The Lurker's Lair

Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 6:23 am

Welcome to the Lair. Many come here to talk about their day or to share a bit of their lives with one another. This is where many come to learn about one another and take an interest in each others lives. Feel free to post here, but before you do:

Please Read The Rules.

For any questions about the rules, please read the FAQ below the rules or PM a member or ask in the lair itself.

1. No spam. Any post that is not informative or adding to the discussion is considered spam.
2. If you come into the lair to be disruptive it is trolling. No trolling.
3. All rules of the forum apply here in the Lurker's Lair and are to be followed.
4. Ignorance of the rules is not an excuse for breaking them.
5. If you observe someone breaking the rules, please either ask them politely to stop and explain nicely why or send them a nice PM. If it continues, report them to a moderator.

Below are guidelines and information for those who are new to the lair. It is suggested that you read it all as you will be held responsible for understanding and following the rules of this forum and held to a higher accountability in the Lair due to its seeming lack of a topic.

*Lurker's Lair* FAQ ? a compilation by the community

Q. What is a lurker?
A. A lurker is some one who visits and reads post on a forum, but doesn't reply that often if they reply at all. Sometimes this is due to shyness, as large forums can be very intimidating! Many have come out of their shells in the lair since its creation and many have become friends. All are welcome to come and share in the lair but are expected to follow the rules.

Q. What is the *Lurker's Lair*? What is the difference between the Lair and the rest of the Community Discussion forum, isn't it redundant? I mean there is a Community Discussion forum anyway so why this?
A. The Lair is a place for informal discussion and a check in point, where people can talk about things going on in their life without the "in the spotlight" feel of creating a new thread for each topic. It has been called "The Little Coffee Shop" of the forums and the community in there is a close group of friends. It has become a very important drop-in for many people and true friendships have developed through this thread.

Q. If there is already a conversation going on in the lair, may I start a new one?
A. By all means, yes. It isn't uncommon for lurkers to reply to two different topics on the same post, so don't worry about interrupting anything.

The people in the lair may feel free to post whatever they like as long as it is within the rules of the forum. It therefore may not be used for political or religious comment. It is also not the place to complain about things that happen elsewhere on the forums.

Q. What is considered spam in the lair?
A. Posters in the lair are held to a higher accountability due to the very nature of the thread. Horsing around, play fighting and one word or one line posts that add nothing to the discussion will be considered spam, and/or trolling and will not be tolerated.
Warnings and even being banned can result from this behavior.

Now the serious part:

The Lurkers Lair is NOT intended for spamming. Some of the older users may remember that it seemed ok to simply post *lurk* as a post, it never was ok, and that is exactly what caused it to be closed the first time. It was reopened when Community Discussion was opened. Spamming the thread will get you exactly the same treatment as elsewhere, that is you will receive warnings that contribute towards an account closure. In fact due to its history, rules about spam are a little tighter in here than on the other parts of the forum. Other things that we don't want here are play-fighting and horsing around, as that destroys the tone of those that are trying to have a conversation. Disrupting the Lair with this behavior is called trolling, and is against the rules of the forum.

"Think of it as real life situations, if you were at a party or at a restaurant or club, would you be talking about politics or religion? Would you be walking up to strangers saying "lurk" or poof ? Probably not. So why do it here, anywhere on this forum?" This is a place to create friendships and to just talk about what we do and how we feel. It is a great place of support. If people simply post content less junk to boost their post count or to be mischievous it will mean trouble for this nice cornerstone of the forums. And that would be a tragedy.

So please no more posts that say simple *lurk* *lurk* or such, as that constitutes as spam. It seems that there are always those who want to disrespect the rules in an effort to get it closed. Why? I have asked myself that question. I do not know. Regardless, I would say they should be the ones to pay the price for their own actions and not the whole group. However if things get out of hand, that may be the only recourse, because remember it is one thread, and for one thread it takes a lot of special attention from the moderators. I (Archiesummer)then I will be sad.

If the conversation degrades to spam, rest assured you will still be treated as though you arespamming anywhere else on the forum. You will receive a warning, and after 3 warnings your account will be closed. The Lair will still go on without you. Not reading this or the forum rules will not be seen as an excuse either. This is a thread where people can relax and talk about personal things, and it is not to be used as an excuse to make pointless posts. I have had several complaints about behavior in the lair this evening and those people are concerned that a few individuals are going to ruin it for the group. I will try not to let that happen but if the Lair becomes a place where people feel they can violate the forum rules, it may be out of my control. Sorry if that sounds harsh, but that's the way it is. Please treat this thread with respect.

Please help to keep this alive and well and a place where we can meet and share.

Enjoy your stay the Lurker's Lair!

Archie was kind enough to divulge the history of the Lair to us:
Lurkers Lair was started in General Discussion by Lady Ahz, yes, to get people to open up and bring a sense of Community to the forums. But after MW and Tribunal was released the forums experienced a huge boom in population (from like 3k people to over 10k people within a few weeks) and unfortunately a lot of people really abused the General Discussion (and indeed the entire forums) with organized trolling attacks and posting icky pictures and being really mean and all sorts of nastiness, and unfortunately the Admins had no other choice but to close it down.

That meant that these forums were nothing but Elder Scrolls On-Topic discussion, and we actually had to micromanage the forums pretty closely because people were trying to sneak in off topic discussion (or conversations would naturally evolve like they do) to off topic and it really svcked to have to shut that down all the time. The worst of it was that there was a good sense of kinship and comradery among the forums (that still exists today) and there wasn't really anywhere to post really important things such as when a forum member had a baby or when sadly, one passed on. So as an exception, Lurkers Lair was allowed to be the one off topic thread in Morrowind General.

Wellllllllllllllllllllll after a whole year of the forums behaving and getting back on track there was a secret meeting in the underground passages of the forums. All that could be hears was quiet murmrering and the squeaking of Ernesto (the hamster who then ran the server, who was fed trolls and bedded on the shredded remains of deleted threads). Down the halls suddenly a squeaky voice said "I think we should call it Community Discussion instead of General Discussion and that would remind people that this part of the forums is for the Community!" (That was Hungry Donner). "Good idea" growled Pete and Hayt simultaneously, scratching their stubbly beards.

Through the night there could be heard strange sounds of sawing and hammering and the users of the old Elderscrolls forums shifted nervously. Some knew of the dungeons below and the Great Ferocious Hamster that ran the server, some suspected that a trap was being built, a great pit to house all the Off Topic posts. They were not far off.

Then one morning, as Mundus rose in the East over the new glacial mountains of Solstheim, some of the members of the forums refreshed their pages only to see something strange and foreign and new. "What was this?" they looked at each other nervously. Surely it was a trap, a great cage in which to ensnare anyone who was naughty. Soon a brave soul made a thread, a thread not about the Elder Scrolls, and it was not locked or given to Ernesto. The users of the forum rejoiced, and some of them read the stickies with the Rules, carefully crafted and mulled over by the mods and admins. Community Discussion was open, conditionally, that people do not abuse it and fill it with spam (for that gives Ernesto indigestion). But the Lurkers Lair had become home to so many and a tradition, that people decided they wanted to keep it going. (Also Freddo really liked it.) And so they did.

Note from Alaisiagae:
As you can see, NO SPAM is a big theme here. Moderators have shut the Lair down before because they were tired of constantly having to clean up the Lair. The mods were very kind to reopen it this time, so please don't try their patience again!

A few things not to do:
- Don't come here asking if such-and-such a game/item is good. There are threads for specific games, games in general (such as "Unofficial 'Is [insert game here] any good?'" thread) and the Community Tech Topic thread for your hardware questions. When in doubt, use the Forum Search or PM a mod or another member to ask if a certain thread already exists, and they might help find it for you.
- This is not Twitter or Facebook, etc. Do not post one-liners that state your status, i.e. "In school right now, it is so boring" or "I just got back from a concert"
- If you can't think of more than one sentence to post, then you probably should refrain from posting. You don't have to post in the Lair every day, so feel free to let events accumulate and then give us a weekly or monthly digest.
- If you want to reply to someone, but your post will probably be a one-liner, then please use the PM system to contact that member!
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Jeff Turner
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 7:52 pm

Well, two months ago I had surgery on my knee, a month ago I got out of my full leg cast, and was put in a metal hinged brace, today i was discharged from my brace and I am allowed to start biking again (i BMX) and I should be at full physical activity by January. YAY! I did this all longboarding by the way, fractured and pulled out part of my tibia with my ACL... lovely.
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CRuzIta LUVz grlz
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 11:13 am

Just finished my personal statement for the UCs. :D Now I just need to edit a few things in my applications and then I'm good to go.
I also get a week off for Thanksgiving, will be doing some homework and playing video games this week. I also need to search for a job, but not many businesses are hiring right now near me. I need money. D:
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 8:11 am

Well I'm having a day off work. Its 32 degrees outside and I'm not looking forward to the 42 degree days that will be coming soon. I haven't really got anything to do now xbox is broken, I was planning to play red dead redemption today. There isn't anything to do outside either, everyone is at work being mid week and all. Im in the situation where the mos exciting thing is the mail arriving with the possibility that the stuff from the thatguywiththeglasses store will arrive I am appreciating the air con though, yesterday at work I was baking in the sun.
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Rachell Katherine
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 12:49 am

Out of school for a week and will be working for my uncle a few days. That added to my birthday money I should have a substantial amount of cash.
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Nikki Lawrence
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 11:31 am

Well I'm having a day off work. Its 32 degrees outside and I'm not looking forward to the 42 degree days that will be coming

Say What? Grrrr, I hate the heat! Ha, well today, a cuple of Year Nines, got a big Berri bottle full of water and were going to tip it on a couple of girls-one in year nine, the other in my year. Now, these girls are mean, downright mean, so the guys decided to pay them back. The two girls headed of to the oval and the boys followed, but the principal was there and confiscated the water bottle. It was a struggle getting down, because the enitre high school went to look at some water get tipped on them.
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Philip Rua
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 4:21 am

Hi, I'm new to the lurker's lair.

I'll caught yall up to whats going on in my life. 4 months ago I graduated from high school and I inherited some money. Afther that about 3 months ago I desided to move across the country to be with my girlfriend. I knew it wasn't going to be easy but appearently there are many complications in my life right now.

1.)I don't have a job, of course I have the inheritance but still I need a job and hopefully soon I hate being unemployed (I've never been employed) sure I had a 3.9 GPA when I graduated ranked 3rd in my school, or the fact that my resume includes references to senators, judges, professors, and JROTC instructors, or that I am microsoft office certifyed, that I scored an 88 on the asvab test, was part of the national honors soceity, was the cadet CO of my JROTC company, that I performed much community service, wrote several bills that where presented to the state congress, or that I have a high school diploma(which doesn't really account for much) I just can't a job here even mc donalds told me I'm not qualified to work there. this is sorta related to my second problem

2.)I could easily get into a college when I was on the other side of the country but not that I'm here unless I deal with high tuition I won't be able to any finacial aid in this state until next fall.

3.)And finally problem number 3 a real pain I don't have a car or a licence (yes I moved across the country without a car or a license)

so yea....reading over this I realize I sound like a complete idiot but yea that's the great thing about this country we have the right to pursue happiness and for the moment even with my problems I am happier here then I was before moveing.

so yea I don't know if this belongs here but I thought it did and I hope to be back soon with more stories of my least I think what this thread is about am I wrong?

edit: oh yea I forgot to mention 4.) I svck at spelling.
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Rude Gurl
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 1:42 am

I'm pulling another all-nighter. I'm watching Eureka. Just about done with season 2. I had to write a 6 page paper. The most annoying thing about doing this is having to turn off all alarms I have set around my room when I don't want to move. It's kind of lame. I get to go to class in 6 hours and then I'm done for the week. Woohoo. Thanksgiving and Black Friday are almost upon us.
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Steve Smith
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 12:58 am

I just got some good news - my first choice university - Cambridge - has invited me to come to an interview to see how good I am. :clap: Pretty pleased with myself. Now I just need to actually do the interview, then I'll see what happens. Meanwhile, I've got a ton of homework to do, but I'm better off than the others in my Physics class since they haven't started revising for the exams in January. A good day all around.
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Elizabeth Davis
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 7:54 am

Well it's almost the end of November and I suppose this is the eye of the storm. Lots of work on either side, but at least I'm half done. Christmas holidays are on the horizon, and they can't come any sooner. I'm feeling very stretched thin right now and it's kind of depressing.

Thankfully holidays will be here soon and then I have a month to relax and de-stress, with luck, anyway. What I really need to do is sort out all of those little things that stack and become an incredibly annoying thorn in my side.

I suppose other than that there's not much going on in my life, boring old me as usual. University is working out pretty well, mostly settled in at this point, too. Oh yeah, and I've been failing at Movember, thank god it's almost done so I can shave.

Until next time, I suppose.
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Eire Charlotta
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 3:12 am

Well I have a few days off from school . So since nobody is at home most of the day I think it is a perfect time to be Natalie today. Anyhow got to look up some driving schools in the syracuse area so I can learn how to start driving. I mean like I got my permit like in June I think I should learn and not wait until 22 like my mom.
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Greg Cavaliere
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 9:16 am

My older brother came down from Syracuse yesterday for Thanksgiving we spent all night playing Black Ops on the 360... He got destroyed most of the time though because he's a PC gamer. My grandfather also came and dropped my car off here (and gave me 100 dollars) although it looks like a pile of rust, my dad and I are going to spend the next 3 or 4 years working on it and trying to make it I also plan on being a referee for the local soccer league during the spring so I can shrink the list of stuff I want... For the ten weeks I'll be working (only about 3 hours every Saturday) I'll make 800 dollars, which is a lot of money for a 14-year old.
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XPidgex Jefferson
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 6:51 am

Well I have a few days off from school . So since nobody is at home most of the day I think it is a perfect time to be Natalie today. Anyhow got to look up some driving schools in the syracuse area so I can learn how to start driving. I mean like I got my permit like in June I think I should learn and not wait until 22 like my mom.

I actually thought I had class today and couldn't figure out how all my friends who go to the main campus of my university were able to come home today...until I showed up to school and nobody was there. Whoops.

So, holiday season is coming up, which mean my mom and dad are at each others throats as usual. My dad wanting us to spend the whole season with him while my mom just wants to see us for a day or two and my dad getting pissy about it. It really ruins the happy spirit of things. Can't wait til I move out of the state somewhere far away and invite them out to see me at my discretion.
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Angelina Mayo
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 1:40 am

Lately I've been job-hunting, and I must say, it's exhausting. No one has called for an interview either, which is starting to hurt my morale. This economy slump is really making things difficult for me! :banghead:

Anyways, I got a pet Tarantula yesterday! I named it Rebecca. :)
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 7:47 am

I just was offered a new job and I am considering taking it but am unsure. I have been at my current job for over 6 years and make decent money but I have reached my maximum earning capacity and there is no opportunity for advancement, but it is a very easy job with very good work hours, poor management, but not much I can do about that.

The new job I was offered I have the "potential" to make more money and advance within the company, it will involve more effort on my part and the hours are not as good as the current job.

The dilemma I have is the fear of something new… I have family that I am the sole provider for and I need to make sure I make the right decision, but what is the right decision?

I am leaning towards taking the new gig, I am just not sure what to do... I know only I can make this decision, I just hope I make the right one.
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 9:35 pm

well...i was going to type about my sorrows brought on by another human...but my mind is going at 100mph, and i have thoughts of other things that would mean that i dont need to type it....

anyway...anyone stoked for turkey day?
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Lawrence Armijo
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 1:48 am

Ah, Thanksgiving break is nice. I'm back home from university for a week. Visiting all my friends who are also back from their various universities/colleges is a lot of fun.
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Sara Johanna Scenariste
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 9:30 am

I was just playing Battlefield Bad company 2 and I never thought I would do this but I got so frustrated with being spawn killed in every single game that I joined that I litterally just tore the game out of my xbox and threw it out my window and then mutilated the case and threw it in a plastic container and filled it with lighter fluid and just annihalated it I dont know why but now I feel kind of bad for some reason but any ways that game in my opinion should not have been so critically acclaimed it wasnt all that fun in multiplayer and the campain was lackluster

wow now that i read that i think i might have anger problems, no joke.
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 1:25 am

I was just playing Battlefield Bad company 2 and I never thought I would do this but I got so frustrated with being spawn killed in every single game that I joined that I litterally just tore the game out of my xbox and threw it out my window and then mutilated the case and threw it in a plastic container and filled it with lighter fluid and just annihalated it I dont know why but now I feel kind of bad for some reason but any ways that game in my opinion should not have been so critically acclaimed it wasnt all that fun in multiplayer and the campain was lackluster

wow now that i read that i think i might have anger problems, no joke.

That does seem a bit of an over-reaction. If you are worried about anger problems, then I would suggest taking steps to find resources/help for it. I used to have issues with anger, too. I took some behavioral therapy courses for it, and I am much better able to withstand the wrenches life throws in my way and not get all upset and angry and bent out of shape. More peace of mind, too.

So, the vacation I was supposed to be on this week, we canceled it last Friday because the weather forecast for our destination showed it'd be raining all week. And my mom was sick with an antibiotic-resistant bacterial infection. On the bright side, I didn't miss any of my lectures, so that's one less thing to worry about. I still haven't completely unpacked yet, though. D:

My sister bought some catnip and showed me what Boudica is like when she's high on the nip. :laugh: The cat is a hundred times more friendly when she's affected by the catnip, I was able to pat her and she didn't get grumpy or anything. Very cute.

Thanksgiving is going to be interesting. My sister made egg-free, gluten-free, dairy-free cornbread as the base for the stuffing, so that both she and I can eat it (she's allergic to gluten and egg; I'm lactose intolerant). I hope it turns out tasty!

I've been playing my PSP a lot, it's great! I'm loving Patapon 2. I'm playing on Easy mode, because I have a hard time keeping the beat perfect. I still screw up easily if there's any other noise going on - other music, people talking, etc. I finished God of War: Chains of Olympus last week or the week before - awesome game, I love Zeus' gauntlet. But, I felt like I had way too many red orbs by the end of the game; I could upgrade everything completely and still have over 30k left over. I tried the Hades' Challenge mode, but the first one was too hard for me. When I'm not playing Patapon 2, I'm playing some of the other PSP games I have.

I find it really annoying right now; my brother has his computer in the same room as I, and he talks non-stop into his headset to the people he plays COD: Black OPs multiplayer with. Non-stop pvssyrbox, really loud, and he plays the game all day, no joke. Even my sister is complaining about it. When I suggested the headset as a x-mass present for him last year, I was mostly thinking that it would mean I wouldn't have to hear the sound effects and music from his games. But now the noise level is still the same, with all the blah blah blah blah verbal diarrhea. My headphones aren't noise-canceling, and it isn't like I'm playing any games right now anyway, I'm just on the forums, or nifskope.

My sister introduced me to a delightful website, I love it! ^_^ I've submitted pictures of North and Muffin, and they were posted there! :D

Gosh, what else? Hmm. Maybe I'll think of other things later. I haven't been getting enough sleep.
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 11:57 pm

after my previous butchering of battlefield I finally felt bad about it so i went to my backyard and had an adventure finding the game it turns out it landed perfectlyon the side with the picture and is playable its wierd its almost like it was meant for me to play it again which i will not do im gonna sell it probably, so yeah i calmed dow by watching one of my favorite movies Pink Floyds The Wall, that has to be one of the most artistic and trippy movies next to the magical mystery tour and yellow submarine.
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Ludivine Dupuy
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 2:29 am

Well, November is almost over. It's funny; I haven't wanted to shave in months, and one week into No Shave November, I have the desire to shave.

Life is weird some times, huh?
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 10:04 pm

My mom almost couldn't make her stuff for the family dinner today. The power went out last night because some drunk assclown crashed into a power pole (which took half the town out).
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Ria dell
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 12:48 am

Ghosh I took the SAT and now when I log onto the website it says I never took one? I took two SATs and not a single score. Sigh just today is so not fun bad , me and my are going to have to move out and then a divorce and other stuff. I am flipping transgender person I have enough on my plate at the moment. I have to get SUNY application done , learn how to drive and other [censored] I have to do. Why me ? Why do I have to take the burden?
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Post » Fri Feb 18, 2011 11:43 pm

I am flipping transgender person I have enough on my plate at the moment.

Yeah, I feel your pain. I'm straight.
Just thought everyone should know.
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Beulah Bell
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Post » Sat Feb 19, 2011 8:53 am

Why me ? Why do I have to take the burden?

there are people all over the world with as many, if not more problems than you. Best to keep moving forward.
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Catherine N
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