I am finally settled at Uni, and due to the large amount of reading time I get during the week it means I will have the time to run a Role play again.
If you were in the first part of TLJ2 you can rejoin with an old character, or talk to me and we can sort something out to get rid of your old character and you can create a new one. And if you're new then feel free to join. New and Old participants should read all of the opening post as to see the changes.
Instead of finding a picture to show the character of Cyria, I have created a film to try and portray her character and show her armour.
The film can be watched http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=60RdfKb9ois I recommend that you watch the high quality version instead of the normal one because for some reason the normal version has giant pixels. (the quality can be changed underneath where it tells you how many views the film has had)
The Setting
This RP is set 200 years after the Oblivion Crisis, (around 150 years after the first journey) There is a new emperor on the throne who is setting down strict laws and only wants 'pure' beings to live in Tamriel. This means killing off anyone who is not one of the 10 main races, anyone who has mixed parents, and all vampires and werewolves.
The Actual Roleplay
Sirius, the leader of the Dark Blood Guild (the largest, most powerful guild for vampires and werewolves) was seen as a major threat and has been captured along with his partner Derra by the Emperor and is being questioned and tortured about the wereabouts of his guild and his family.
Guards all over Tamriel are being ordered to capture and kill any 'unpure' people, and rewards are offered to civilians for giving information about anything 'unpure' they know of.
Most people are unaffected by this new law, but those that are, are in outrage, the guild is determined to free Sirius, knowing he will do everything he can to stop this reign of terror....... The only problem is, no one knows where he is being kept...
My Part and Your Part
I am going to be in control of Sirius' eldest daughter Cyria (a vampire), who will be the one leading the search to find her father.
I will also occasionally make posts from Sirius' or the Emperors point of view so that we can see more sides to the story.
You can play as:
- A vampire
- A werewolf
- A person with mixed race parents (but no cross breeding with the argonian that is just weird)
- A member of any guild (including The Dark Blood Guild) The top two ranks are excluded
- A person who is helping the Emperor kill off the unpure races
- A person against the Emperor
- Or you can create a completely ordinary character who just happens to get caught up in the whole situation.
If you would like to be a member of the Dark Blood Guild, here are the ranks. The guild has a strict ranking system, with each rank title being an important milestone in the life of the dark blooded individual. There are separate ranking systems for vampires and werewolves. Only the guild leader, Fangs and Sabres may advance others in rank.
Guild Leader: There have only ever been two people who have held this position the First was the guild founder, Draxius Solone, and the second was Sirius (or Mooneye). Leadership is given to whichever person kills the current leader.
Vampire Ranking
Fang: There are only three of these at any one given time. The fangs are chosen very carefully by the leader who should only give someone this position if they fully trust them. There have been a total of 19 fangs so far since the guild was founded.
Night Blood: This rank is given if the vampire starts to show that they can move and operate in Tamriel without being dependant on living in the guild hall. They can survive on their own and live in human society without being suspected. As there are not many vampire swho make it this far it is easy to locate these vampires and advance their rank.
Dark Vampire: This rank is given to vampires who agree to never leave the guild, (before this they can leave when they desire) once they have agreed to stay within the guild, if they so decide to leave they will hunted down and killed for their betrayal.
Blood Vampire: This rank is obtained by gaining control over ones blood lust, when a vampire believes him or herself to have complete control over their bloodlust, they go through a test, and if they pass they gain a rank, if they fail they are disgraced and news of their failure is spread throughout the guild.
True Vampire: Vampires obtain this rank automatically when they have been alive for five years, as most vampire deaths occur during the first five years of contracting the disease. Of, say 100 vampires that get bitten around 20 will live through their first five years.
New Blood: The patronising, yet truthful title given to new vampires within the guild. Vampires at this stage are usually scared of what they are unless they arranged to be bitten.
Werewolf Ranking
Sabre: Like the Fangs, there are only 3 of these at one time. They must lead the werewolf side of the guild by agreeing on everything together.
Dark Werewolf: A Dark Werewolf is able to keep a lot more of their human mind in werewolf form than an ordinary werewolf. They are able to choose their victims, and remember names and places in the human tongue, and hunt someone down that they have planned to kill in human form.
Hircine's Hound: Although the first three ranks can be raced through, usually in less than a year, it is much more difficult to gain and get past this one. To ain this rank, a werewolf usually has a sudden drawback of killing, and has a contrasting calm period compared to their previous bloodlust.
Blood Werewolf: This title is given to werewolves in their bloodthirsty period where all they can think about and plan is how to kill their next victim, This is generally the rank were most werewolves give themselves away and get killed by hunters. Hircine's Servant: To obtain this rank the werewolf must accept themselves as werewolves. At this stage werewolves are usually still fearful of Hircine.
New Blood: The patronising, yet truthful title given to new werewolves in the guild. Werewolves at this stage are usually scared of what they are unless they arranged to be bitten.
As this is a journey, you can join and leave the group for your own reasons whenever you want or need to, you don't have to stick around to the end, and you don't need to have been in it from the beginning.
If you start out as a non-werewolf or non-vampire, and then you decide you might like to be one, you can arrange for another player who is a vampire or werewolf to bite you and change you. If you are bitten by a vampire, you will have a 3 day period where you become weaker and feel ill... and essentially you actually die and then come to life again as a vampire. If you are bitten by a werewolf then it will most likely be an unpleasant experience as the player in wolf form will have basically attacked you, you will not become ill, but you will have to recover from the wounds of being attacked by a vicious, blood thirsty wolf and then on the next full moon you will change.
Due to what has already happened in the RP, many werewolves have been slaughtered, Hircine is not happy and he has bestowed upon his hounds a new power, the power to change at will, only there is a catch, the more frequently you try to change between human and Werewolf form, the more you confuse the two forms, for example, change several times in one day would cause your human form to behave like a werewolf, crawling on four legs, barking, sniffing urinating up trees etc? It would also cause a werewolf to forget they looked like a wolf, and typical behavior might include, attempting to put clothes and shoes on, trying to go into shops and inns as though they were human, walking in a very humanistic way? not the normal beast like stance, trying to talk and getting frustrated when no one can understand and just general human behavior.
The magnitude of confusion depends on how frequently the individual changes in 24 hours, for example? one change would cause no confusion. Two changes would cause weak confusion, over 3? a medium amount of confusion (humans behaving like wolves and wolves behaving like humans) over 5 or 6 causes strong confusion (wolves and humans showing a strong mix of human and wolf like behavior)
(Before Hircine's decision)In the game you change every night, in this roleplay you only change when the moon is full, and only when the moonlight touches your skin. You stay this way until the sun light touches you. This means if the day after a full moon is cloudy, you will remain in wolf form.
Also wolves do not have to kill to stay alive and keep their strength up.
They are only a danger to humans, and any human they come across will cause them to be overcome by bloodlust and they will feel the need to attack them.
With Vampires, the werewolves will still feel the desire to attack, but the vampires cannot become diseased, and they are stronger than humans, so they would be able to fight back more efficiently.
The werewolf curse does not make werewolves immortal
The vampire curse is constant. Vampires can go out in sunlight, but they can only last a few minutes before the pain of sunlight on their skin becomes unbearable.
Humans seek to be warm, Vampires seek to be cold, where a human would want to sit by a fire and warm up, a vampire can't really imagine anything worse. Vampires also have no heart beat or blood flow so they do not need to eat and drink as frequently as humans do.
Ok...... Bloodlust, the younger the vampire the harder it is to control. Vampires only... really need to drink blood to give themselves energy and to keep themselves strong, and seeing as vampires don't really need much energy, the need to drink blood should naturally occur once or twice every 2 days. However, if they catch the scent of blood, this could trigger the bloodlust, and the vampire may become out of control and will either need to drink some blood (preferably human) or be restrained until the sensation has passed.
If a vampire continues to fight bloodlust for weeks, or even months, they will eventually become starved and will collapse out of exhaustion, or their view of the world will become more and more messed up until they drink some blood and they return to normal.
The vampire curse makes vampires immortal
Information for those not in the first Longest Journey
Sirius is the oldest vampire in existence. He has lived a ridiculously long time and he has experienced more than you can imagine. The last journey was from Solsthiem to the Summerset isle to settle a lifelong battle between Sirius and his brother Achanar who lead a group of white vampires hired by Ocato and other members of the high council to get rid of the Dark Blood guild and other vampire threats throughout Cyrodil. Obviously, Sirius and his group won, but many important lives were lost. Sirius then took Derra to be his partner and they later had a daughter.
Green poison: One very important thing you need to know that was in the last Journey, that will crop up again in this one is the poison I invented. An alchemist by the name of Mara created a powerful poison that causes instant death for mortals (humans, elves and werewolves). For vampires however... it cannot be removed by any antidote... or any magic, the only way to get rid of it, is to wait for it to come out naturally.
If it was on a weapon that has pierced the vampires skin, the poison lingers in the wound creating agonizing pain. If it is swallowed by the vampire then it seeps through the walls of the stomach and stays there... also creating impossible amounts of pain. One ingredient in the poison is blood, and who evers blood goes into it becomes immune to that particular batch of poison.
The recipe for this poison is only known by a few. It is complicated to make very expensive and difficult to get hold of. Only the most experienced poison dealers, and alchemists know about it, but all members of the Dark Blood guild are aware of its existence. It is known as Green poison, and even though most poisons are green, whenever someone says "the green poison" everyone knows which one is meant.
- All the obvious stuff...
- Do not take control of other peoples characters unless they give you permission
- Do not kill, or bite (if you are a vampire or werewolf) another players character without their permission
- No one liner posts.
- No huge chunks of text, please break it down into paragraphs
- If another RPer is doing something you find irritating, or if you think they are doing anything wrong point it out in a kind polite way rather than flaming them and being rude. I will however try to sort out any issues that escalate.
- There can be subplots but you must run them by me
- If I am around I will post new threads, otherwise, if you do it make sure you include all this information and add an update of what went on in the last thread to the summary.
and of course.....Post your character sheet to me, and I will look at it and make adjustments if I feel the need to, then post it in the thread when I say so.
The Character Sheet:
Race:Please state if they are a werewolf or vampire.
Age: their actual age, and the age they physically appear to be.
Birth sign:
Focus:Usually magic, stealth or combat.
Main skills: Pick between 4-6, they don't need to be in game skills.
Class: Or a brief description of your characters main occupation
Class Description:
General appearance: The first impression you get from your character and their build etc...
Eye Colour:
Tattoos/Scars: Permanent injuries.... missing limbs etc....

Mental Description:
Primary weapon:
Secondary weapon:
Primary Clothing/Armor:
Secondary Clothing/Armor:
My character
Nickname: Ria
Race: Mystic Elf/Breton Vampire
Age: 74, she appears to be 20
Gender: Female
Birthsign: The Shadow
Main skills: Healing, illusionary magic (not just spells from the game), staying undetected, hand to hand (her teeth and nails and fighting using her body), Ice magic and long blade.
Class: Child Vampire
Class Description:Being the child of 2 vampires has caused her to become a sort of double vampire with exaggerated strengths and weaknesses (which I will explain later)
General appearance: If you have ever come across Sirius, you would instantly recognize this to be his daughter. She looks painfully thin and there is something very inhuman and animalistic about her that you can't quite put your finger on.
Hair:Black, shoulder length, completely straight and quite thick.
Eye Colour: Silvery Blue
Height: 5 ft 1
Tattoos/Scars: None what so ever, nothing seems to leave permanent visible damage on her.
Mental Description:Like her father, she is a natural leader who can see things from more than one point of view, she is very anolytical and tends to think about things more than other people. She will usually make an effort to help people when she can. But sometimes she becomes easily irritated by others and needs to have her own space.
Primary weapon: Magic and hand to hand combat
Secondary weapon: A black handled silver katana
Clothing/Armor mostly worn: All her armor is black leather, it consists of: A sleeveless cuirass, fingerless elbow length gloves, tightly fitted trousers and knee high boots. When she goes out in the day she wears a long black, hooded coat over her armor and ties a piece of material around the bottom of her face.
Clothing/Armor least worn: A well made black dress with silver stitching.
Inventory: some soul gems, a couple of vials of Green poison (made using the blood of Sirius, Derra, and herself) different coloured inks, and her journal. She also has a couple of restore magicka potions. The book she stole from the Imperial city prison with her father and mothers criminal record.
And the unicorn amulet which Lucifer made for her.
Misc The Strengths and Weaknesses of Cyria:She has all the powers of a vampire, but they are exaggerated, and she also has a few more powers.
In a few places it is hinted at that vampires dislike water, but the TES Vampires have never had this. Cyria has a strong phobia of large amounts of water, she cannot swim, and would drown in water unless someone saved her, she becomes uneasy and tense when ever large amounts of water are nearby (not including rain)
Her weakness to sunlight is also more intense. Any light that comes from flames or the sun seriously drains her. The more light from fire or the sun that touches her skin, the weaker she becomes.
Moonlight and Light that is magically generated does not affect her.
Her strengths make her a very challenging opponent at night time, with her becoming more like an animal rather than a human. She has excellent reflexes, and can see in pitch black, her sense of smell is also very good. But she can also use slight reality bending magic, such as melting (literally) into the shadows and waiting there, she can also disappear and reappear in places.
To sum her up; Cyria is weak in daylight and firelight but strong in the dark or at night.
Bio:She was born to Sirius and Derra of the Dark Blood guild. She grew up in the guild hall in the Jerall Mountains among other vampires. Her father taught her how to fight her mother taught her how to heal. When she was old enough she started going out into Tamriel to do things for the guild. Her travels took her across the continent.
When they caught wind of what the new emperor was up to they began doing everything they could to keep guild members and other 'unpure' people safe. As soon as Sirius was taken, Cyria swore that she would find him, she began her search in Bruma just down the mountain from the guild hall.
Nickname: none as of yet
Race: Mystic Elf Werewolf
Age: 23
Gender: Female
Birthsign: The Ritual
Focus: Magic
Main skills: Restoration, Stealing, Illusion (Rally and demoralize can be occasionally used through howling in werewolf form) Mysticism reflecting, Marksman and acrobatics
Class: Desert Sorcerer
General appearance: Elf: Tall, slim and toned. Her skin is tanned, and her face is quite angular, with pointed features. She looks completely out of place anywhere except the desert plains and jungles of Elsweyr.
Werewolf: She is quite large, but has a thin elegant look. Her fur is a light sandy colour and although it is long, especially along her neck (like a mane) it is very fine, unlike the thick fur of mountain, snowy werewolves. She has the same green eyes as in her elven form.
Hair: Silver blond shoulder length.
Eye Colour: A deep turquoisey green.
Height: 5 ft 9
Tattoos/Scars: She has black swirling lines tattooed all over her both sides of her hands, running up her arms and stopping just above her elbows.
Mental Description: She is very patient, and has a constant calm attitude, she is not afraid to admit to what she is. However when something has deeply upset her or angered her calm attitude disappears and she becomes easily hysterical.
Primary weapon: A silver longbow and a quiver of arrows
Secondary weapon: Lots of silver throwing stars.
Clothing/Armor mostly worn: http://wiki.guildwars.com/images/1/1c/Elementalist_Vabbian_armor_f.jpg in white
Clothing/Armor least worn: Some cheap cloth trousers, shirt and fur boots.
Inventory: A green amulet her parents gave her when she left, a lot of gold, a ruby, a diamond and few healing potions.
Bio: She was born in Elsweyr to her mystic elf parents. At the age of 8 she was bitten and infected by a werewolf. When her wounds were healed and she had recovered she told her parents she was to leave home for good so that she would never be able to bring them to any harm. They gave her an amulet that they had been saving to give her when she found herself a partner. There was lots of tears and sobbing but it was the last day she saw her parents.
She had a little gold they had given her, but she did not want to go among people. She soon ended up in the deserts, and collapsed with hydration only after a day of walking on the hot plains.
A group of bandits found her, sand took her in, whilst also stealing her money and the amulet. When they nursed her back to health they accidentally let slip they were actually a pack of werewolves, excited and happy by the prospect of finding people like her, Abra confessed to what she was and joined them.
Over the years they spent their time robbing passing merchants, and hunting in the deserts and nearby jungles. Abra, though she missed her old home, was glad she had a new family. They eventually returned her amulet. And it was on that night that the new Emperor came into power.
It took a few years for the wave of madness to hit the deserts, and a patrol of skilled guards had been warned of a pack of werewolves in this area of the desert. Her pack was hunted down and some were captured, some were killed. But stupidly enough the guards were careless and forgot to leave them under extra guard on the full moon.
The surviving members became their werewolf selves and escaped, killing the guards and running as far away from their home as possible.
When they had become human again in the morning, Abra and 2 other members of her pack found themselves lying on the ground in Cyrodil with Skingrad not too far away.
- In the first part of the RP, the group has travelled from Bruma to the road outside Skingrad. Drake managed to blow up most of the Imperial City and destroy the Bridge. And Abra and her friends caused a near riot in Skingrad which involved the guards chasing them out of the city.
- The group have travelled from the road to a small cave. The night was a full moon and Lucifer killed Ra which has caused a stir within the group and high emotions. There are currently some rather heated events occurring in the cave where the group is staying.
- The group was ambushed by a gang of merceneries. Although the group are wounded they killed all of the hunters. (it wasn't exactly a fair fight)