The bloated detective wipes the mead-froth from his whiskers and slams the tankard hard on the wooden table, rocking your food. A proud belch soon follows, dirtying the already muggy air of the small tavern. "Right" he says, leaning over his chair and into his leather bag on the floor. Opening it, he searches for a while before returning to his upright sitting position...a wad of parchments gripped in his grubby paw. "Found the blighters" he beams triumphantly, handing the sheets out amongst you and your cohorts at the table.
The late afternoon rain patters softly on the roof and windows. The pub is scarcely occupied, which is only fitting. Why the legion representative chose The Bloody Rapier over a more illustrious establishment is anyones guess...but it only amplifies the feeling of mystery and secrecy that you cant help but feel this evening. Indeed, your group are the only people within the seedy little pub; save for the aged bartender of whom is tending to his glasses behind the counter.
The detective hands you your sheet of paper. Its The fat soldier leans back in his seat, lighting his pipe and getting comfortable. "Right then" he addresses your little team. "Down to business" :
"As you lot surely know, things haven't exactly gone well regarding the Mages Guild. The mysterious killings and disappearances of key Mages Guild figures has been thoroughly publicised by the ol' black horse...but theres something else to it. Not some rogue mage with a grudge or blimmin' necro's. No...this is different, and serious so listen up".
The detective leans forward, exchanging a quick glance over his shoulder at the barman before returning his beady gaze to your group.
"You know how the Mages Guild are. Their a snooty bunch...always searching for ways to supposedly "improve" the world. Always coming up with new innovative ideas and magicks. Well, 6 months ago they really cracked it. Utilising their skills of conjuration and soul-trappin, they created an ethereal being. A sort of mindless spirit with great powers. The high-ups were very impressed 'cos it meant that this device could handle essentially any duties the mages would set it without second thought....but still make decisions based off its own intellect. It was capable of intelligent thought, but lacked the supposed "burdens" of human emotion. In other words, it was a robot. A bloody big, ghost-robot if you will.
So the Mages Guild melded this spirit with the Arcane University you see, essentially making the University a giant, intelligent, living thing. Now it could maintain and run itself. Books in the library for instance could order themselves, spells could make themselves, potions could mix themselves. Are you seein' what Im getting at? This was serious. The University became its own person, an artificial intelligence of sorts; a person they named "Vanus"...after the original founder of the guild itself. Now this is where things have gone wrong".
The legionnare points at your maps, indicating now is a good time to look at them. He continues his briefing.
"Vanus became self-aware. He realised the full extent of his abilities you see. This is what happens when you entrust a position of high authority to a supposed mindless machine. He went mad with power and created chaos within the university. Well...thats what we think hes done. You see, Vanus has locked the university down for the last week and a half. No one can get in, and the mages cant get out. We dont know whats going on in there, which is why we need you lot...and it's why we are telling you first before we go public with this whole caper".
He taps a grubby finger on the giant red circle in the centre of your map.
"Thats most likely his seat of power. The old main tower. Now you cant get in through the front gate, but we found a weak spot in the wall that we can knock down and get you in there to have a sniff around...thats marked on the map too.
I know what your thinking, why you and why not just send a ton of men over the wall? Because we dont know whats bloody in there. What if we stage a assault over the walls and he blimmin' wipes us out within seconds? No. This way is better. It's discreet and the safest way to play it. You test the waters first, see whats up. Those of you who want to go through with this plan; I have booked you a night in this fine establishment and have 1000 septims up-front as initial payment, with another 5000 septims upon your return. An armed team will escort you to the district in a days time and point you in the right direction. After that, your on your own".
The detective stands up and shoulders his leather bag, taking his helmet off the table and placing it back on his bald little head. "Infiltrate the University, find out what Vanus is up to...and stop him if you can. I'll let you discuss it and will answer any questions you may have for me at the bar".
The RP
Well...this is an idea I had for an RP whilst laying in bed last night rather bored. As Im sure the more educated of you gamers here have already caught on by now, it's somewhat largely based on the classic P.C game "System Shock 2" ( you expected me to be original? ). You know, nasty rogue A.I's and whatnot.
The RP will be set within the chaotic remains of the Arcane University district, although it is somewhat larger and different then the Oblivion version you know. In case you missed it earlier, heres a of the new district.
Expect to fight lots of mages who were unfortunate enough to have their minds essentially melted by Vanus' influence, aswell as come across some new powers and abilities due to the way the districts been warped and twisted to the crazed vision of its unearthly master. I am undecided in regard to whether I should add a Bestiary, Items, and Locations list like I did in Mechanical Hearted Menace ( what a ripping success that turned out to be >_> ) and would appreciate any input if there is indeed some amount of interest going on pertaining to making this.
What you can expect is die should you not properly RP. I know I kind of raised the point back in MHM, but never really enforced it. Now I promise will die if you do not play realistically as if you were in such a situation. I was lucky enough to be the only party member decapitated in Lycans great The Cave before that RP tragically shut down and I assure you it only made the thing that much more awesome. I will also PM members with secret things they may find or sudden pieces of handy information like I did in MHM to hopefully keep the RP fresh.
This thread is really only to see if theres any interest in such a concept. If you are indeed interested, post up a character using the sheet provided ( plus anything else you wanna add of course ) and we'll see how we go. If I get 7 or more folks interested I shall make it

Character Sheet
General Appearance:
Skills: ( 7, can be anything really )
Miscellanious Objects:
Miscellanous Information: ( personality traits and what have you )
Brief Bio:
Alrighty then...lets see how we go