The loss of Spell making was a terrible loss indeed.

Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 6:31 pm

Sometimes I wonder about unlock. I certainly want it in and I think the preferred method of fixing stealth complaints would have been to improve the skills like add trap making to security. But I wonder is the complaint that well currently 6 skills do what 12 skills do? Is it not so much you did what my thief did, but mundane characters need twice as many skills to get done what a mage does? And if so why not change the divide from warrior. thief, mage to mundane and magical skills, get the magical skills up to 12 like mysticism, thumaturgy, necromancy(I don;t think it really fits under conjuration unless you are actually conjuring undead), spellmaking and 2 others I can't think of.

EVEN if these effects weren't present, i would be grateful we would at least have spell making. It's damn creative, offers flexibility and a variety of playstyles even for non-casters. But we don't have it anymore. My mage is a sad panda.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 3:45 pm

... I was agreeing with you. I'm not apologetic. I'm arguing that going through any questline like Kitty suggested, isn't much of a "proof" of anything in regards to the ability to fully utilize SC. Or am I reading you wrong, because I KNOW that your not implying that I'm weak for the cause.

No I do not think you are.
What I am basically saying is that there is no excuse for this, this.. horreur.

Look, if this is your first TES then all fine and dandy and you probably wont even notice except that youll never play a mage except once to find out how much it svcks.

The point is that we come from a long history of an excellent spellsystem, that Oblivion crippled and now is finally put in the dungheap with Skyrim,
And what we got in place of it came right out of that same dungheap.
It smells.
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 1:12 am

it wasnt a terrible loss it was the best thing they did it allowed for much more complex spells like runes for example such a spell would never have been possible if they still allowed players to create spells for the loss of spell creation not only allowed for more unique looking spells it also allowed for different spell mechanics. im glad its gone. though would it have killed them to add more spells?

ever hear of two worlds 2?
spell creation had basically every kind of spell in skyrim and u could create your own
bsically it worked like this

element type(fire, ice ect)
carrier ( on touch, channel, glyph on the ground)
( there were others look them up there were a lot of options like spells that would bounce off walls and such)

so in the end skyrim could have had it all.
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Jessica Thomson
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 2:05 am

ever hear of two worlds 2?
spell creation had basically every kind of spell in skyrim and u could create your own
bsically it worked like this

element type(fire, ice ect)
carrier ( on touch, channel, glyph on the ground)
( there were others look them up there were a lot of options like spells that would bounce off walls and such)

so in the end skyrim could have had it all.

Ahhh 2 worlds 2 was a really nice open world rpg.(small though compared to Skyrim)
And it had spell making - not like the previous TES games - but its magic system was still a nice one and of course way better than Skyrim's.
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Elle H
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 3:33 pm

EVEN if these effects weren't present, i would be grateful we would at least have spell making. It's damn creative, offers flexibility and a variety of playstyles even for non-casters. But we don't have it anymore. My mage is a sad panda.

As I have said in other threads spell making would vastly improve the game, hell single effect spell making would vastly improve the game. I am very disappointed in how things turned out and am slightly amused that my thoughts about what the magic system would be panned out. It isn't some magical system of combining spells where you change the style and power of the spells base don how you pressed the buttons, it is a short and hugely lacking list of oblivion spells with better graphics and a couple new delivery systems and without the spell making that is needed to fill in the huge gaping holes.
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Kelly Tomlinson
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 2:21 pm

ever hear of two worlds 2?
spell creation had basically every kind of spell in skyrim and u could create your own
bsically it worked like this

element type(fire, ice ect)
carrier ( on touch, channel, glyph on the ground)
( there were others look them up there were a lot of options like spells that would bounce off walls and such)

so in the end skyrim could have had it all.

I think this is why I've never missed spell making in games. After playing Mage the Awakening and Mage the Ascension....kind of hard to get excited about spell creation in a video game.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 2:49 pm

people complained that spell making was overpowered and now people are complaining that blacksmithing and enchanting are overpowered. there will always be overpowered skills in tes games quit your [censored]ing and just play if you think its overpowered then dont use it who cares if someone else is op. this is a single player game play it as such play it as you want if you want to be op then play that way if you dont then dont use it. quit bitcing about everything and use the forums to let beth know about bugs and glitches. just get off and quit complaining
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Anna S
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 4:16 pm

TW2 SC was actually very unique. Not as deep or varied as previous ES games (there are none), but some very unique things, like spells that would home summons on target while dropping anvils and maces on their head, while engulfing yourself in a tornado.
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 2:16 am

people complained that spell making was overpowered and now people are complaining that blacksmithing and enchanting are overpowered. there will always be overpowered skills in tes games quit your [censored]ing and just play if you think its overpowered then dont use it who cares if someone else is op. this is a single player game play it as such play it as you want if you want to be op then play that way if you dont then dont use it. quit bitcing about everything and use the forums to let beth know about bugs and glitches. just get off and quit complaining

Unproductive post is unproductive.

The gulf between Nirvana Fallacy expectations and why games are bug and stress tested is very very big. If that is lost on you well...not much else to say.
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Kieren Thomson
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 11:07 am

Unproductive post is unproductive.

The gulf between Nirvana Fallacy expectations and why games are bug and stress tested is very very big. If that is lost on you well...not much else to say.

Are you implying that a modern complex game cannot support spellmaking?

Because my counter would then be that you start from the wrong design philosophy.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 6:17 pm

Are you implying that a modern complex game cannot support spellmaking?

Because my counter would then be that you start from the wrong design philosophy.

No, wasn't talking about spell making at all.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 11:16 pm

I really can't see a way to place spell making into the current game without scraping the entire magic system and rebuilding it from scratch. Then to top it all off dream up a system that doesn't trivialize the entire game with minimal effort as Oblivion's system did.
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matt oneil
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 1:32 am

I only played a little so far, but from what I've read here, spells don't scale with skill levels, so they become useless later, and that was the one thing that would have made no spellmaking not such a problem.

And about not being able to fight underwater but getting attacked by fishes, it seems like they tried making it more realistic like that, because it could be hard trying to fight attacking fishes in real life, however magic seems like it should have some use in that case.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 11:42 am

The lack of an unlocking spell is Mindboggling. I mean REALLY, shamefull and hard to believe.

It doesn't make sense. Unless you are taking the cheap road of making the game "harder" by removing the players options rather than improving game content.

That's my problem with Bethesda and game development in general nowadays. It's like they're trying to invent their own wheel.

Bethesda had a relatively round stone with Arena. They rolled it, and it performed rather well.

They decided to smooth the stone into a perfect sphere with Daggerfall. It rolled much easier, but there was so much mass, it got stuck when it rolled into the mud.

With Morrowind, that stone was cut down into a thin cylinder. As long as it stayed upright, it rolled as well as before, and even made it through the mud. But when it hit a tree, it cracked.

Oblivion was the next design. Technology had improved to the point that they used rubber. But instead of taking the circular designs from the past and improving upon them, they decided to make a rubber triangle. Needless to say it didn't work.

With Skyrim, they at least turned the rubber triangle into a rubber square. I does roll better, but not by much.

Maybe they will learn their lesson for next time? Maybe it will be like a standard rubber tire we use in the modern world? Yes, maybe. But I'm not holding my breath for it to happen.

Maybe it would be best just to remake Daggerfall with modern graphics and controls? Just fix the bugs. Take all of the extra time and money they will save and invest it into voice acting if they wish. I don't care. Just go back to their roots. Regression is a terrible disease.

If something works, DON'T BREAK IT!!!

Daggerfall did it just fine, for an RPG.
This isnt Zelda, this isnt Mario.
And we shouldnt want to turn it into an adventure or platform either.
We need our choices, we need our customisation and we need our numbers.

That's the thing. There's nothing wrong with ADDING adventure or platforming to a game series. The problem comes from CHANGING the series into that genre. Addition is a great thing! Tell me what the logical conclusion is to the following series...

Game 1 includes: A, B, C
Game 2 includes: A, B, C, D, E, F
Game 3 includes: ?

You would be correct if you said...

Game 3 includes: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I

Unfortunately, Bethesda decided it should be...

Game 3 includes: A, E, G, H, I

Regression at it's finest. That's what is wrong with the game industry today. It defies all logic in an evolutionary sense.

The 'feel' I am getting from Skyrim is that it is a very superior 'Zelda", it is an action/ adventure.
This is not why I spend money on Elder Scrolls, I would spend money on Zelda if I wanted that.

Hey! I know I'm biased, but I would hardly say that Skyrim is superior to Zelda in any practical sense. Graphics are not practical. Give me Ocarina of Time over Skyrim any day. Besides, Zelda is a good example of a series that is always in progression. If something works in one game, they'll keep it in (in one sense or another) in the following games. If it doesn't work, they'll either fix it or drop it... with fixing being the priority.

people complained that spell making was overpowered and now people are complaining that blacksmithing and enchanting are overpowered.

The problem with smithing isn't that it's overpowered. It's that it's broken... at least in the logical sense. However, keep in mind, there would be no reason to take advantage of the broken smithing system if there wasn't loot-level-scaling. If I want the best equipment in the game at the earliest level possible (which is only natural), the only way I have to get it is to grind smithing. I can't buy it in stores. I can't find it in the world. I can ONLY make it myself.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 1:32 pm

Did anybody see my post on how bringing back degradation would make smithing kick ass? That all armor upgrades degrade back to base vanilla, and it requires the same items to upgrade it as it does to fix it, and the degradation is twice as slow as in Oblivion. It wouldn't break items, but if you upgraded or smithed better than base, it would degrade slowly. And that would be far from a hammer spam to fix. Repeatable "hunt for upgrading items", that would be awesome and its own miscellaneous radiant quest if you ask me. Making kept, ungraded items an actual activity that makes sense and is fun. Unless you just buy everything, but what fun is that, unless that's your RP, to buy things.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 5:08 pm

it wasnt a terrible loss it was the best thing they did it allowed for much more complex spells like runes for example such a spell would never have been possible if they still allowed players to create spells for the loss of spell creation not only allowed for more unique looking spells it also allowed for different spell mechanics. im glad its gone. though would it have killed them to add more spells?

BS. The current system isn't complex at all, it just looks flashier. I'd gladly trade everything new about magic just to get spellmaking back.
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 3:06 am

And what I'm saying is that if you take the time to be rational in making that request, you are more likely to get some kind of response instead of being ignored.

Complaining is not rational. Did you know that people don't generally like those who just complain about things?

And I'm sorry if my attitude of stating things in a straightforward, reasonable manner is offensive to you, how should I state the previous? With more exclamation points and smileys? Would that make you feel better?

@ Erandur:

Why is it that people who claim to be the "voice of reason and rationality" usually can't tell the difference between opinions and reason? Just plain egoism?

And Straightforward =/= Antagonistic and belligerent.

+1 For adding Spellmaking back in right here (and more spells!)
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Rebecca Clare Smith
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 5:39 pm

Oh, a topic about spells. I did make a new "a small observation on the amount of spells in this game" yesterday, in case anyone wants a quick list to compare spells from the last game and a way to discuss it.

I don't think I need to say it out loud that I agree with the OP that spell making being gone is a loss.
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saharen beauty
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 1:33 pm

BS. The current system isn't complex at all, it just looks flashier. I'd gladly trade everything new about magic just to get spellmaking back.

I don't however want a "careful what you wish for" ending that results in an horrible crafting system in TES 6.
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Jessica Thomson
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 7:22 pm

I don't however want a "careful what you wish for" ending that results in an horrible crafting system in TES 6.

Spell Creation worked well enough in every other ES, why would it be different if they brought it back?
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Baby K(:
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 1:43 pm

I'm of the opinion that I would like spell making back in the game. However, the pragmatist in me suspects that Bethesda will not radically alter the existing TESV system. For those who desire spell making's return I suspect that mods will be their only source of potential.

There exists a compromise. That compromise would be the release of a significant number of spells by Bethesda in the form of an update -- I would be unimpressed if a DLC doubling the number of spell was released.

As it stands now, the magic system in TESV is a significant step backward in terms of functionality but a significant step forward in terms of aesthetic. Functionality and aesthetics are not mutually exclusive (in the general sense) so there is no justifiable claim to the opposite. Magic will need great care and attention in TES6 if spell casters are to be appeased and maintained.
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 11:28 am

There's no underwater combat. :shrug:

And yeah, no spell-making - it was fun, but it's not in this game. And we all move on.

The trouble is that when the DLC comes out or ES VI all people will want to talk about is what is happening with magic and spell making.
If they dont fix it that will be bad for business.
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Hayley O'Gara
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 3:00 am

I really hope they bring it back :/
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Post » Wed Dec 14, 2011 2:19 am

I'm gonna be so ticked if you guys make Bethesda mad and they go back to orange balls too make you whiners happy.
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Cat Haines
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Post » Tue Dec 13, 2011 4:22 pm

I'm gonna be so ticked if you guys make Bethesda mad and they go back to orange balls too make you whiners happy. one would buy their games if they were that much of a [censored].
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