Nice things worked out so swell for ya L. Me; got all the toys to go in my endeavors but never seem to get out of the starting block - maybe I got too many interests and things I want to do, in the end none gets done

So what kind of games will you produce? When first I read you starting your own I thought, oh oh; because it is so tough a market, or maybe it isn't?
All the best to you.
Trust me, I feel that way all the time. In fact, since LS, I haven't released anything worthwhile and I'm always kicking myself to get something done. Producing is such a rush. You just gotta decide what you want and then crunch through it.
I don't know, I like all sorts of games. It's definitely going to be something novel and probably niche. I don't care to make another FPS clone. I've toyed around with indie MMO concepts a lot, from EVE-like space PvP to a fishing MMO (it's actually prototyped and has its appeal). The problem with MMOs is, you need so many resources to complete them. As far a single-player goes, I see a market for quality turn-based strategy on PC. Games a definitely a tough market because they consume enormous capital, you really need a hit to turn a profit, and unless you self-publish (which I would certainly be doing), you get [censored] at the negotiating table.
I just recently got this mod, and I agree with its #1 spot on PES, but I only have one problem. I finished the first quest, where you have to clear the dungeon, and now I need to get the dissolving substance from the dig site. The only problem is that when I get there, the tent has no inside. The outside is textured, but when I look inside I can see through. I also cannot find the guy I need to get the substance from. I really want to get past this part so I can enjoy this wonderful mod.
That's a mod load order problem. Something else is overriding the tent, something that modifies landscapes, like UL. Place LS at the bottom of the stack or use the UL compatibility patch (read opening thread for more info on that).