But then, he'd rode her once before. And right now, with his head hazy and fatigue still fresh, he wasn't sure of himself. He did not fancy being a burden to the Senche, but if he got off... he could be a burden to the entire group. When he opened his eyes, he frowned. "Actually... if you do not mind Do'Jara..." He spoke softly, kindly, hoping to not insult her further. "I'm not sure of my legs at the moment. May I remain until we reach camp?"
He gave Cyria a weak smile again as he waited for the Khajiit to answer. He knew she'd healed him; who else would have? For that he was grateful. Lucifer knew he had neared death then, and most disturbingly of all; he willingly moved towards it.
Malek tilted his head to one side as a large black dog approached and snarled at him. The wolf-eyes flashed with canine curiosity and he grinned, getting on all fours and taking one step towards the dog, sniffing the air. "Hmm... interesting... Undead dog." He murmured, before moving his jaw from side to side and his eyes rolled around.
"Relax, death hound. I'm Aric's brother, and I'm not here to kill your masters. If they don't like me, that's their problem." He replied, but when he spoke it did not come out as words. It came out as warped, awkward yips and barks, as his human mouth worked to form the language of the wolf. To be honest, it was a skill Malek was still refining, his next goal towards complete merging of wolf and man.