The Little Things That Annoy You In Games

Post » Fri Dec 03, 2010 3:27 pm

I can't stand awful dialogue. I love games that immerse you to the point that you actually watch cutscenes and read all of the dialogue or whatever but I can't stand it when games have such bad dialogue that I'm compelled to skip it all if possible. That turns an otherwise great game into a much simpler game with reduced plot and all around fun. If I can't get into the story because of awful dialogue, then I'll usually just drop the game and not return to it. Unless it had incredible combat or was ultra-fantastic in some other way. As I write this, I'm thinking mainly of older Japanese-RPGs as examples. Though there have been many newer types of all kinds of genre's.
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Post » Fri Dec 03, 2010 3:18 pm

When Ezio doesn't jump where I tell him to >.<

and tons more things. Basically about 90% of the stuff in this thread.
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helen buchan
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Post » Fri Dec 03, 2010 10:34 am

Far Cry 2-It's extremely frustrating to travel around in that game, because your always having to fight through constantly respawning guard posts, or getting ran of the road by some crazed, gun-toting native.

MAG-the fact that not many people play it anymore

Black Ops-the new purchasing system, and the guns
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Post » Fri Dec 03, 2010 7:29 pm

"Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter!"

Yes, it's clever and witty and relevant, but I don't want to hear it from every 4th character! >:c
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Dean Brown
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Post » Fri Dec 03, 2010 6:36 pm

"Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter!"

Yes, it's clever and witty and relevant, but I don't want to hear it from every 4th character! >:c

Something else I noticed with that game is the voice acting isn't always consistent when it comes to little things, like the goodbyes or commentary after purchasing items. The "later" one sounds really weird from the brotherhood people.
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Miss Hayley
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Post » Fri Dec 03, 2010 9:28 am

Well, everything in this thread really, :P.

But you know what the worst things are? When crappy games refer to other crappy games to make the other crappy game sound even crappier but in turn just makes that crappy game seem desperate.

Needless to say I recently rented Battlefield Bad Company 2. <_<
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His Bella
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Post » Fri Dec 03, 2010 6:39 pm

Time trials.


This. Can't stand timed anything, annoys the crap out of me. Cheap way to create "difficulty."

--games that are essentially loot hunt based that design player characters with teensy tiny inventories. Diablo2 wanted you to collect Sets and such and gave you room to carry/stash maybe 2 sets. They eventually gave more stash space, but still nowhere near enough.
--complex default GUI's that seem to require you to have octopus hands to perform even simple tasks (or remove you from game immersion to use 'wheels'), or GUI's that take up so much screen space that I feel like I'm playing the game through a 23" window that has so many decals pasted on that I can only actually see through a tiny 4" gap in the middle.
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Joie Perez
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Post » Fri Dec 03, 2010 2:25 pm

Menus that can't be navigated through with the mouse for no good reason. (Another one for the Saints Row 2 list 'o complaints)
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Katie Louise Ingram
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Post » Fri Dec 03, 2010 11:18 pm

Some of these have been mentioned...

Timed events. Ugh.

Motion blur. Why in the world do I want to have things look blurry... Oo

Save points, save gems and save stations on walls... Just let me save the damned game when I want to, because maybe I want to like STOP PLAYING now and take a break or get some sleep or go out or go to dinner or whatever.

Also the semi-fake save thing where they let you save but when you load your game your back in town or some place other than the place you saved it in.. like wtf? Then you have to walk 200 miles (sarcasm) back to wherever it was that you saved it. Annoying!

Ooh and then there's the whole, you can't save it during the mission / map... you have to wait till you get through the whole thing before you can save. Bleagh!

Crappy controls. Controls have been perfected many years ago there's no need for them to be messed up on any platform for any reason.

The indestructible creature you can't kill with your weapons but it can kill you in one or two hits, which you have to lure to a crusher / some fire thing / hole in floor / black hole / etc. Been there, done that and not crazy about it anymore.

Mazes. They can be fine if done well but mazes can be really annoying...

So many games these days have absolutely no secret areas at all and many times I wish they did...
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Post » Fri Dec 03, 2010 1:31 pm

Ah, yes, that one's especially baffling because with some things I don't like in games, I can sort of see why developers would use them, whether for technical reasons or because they think someone actually wants that, rightly so or not, but for this, I just don't see any reason NOT to do it except laziness, it's not like being able to see that you're not just a floating camera with arms attached in first person takes anything away from the game, on the other hand, it's a simple thing that can make it a lot more believeable, yet so few games actually do this.

And another thing that bothers me, Call of Duty style health systems, in other words, doing away with health bars, and healing items too, usually, and instead having a bloody screen indicate that your low on health and having health regenerate. Really, what is it that modern developers think is wrong with health bars or health pickups? And saying "they're unrealistic" is a poor excuse, because I hardly think it's more unrealistic than having your health rapidly regenerate when you're under fire, I mean, that part might be justified by the game's story, like in Crysis, I don't think it was ever explained in the game but I always assumed the health regeneration was because the nano-suit was able to treat injuries automatically, but of course, that game DID have a health bar, it just regenerated automatically rather than using first aid kits or something like that for healing. In games like Call of Duty on the other hand, there's no reasonable explanation for your rapid regeneration, since your character is just a normal human being and the game has no supernatural or science-fiction themes, now, first aid kits that instantly heal all your wounds are also unrealstic, but I can more easily suspend my disbelief on that than my character apparently being able to recover fully from getting shot in the head without any medical aid within a matter of seconds with no explaination given for this, and the bloody screen? It's not really that realistic either, I mean, the only logical explanation for it is that blood gets into your eye, and why would that happen if I got shot in the leg? And besides, while I don't recall ever getting blood into my eyes before, I'm pretty sure it wouldn't look like you were viewing the world through a video camera and blood got onto the lens, that would only make sense if you were wearing goggles or a helmet with a transparent visor, yet it happens in games that give no indication that you have anything like that on too, further, it's annoying, when my character is wounded, I want to be able to see clearly so I can avoid damage more easily, yet the bloody vision serves only to obscure vision, and it gives a less clear idea of your condition than a health bar too. Let's not forget the fact that games that have this often still have other interface elements that are no less unrealistic than a health bar, like a crosshair and an indicator of how much ammunition I have left in my gun. So it seems not so much like developers are doing it for realism as that they just have some sort of irrational aversion to health bars. If you're going to abandon tried and proven game concepts for the sake of "realism", then actually make it realistic. Also, you should come up with a replacement that's better, otherwise, bring on the health bars I say.

Your preaching to the choir.

Only FPS game that I can think of with a health bar is BF series. Least they have a medic class that can be useful.
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Danial Zachery
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Post » Fri Dec 03, 2010 11:39 am

I hate having poor control over my character. Like when you stop running and they slide in that direction for half a second longer. I don't know how I managed to get through American McGee's Alice with her weaving all over the screen.
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Katie Louise Ingram
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Post » Fri Dec 03, 2010 7:16 pm

Bad dialogue , Looking at you X3 I am looking at you. Took the [censored] the cake.

Lack of custom controls , COD only has a few set ones and I don't like em.

Games on pc that crash just because it is an old game. I know it is not entirely the game companies fault but hey I want to plat Total War again and I can't even play the campaign or even morrowind which I have fully unistalled twice after I used too much mods and I can't have both expansions active at the same time or the game will crash.

Time trials- I shouldn't have to say why.

"Hard mode"- They shouldn't have higher health and damage they should be smarter by all means.

Game team doesn't fix the game after release or support it for a while.
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Max Van Morrison
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Post » Fri Dec 03, 2010 12:53 pm

Let's see

As already mentioned unskippable cutscenes, I recall MegamanX5 having that particular problem. It's nice on the first playthrough as you're more likely to watch them but after 3-5 playthroughs you hate the feature.

Instant death hazards in boss fights (especially the bosses with a nasty gimmick such as reflecting their own attacks back at them to hurt them). I hate having to get a boss's health down to their last bit then making a misstep and dying and having to fight the boss all over again.

Games that don't allow you to change their control schemes. What?! I can't have my WASD set to my movement? CURSE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!! One particularly egregious example is Might & Magic 6. This flaw coupled with the clunky control scheme made this game unplayable
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Adam Kriner
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Post » Fri Dec 03, 2010 10:48 am

Let's see if I have more...

Death Enemies (CoD 4): Cod4 is guilty of this, on higher difficulty settings the game seems to throw these guys out at you all the time. They always spawn right behind you even though you may have looked behind you then turned around and wham. Also they don't seem to die very easily either or don't die all together no matter how many rounds you pop into them---but they can kill you in one hit even if your at full health.

Bad online players: One the main reasons why I don't play online is that in games like CoD, I always get the people who don't like playing as a team and get upset at you for spawning in front of them (I have no control over that), trying to be a team player like covering another player or helping out, hey if don't like my help then play in the single matches and not shooting into open air. I like to play with some tatics and going around and shooting when there's no target to shoot at, all it does is waste my ammo and tells the guys on the other team where I'm at. however the folks on the team I'm always with get mad at me for not shooting into thin freaking air---oui.

Slow health regeneration while under fire: Oh there's so many fps games out there that do this but mostly Turok and CoD 4. Let's say you're under fire and even though you're under cover and your health is in the red (you can die at any time) it always seems that your health will always regan itself at snails pace but when there's nothing going on it regans almost instantly.

Unfair one hit kills-Another Turok (PS3 & 360) moment. This game can be so unfair at times that if you're doing great on a level the enemy can just kill you in one hit, even if you're at full health---Man I hate it when a game cheats like this :swear: !
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Rob Smith
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Post » Fri Dec 03, 2010 10:52 pm

Unfair one hit kills-Another Turok (PS3 & 360) moment. This game can be so unfair at times that if you're doing great on a level the enemy can just kill you in one hit, even if you're at full health---Man I hate it when a game cheats like this :swear: !

Ohh hell... there was one enemy on Might & Magic 7 that did this (and he healed himself a lot). That's one of the guys that I had to save scum to defeat
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Carlos Rojas
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Post » Fri Dec 03, 2010 5:18 pm

when you cant jump in an FPS. or action game.

This. I remember Rogue Warrior very clearly. There were many spots where you could have just jumped over, but noooooo. You had to go all the way around the whole facility!
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Matthew Warren
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Post » Fri Dec 03, 2010 8:42 pm

Well, everything in this thread really, :P.

But you know what the worst things are? When crappy games refer to other crappy games to make the other crappy game sound even crappier but in turn just makes that crappy game seem desperate.

Needless to say I recently rented Battlefield Bad Company 2. <_<

Who plays a Battlefield game for singleplayer? :P

Anyways, shadows and Fallout 3, :flamed:
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Erin S
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Post » Fri Dec 03, 2010 5:58 pm

I can normally ignore most of the problems listed in this thread... but not badly done animations! :brokencomputer:

It's such an immersion breaker for me! However, older games can be excused, but newer games (e.g. Fallout 3) cannot.
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Ian White
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Post » Fri Dec 03, 2010 6:57 pm

When some cutscenes are rendered in real-time and only using stock animations with characters moving their arms exactly the same, only being able to rotate 45 degrees at a time and sometimes they don't even look at who they're talking to or they look right through eachother. (GTA IV had too many of these)

Enemies who are harder but not fun to fight that ends up replacing all other enemies in the end. (I hate having an army of slow bulletsponges thrown at me).
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Nicole Kraus
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Post » Fri Dec 03, 2010 8:35 am

Personally I liked the timed parts of games. It makes it more challenging and therefore more fun.

Clipping can get annoying though, especially if there is a lot of this. Fallout 3 was really bad with this.
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Gracie Dugdale
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Post » Fri Dec 03, 2010 1:25 pm

when you cant jump in an FPS. or action game.

Alpha Protocol, why... :cold:
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matt oneil
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Post » Fri Dec 03, 2010 6:22 pm

I do. That's why I play the original SNES version still, and no other version anymore.

Because the SNES version didn't have Rubber Band AI? :lol:

"Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter!"

Get out of here STALKER.
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