Next semester will be an easy one. I've decided to hold off from applying to the School of Education for one more semester so I can minor in or possibly double major in history. However, since the release of Skyrim is in November I'm pretty sure I'm leaning towards minoring

This semester is going well so far. All my classes seem like a cake walk and is a well deserved rest from past semesters where I kicked the snot out of myself. I don't have classes Wednesday's or Fridays and have limited class on Tuesday and Thursday. Days go fast.
I'm glad to see the conversations in the Lair full responses opposed to the short one word responses we were getting with the last one.
@Orochi Mao Sairen: Good job, I wish I could play videogames and not suffer in the GPA department.
@rmctagg: Yea, that is not good. I hope they found it early on so they can adequately treat it. My sister had a scare with it a year ago but luckily for her it was something else. My family was really worried I remember and I researched what it was because I had no idea and it is not good.