember which cave it was, but there's a frost troll sitting on a icy bridge with a dead goat nearby. I don't know if that was an intentional nod to the three billy goats gruff tale, but that's what it reminded me of.
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Shelby McDonald
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 4:40 am

I was amazed when I saw ants on a tree stump in Riverwood!

Riverwood is Skyrims secret capital!
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Averielle Garcia
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 8:28 pm

Yesterday: Too bad there aren′t any frozen lakes in Skyrim. That would make the immersion perfect for me. Well I guess I can′t expect it to be THAT realistic... :sadvaultboy:
Just now: *Stops riding* *On a frozen lake* :celebration:
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 10:07 pm

I've wandered around on ice shelves a bit, not quite a whole lake, but ice over water all the same.

I simply don't understand the complaints that go on that its all caves, caves, caves, because, ok, yes thats true-ish, but more locations have a little story behind them, than don't which makes it a complete pleasure to just roam, pop a head into a cave and sometimes find funny, heartbreaking, scary stories all around you.

Quests have nothing on random spelunking!
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 2:16 pm

I've wandered around on ice shelves a bit, not quite a whole lake, but ice over water all the same.

I simply don't understand the complaints that go on that its all caves, caves, caves, because, ok, yes thats true-ish, but more locations have a little story behind them, than don't which makes it a complete pleasure to just roam, pop a head into a cave and sometimes find funny, heartbreaking, scary stories all around you.

Quests have nothing on random spelunking!

The people are probably just complaining about how many quests will lure them into some cave because there are so many cowards that don′t dare to go there by themselves.
The truth: There an equally gigantic load of stuff above the surface as under the surface, such as IRL. And there′s a huge amount of quests for basically EVERYWHERE, so who cares, if they′re too lazy to find other quests, it′s their problem.
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 6:28 pm

I was wandering the wilderness and found a hunter's camp, as you do from time to time. One of the hunters had a book next to his bed roll. The book? The Gold Ribbon of Merit... which boosts your Archery skill when you read it.
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 12:22 pm

I was wandering around the the plains outside Whiterun when I saw the ghost of a headless horseman riding off in the distance. I followed it and it lead me through the forest to this sort of tomb/graveyard place full of draugr and then dissapeared. I made short work of the the "minions" spamming fury and firebolt. Then the mini boss came out of his coffin and Lydia started fighting him with her warhammer. I blasted him with my Wabbajack, doing some frost damage, blasted him again and he turned into a daedra lord (Lydia probably [censored] herself), blasted him again and he turned into a fluffy bunny, and hopped away. Thought I was safe so I started searching the place for loot, but apparently the bunny transformation is not permanent and a very pissed off Draugr came charging out from the woods at me with his sword, a fireball in the face sorted him out. Got my first ebony sword from him.

I also really enjoyed the Dawnstar quest about the nightmares, very cool ending!
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Post » Sat Dec 10, 2011 2:27 am

The little NPC probably give this game more than the semi-final bossfght of the main quest. Even thought I haven′t played that far yet, I′m pretty sure thats only a minimal part of the game.
I love how everything interacts with everything and everyone else, just like in daggerfall, only that everything′s hand-crafted and behaves in a sense-making, not random way!

Anyway dude, whats wrong with your PS3? If you can save your safes (lolwut?) maybe you can get another version working?

Or jsut start over with a PC version, you′d play it several times anyway, wouldn′t you?

It's a general problem with the PS3 version my friend. After a certain amount of play time (40 hours for me) the frame rate drops so dramatically that the game becomes just about unplayable. I am not really a tech head so don't totally understand it all but it seems that it may be something to do with the constantly increasing size of the save game file or the way the PS3 deals with the cache.

It's okay when you first put it on but, after playing for an hour or so, it becomes awful.

You should nip over to the PS3 hardware section and marvel at some of the e-rage!

I cannot really afford a good gaming PC at the moment but I may well look to this as a solution if no fix can be found for the PS3 version because it is a fantastic game! I normally play through these games at least 3 or 4 times with different races/classes.
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Batricia Alele
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 7:56 pm

It's a general problem with the PS3 version my friend. After a certain amount of play time (40 hours for me) the frame rate drops so dramatically that the game becomes just about unplayable. I am not really a tech head so don't totally understand it all but it seems that it may be something to do with the constantly increasing size of the save game file or the way the PS3 deals with the cache.

It's okay when you first put it on but, after playing for an hour or so, it becomes awful.

You should nip over to the PS3 hardware section and marvel at some of the e-rage!

I cannot really afford a good gaming PC at the moment but I may well look to this as a solution if no fix can be found for the PS3 version because it is a fantastic game! I normally play through these games at least 3 or 4 times with different races/classes.

Well, if it really applies to everyone using the PS3, I′m pretty sure it will be fixed soon, it would e a millions loss if they didn′t. Also Bethesda isn′t a bunch of scumbags. I′m certain they′ll take care of that.
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Thomas LEON
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 11:48 pm

dem little things thread? Personally love that NPC's can use finishers, and REALLY love that they can do them to you.

Whenever that happens, I always think I am doing the finisher on them... Until I take a sword in the heart
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Poetic Vice
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 2:29 pm

dem little things thread? Personally love that NPC's can use finishers, and REALLY love that they can do them to you.

This caught me off guard the first time I saw it. I saw the game go into 'finishing move' mode and I assume I was killing off the baddie. Then I realized I was dead and I was like "No Way!"

After playing DA:O for most of the last year I really appreciate the fact that most items in the world you can actually pick up and throw around. Clutter everywhere. Love it.
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 2:16 pm

Sadly I am a PS3 user and, after 40 hours play, the game is basically broken for me.

Still, there is no denying that, when it works, this game is fantastic.

Such as when I picked up the unique warhammer, Trollsbane ....

I was walking around some hills and randomly encountered a couple of Trolls who were swiftly dealt with. I then went in to the small cave they had emerged from and within was the body of "Frofnir Trollsbane". I searched his corpse and got the weapon Trollsbane from him.

I love the randomness of stuff like that. There is incredible attention to detail in the game.

I also love stuff like how reading a book can trigger a mini quest.

Is that weapon you found hard-coded in the game, or was it randomly generated? Anybody know? If it was random, WOW!
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Louise Lowe
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 8:55 pm

Guys... I have just found an INTERACTIVE BOOK in whiterun! One of these where you choose your own adventure.

Skyrims level of epicness is ridiculous. I think Bethesda is doing this on purpose to mock every other game ever made that dares not to give us hundreds of handwritten in-game books with minigames hidden in them.

Did I mention the Book has multiple storylines and after 10 minutes I barely finished one of them? The main quest is epic and ends in a dragon fight, but there′s lots of other stuff you can do, such as breaking your neck, or chillin′ out in a tavern.
Okay, back to Skyrim. Gotta see what happens if you choose to go through the swamp instead of the mountain!
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Riky Carrasco
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Post » Fri Dec 09, 2011 9:32 pm

Guys... I have just found an INTERACTIVE BOOK in whiterun! One of these where you choose your own adventure.

Skyrims level of epicness is ridiculous. I think Bethesda is doing this on purpose to mock every other game ever made that dares not to give us hundreds of handwritten in-game books with minigames hidden in them.

Did I mention the Book has multiple storylines and after 10 minutes I barely finished one of them? The main quest is epic and ends in a dragon fight, but there′s lots of other stuff you can do, such as breaking your neck, or chillin′ out in a tavern.
Okay, back to Skyrim. Gotta see what happens if you choose to go through the swamp instead of the mountain!

Wow, where did you find the book at? I too am amazed at the depth of this game. I was just thinking about it, and I have probably spent more time just reading books in Skyrim than I put into most every other game I play. Insane amount of detail here! Just today I read a pretty twisted book about a young boy summoning a dremora. Some of the stories in these books could be flushed out into full novels. Now I have to go find that book in Whiterun!
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