» Sat Feb 19, 2011 2:29 am
Never posted in here before. Finally I have something worth while though. Last few days been working in the Unity Engine, been making some models, with animations getting them imported, now I am working on a 2d side scroller when I get the scripting down, which is good, because I just took a school course using Java. Last night was in the ER for intense abdominal pain, I have been "chronically constipated", so the doctor did his " Thing " , could'a done without to be honest, got an X-ray, came home around 6 in the morning, got there at 12 . Slept in all day, missed school, now I am on a full "good" diet, had 3 salads today, a veggie dish, and a bowl of broccoli, now I am sipping a Coffee Crisp hot chocolate, and I have a Costco sized bottle of laxatives, hoping it all clears up soon.
EDIT: To G-ranger, and I Have A Fat Dog, congratulations ! :celebration: