The lack of an unlocking spell is Mindboggling. I mean REALLY, shamefull and hard to believe.
It doesn't make sense. Unless you are taking the cheap road of making the game "harder" by removing the players options rather than improving game content.
That's my problem with Bethesda and game development in general nowadays. It's like they're trying to invent their own wheel.
Bethesda had a relatively round stone with Arena. They rolled it, and it performed rather well.
They decided to smooth the stone into a perfect sphere with Daggerfall. It rolled much easier, but there was so much mass, it got stuck when it rolled into the mud.
With Morrowind, that stone was cut down into a thin cylinder. As long as it stayed upright, it rolled as well as before, and even made it through the mud. But when it hit a tree, it cracked.
Oblivion was the next design. Technology had improved to the point that they used rubber. But instead of taking the circular designs from the past and improving upon them, they decided to make a rubber triangle. Needless to say it didn't work.
With Skyrim, they at least turned the rubber triangle into a rubber square. I does roll better, but not by much.
Maybe they will learn their lesson for next time? Maybe it will be like a standard rubber tire we use in the modern world? Yes, maybe. But I'm not holding my breath for it to happen.
Maybe it would be best just to remake Daggerfall with modern graphics and controls? Just fix the bugs. Take all of the extra time and money they will save and invest it into voice acting if they wish. I don't care. Just go back to their roots. Regression is a terrible disease.
If something works, DON'T BREAK IT!!!
Daggerfall did it just fine, for an RPG.
This isnt Zelda, this isnt Mario.
And we shouldnt want to turn it into an adventure or platform either.
We need our choices, we need our customisation and we need our numbers.
That's the thing. There's nothing wrong with ADDING adventure or platforming to a game series. The problem comes from CHANGING the series into that genre. Addition is a great thing! Tell me what the logical conclusion is to the following series...
Game 1 includes: A, B, C
Game 2 includes: A, B, C, D, E, F
Game 3 includes: ?
You would be correct if you said...
Game 3 includes: A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I
Unfortunately, Bethesda decided it should be...
Game 3 includes: A, E, G, H, I
Regression at it's finest. That's what is wrong with the game industry today. It defies all logic in an evolutionary sense.
The 'feel' I am getting from Skyrim is that it is a very superior 'Zelda", it is an action/ adventure.
This is not why I spend money on Elder Scrolls, I would spend money on Zelda if I wanted that.
Hey! I know I'm biased, but I would hardly say that Skyrim is superior to Zelda in any practical sense. Graphics are not practical. Give me Ocarina of Time over Skyrim any day. Besides, Zelda is a good example of a series that is always in progression. If something works in one game, they'll keep it in (in one sense or another) in the following games. If it doesn't work, they'll either fix it or drop it... with fixing being the priority.
people complained that spell making was overpowered and now people are complaining that blacksmithing and enchanting are overpowered.
The problem with smithing isn't that it's overpowered. It's that it's broken... at least in the logical sense. However, keep in mind, there would be no reason to take advantage of the broken smithing system if there wasn't loot-level-scaling. If I want the best equipment in the game at the earliest level possible (which is only natural), the only way I have to get it is to grind smithing. I can't buy it in stores. I can't find it in the world. I can ONLY make it myself.