I want the option to have a long,drawn out,bloody and hellish battle with Ulysses in the ash of the old world,with http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zt0UuNpUqK4 playing!
Heres an idea: After fighting our way through the most hellish place on earth,with creatures that make deathclaws look like teddy bears,we meet Ulysses who says:
"Patrollin' the divide almost makes you wish for a nuclear winter" and then walks away!
A MG-42 because "There [censored] shooting at us!"
This http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S4tIcdHALI8
A M2 browning called the Screaming Eagle because we already have the All American.
The Knights of the Nine with the Crusaders Power Armor!