The little things you love about Skyrim

Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 10:35 pm

Alright the last thread got locked because some people we're more focused on whining other then talking about the good things in the game. i was given permission to make another thread. so let's talk about all the little things that we love about Skyrim.

one little thing i love is that characters react to someone being killed. i killed a merchant who sent thugs after me. and the next time i walked into his shop his wife was mourning over his dead body and wouldn't even talk to me. i made a thread a few months before release that wanted that very thing to happen. and i was happy when it did.

what little things do you enjoy about Skyrim?
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matt oneil
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 10:14 pm

I love it when at level 45, I get my azz handed to me by an Arch-mage, and don't get me started on the Falmer......

It should be noted that this Arch Mage killed 3 Imperial soldiers that I dragged into the fight, killed the Nordic hero I called up using a shout, and my Frost Atronach...... the only way we brought him down was via myself and 4 Imperials firing arrows...
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Guinevere Wood
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 12:41 am

I love it when at level 45, I get my azz handed to me by an Arch-mage, and don't get me started on the Falmer......

One word. adapt. fight differently. move left to right/back and forth to throw off there aim.
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Max Van Morrison
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 8:11 pm

One word. adapt. fight differently. move left to right/back and forth to throw off there aim.

Hes referring to leveling, its still very much in the game and is quite heavy. Not as bad as Oblivion, but hardly much better.
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 4:39 am

-Characters movements and fighting is better looking, smoother, cooler.
-Dialogue works better
-Dual weild
Lots more, but I'd rather play the game than sit here listing what I like.
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daniel royle
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 3:42 am

One word. adapt. fight differently. move left to right/back and forth to throw off there aim.

What can I say, he was using a ward with one hand, and a staff of fireballs in the other...and he was fast (mages in the game seem to be that way)... the terrain didn't help much either.

It probably would have been a different story if I'd had some decent cover to use. I kinda walked right up on him out the in woods.
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renee Duhamel
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 3:03 pm

The fact that some characters use the environment around them, for instance when you enter Riverwood for the first time you see Faendel chopping wood, the blacksmith is smithing, Ralof sitting down on a chopped down tree. Imperial’s transporting a stormcloak rebel on the road, people working on the fields are also something that makes the game feel like more of an actual world then some static place.
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 3:21 am

Spoilerific but:


Ulfgar the Unending and his companions from Bloodmoon in Sovngarde. I was hoping like hell they'd be there when I found out I got to go there. I love little throwbacks to previous games.

Also, along that same line, Sheogorath mentioning that he knew Martin Septim and was there when he became a dragon.

Very little and easy to miss if you don't know the backstory, but I loved them.
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Matt Bee
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 2:55 pm

...... Not as bad as Oblivion, but hardly much better.

Oh please. In Oblivion there was NOTHING that could easily kill you, even by accident, once you were around level 15. In this game you've got Mages who actually can do some damage if you give them half a chance, the Falmer use poisoned weapons that seriously impact your health no matter what, the traps in this game do sometimes catch you off guard, and in many cases, the terrain you are fighting on sometimes can dictate how a fight goes. The enemies you fight also make use of magic and other things that can (if you're not careful) kill you even if you're equipped with some serious stuff. Just recently I had a fairly tough archery duel with 3 bandits who had the advantage.

I'm level 46 fighter/mage, wearing exquisite Blades armor and Ebony war axe, with mostly magicka regen and one-handed attack bonuses. (No, I didn't power level smithing, it's only at about 60 from natural use, and enchanting is only about 70 with few perks selected). I've really spread out my perk choices for various reasons so the only skills that are at or near 100 are heavy armor and one-handed....all through direct combat use.
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Emilie M
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 1:58 pm

Spoilerific but:


Ulfgar the Unending and his companions from Bloodmoon in Sovngarde. I was hoping like hell they'd be there when I found out I got to go there. I love little throwbacks to previous games.

Also, along that same line, Sheogorath mentioning that he knew Martin Septim and was there when he became a dragon.

Very little and easy to miss if you don't know the backstory, but I loved them.

yeah i didn't know about most of the people there i just did the quest and left. i'll have to go talk to them on another char if i do the MQ again.
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Lance Vannortwick
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 12:39 am

I loved just running around Skyrim, exploring and stopping to take in the scenery.....till I took an arrow to the knee :biggrin:
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Shianne Donato
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 2:19 pm

One of my dialog options with a Jarl's mage was:

"Why not use calipers?"

And she responded (not an exact quote): "Calipers?! Maybe a hundred years ago you could find those things all over the place..."

And I love Cicero's little dances, and the torture chambers in the Dwemer ruins, and the remains of a camp that was attacked by a dragon, and how when I recover an arrow from a body, the one that was sticking out of them disappears.

Love this game :wub:
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 2:29 am

I love the decapitation perk as its just bumdiggidy and I also love the backwards flying dragon, it should be a permanent feature, because I LOL'd.....alot
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 11:27 pm

I just love the fact that Skyrim is so huge. So many locations to visit, and each city has it's own unique expanse.

Also, the dungeons being so large is just great. Reminds me of how when I played AD&D and we'd stop at the entrance of an area to 'lighten up' and plan out how we were gonna run the fighting drills, protect the mage or cleric while they did their thing.

Speaking of which, are there any mages you can bring along with you as a follower? I can't recall if the college had anybody that would team up with you.
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Alex [AK]
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 5:22 pm

I love the random things you come across when exploring. Camps full of slaughtered bandits, giants fighting dragons etc. If your fast travel everywhere you really miss out on everything this game has to offer
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David Chambers
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 12:01 am

One of the chicken in Riverwood. At the beginning of the game, I ran into Riverwood and I was like ''Look, Master Chief!'' for some reason. That's right, I called him Master Chief. (I love Halo btw)
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candice keenan
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 11:15 pm

I just love the fact that Skyrim is so huge. So many locations to visit, and each city has it's own unique expanse.

Also, the dungeons being so large is just great. Reminds me of how when I played AD&D and we'd stop at the entrance of an area to 'lighten up' and plan out how we were gonna run the fighting drills, protect the mage or cleric while they did their thing.

Speaking of which, are there any mages you can bring along with you as a follower? I can't recall if the college had anybody that would team up with you.

the college has three. you have to do there quests. they are the mage apprentices. and you can hire Marcurio in Riften at the Bee and Barb. and there is a mage you can do a quest for in Darklight tower [i think it's darklight tower]
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 6:47 pm

And I love Cicero's little dances

Who? Is that the Jester outside of Whiterun who was looking for help with his cart?
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Jason King
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 3:49 am

All the random things like today i was going into a cave and a party of falmers raided the bandits that was living there.

Just asum random things that apear
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maya papps
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 1:21 am

Treasure maps even though the loot svcks

that I could get quests simply by offing wandering Couriers and intercepting their messages

That you sometimes come across travelers joining the legion or Stormcloaks, and if you FOLLOW them they actually go where they said they would even if they just disappear into the city never to be heard from again.

the random situations you come across like a Mage duel or bandits fighting Necromancers and how you can piece a story together from their fighting (near morthal)

How in this game even more so than Daggerfall, people are animated, they move around and do stuff, and even more so than Morrowind they talk to themselves, cough, yawn.

that being out in the middle of nowhere after offing a bunch of Bandits you see a knife stuck in a table.

That pretty much everycave/fort has a sort of story going on in it, like without even reading anything one could tell that this coven of witches where staking out and doing experiments, they caught a Spriggan to preform their ritual turning a normal mortal into a Hag raven, 2 were potential candidates and one slew the other through outright Ambition and the Hag granted her the right to become a Hag raven like her.


The Animals wandering about and not completely hellbent on eating your face, the rabbits and foxes coming out of bushes or the wolves and Saber tooths Literally flanking you to eat your head.

that when the mother and daughter discuss going to the tavern later that night THEY ACTUALL GO, and when they don't. well they dont

the instances where water actually flows, not the modeled flowing but water acutally bending and turning with custom depressions in the ground.
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Shae Munro
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 12:46 am

All the random things like today i was going into a cave and a party of falmers raided the bandits that was living there.

Just asum random things that apear

was that in Liar's home? it was liar's something. Liar's den maybe.
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Ashley Campos
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 9:12 pm

I like the realistic conversations among npc's revolving around simple issues. Last night, my redgaurd stopped at the Inn in Markarth for a drink, before going home to his wife Senna. The couple that smiths the jewelry and their little girl were in there to eat dinner. The little girl remarked that she was tired of stew, and wanted to know if they could have steak. The couple had a realistic conversation about their budget and earnings for the day, before deciding that they could all have a steak for the evening.
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 10:12 pm

the college has three. you have to do there quests. they are the mage apprentices. and you can hire Marcurio in Riften at the Bee and Barb. and there is a mage you can do a quest for in Darklight tower [i think it's darklight tower]

Don't forget Aranea - she hits HARD when I drag her along
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Emma louise Wendelk
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 5:01 pm

This may be a bit odd, but...

I love that if my character's out trundling in a blizzard with the wind whipping all around her, I start to feel a bit chilly. :happy:
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Roberto Gaeta
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Post » Thu Dec 15, 2011 3:40 am

was that in Liar's home? it was liar's something. Liar's den maybe.

nope it was in another cave, i have been in the same cave before with another toon, and then it was pure bandits.
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