Went with a friend to see the new Harry Potter today. At least three times I said out loud, out of the blue, "...The Elder Scrolls 5 exists...," as if I was trying to make absolutely sure I'm not in a dream. It still feels surreal. I feel as if, somehow, the world is a slightly better place now. I'm such a nerd...
The movie was meh. I'm not a big fan of Harry Potter, but I've seen every movie, and after the fourth one I just started watching them for completion's sake. It had a few moments where it was painfully obvious crucial information about something was in the book but was not added into the movie, and I haven't even read the book. So that was annoying. But overall it was... yeah, just meh.
On the way to the movie we had a taxi driver from hell. Once we got to the theater he told us, essentially, that a fun thing for the two of us to do together would be look up our names in the bible, then cross off our names when we find them so we know how far we've gotten into it. And we sat in the cab, outside the theater, for a good 5 minutes, trying our hardest to find a way to end the conversation politely while he talked at us. He talked very slowly about it, as if he really thought we wanted to do this. Eventually I managed to pull out my phone and say "Aw damn, out movie starts in 10 minutes" (even though it didn't start for an hour). The worst part was that he started this conversation after we had payed him and tipped him for being a seemingly pleasant person to talk to on the way there. Oh my god, that was the most uncomfortable situation I've been in in a long time. In case your wondering, the problem I had was not his religion, but rather that he was pushing it onto us. That's not cool. Anyway, I don't want to break any rules here so I'll end this tangent now.
I've also been having some
serious nostalgia for True Crime lately. I think I may even pick up the PC version of Streets of L.A. Deep down I have a bad feeling True Crime: Hong Kong will be a disaster, but dammit, I want to believe...
Would they do anything to you if you did inform the RD?? If your old roomate had other roomates, then he probably brought in drugs as well, but I can't be sure. What you're doing is probably the best thing you can do now. And I wish you luck on getting that job and house!

I'm gonna try to find a job and earn some money in my pocket during the hols, if I'm not feeling lazy, that is.
I'm sure they would try something, but I don't care about them anymore. My mind has been so at ease since I moved to this new room, it's like a totally different experience, so I couldn't care less about my old roommate. And thanks for the well wishes, I'll know for sure exactly what's going on with the room in the coming days, and I'll post any updates here.