Hoo boy, tonight has been interesting enough. Earlier, I had noticed some of the local kids try to make a fire (I saw smoke coming in) in the woods behind my house. Well about an hour and a half ago, my mother notices a fire from the same spot. My sister and I head out with containers of water (it seems we need a new fire extinguisher :facepalm: ) while my mother calls 911. Now the fire trucks completely go past our house (we were the only ones with the front light on) and it's only after the visible flames are gone that I am able to flag down the firefighters. They then proceed to douse the area where the fire was.
Haha! This is only funny because no-one got hurt or anything. Did you give the firefighters a good grilling? [/horrible pun]. Reminds me of a story I read in the paper about a police officer here stopping a left-hand drive vehicle (We're right hand drive over here), and doing a breath test and license check on the passenger, without even noticing that he was in the wrong. He even checked the ownership papers over on the driver's side. He must've had a long day.
Anyway, speaking of breaks, I'm about half-way through a three month break. It's amazing. Been swimming, waterskiing, roadtripping...I also have a Friday only job, which is amazing as I get money and 6 days off work. I need to pick up an extra shift, realistically, but hell, I'm trying to put that off cause I love holidays. I'll also put it down to recovering from a back injury, more work would hinder my recovery <_<