My Argonian Dovahkiin will be a
n ancestor descendant of hers.

Fixed that for ya.
Crassius Curio, yeah? I think he was possibly dead for Oblivion as well. That doesn't mean we can't get a new act/scene in Skyrim though. That book is obviously just for fun anyways. I think if they can justify only including one seemingly random scene in Oblivion, there's no reason that they can't include a different seemingly random scene in Skyrim.
Of course. Considering the "irl" fans, would an in-game devotee of Crassius' work be so odd? Someone who thought Uncle Crassius was the greatest writer to ever live, and who dared to try and complete his works since the world was denied them by cruel fate?
Bring on the in-game fanfic writers, says I!