The Mah Incident - Reload - RP thread!

Post » Thu May 03, 2012 6:35 am

Current Players:
  • Uglius Maximus
  • JonasVault
  • Athell
  • Trixy
  • Smig
The Story:

The Mah family were a rich and prosperous Argonian family which ran a fishing business. They used their natural hunting ability to their advantage and managed to beat all their competitors. However, with an entrenched distaste for all things Argonian, the nords and other locals looked down upon them and many fishmongers cursed the day the Mah family had left Morrowind.

After many years the Mah family finally put plans together to create an estate south of their home, Dragon Bridge. They knew the rivers well and had learnt that the waterfalls and fast undercurrents created natural fish traps which they planned on taking full advantage of.

Creation was slow, not because of lack of money but lack of help. Everyone was happy to see the Mah family leave but no one wanted to help them go. So the family of five had to create a house alone. It took a few months but with hard work and almost no rest they had a large wooden house which stood firmly against the cold winds that blew through the valley. It was here that the local bandits began to get interested. It had been no secret the roads between Dragon Bridge and Whiterun were dangerous but the Mah family didn't anticipate how dangerous.

It started by simple threats; "Give us this much money and we wont come and burn your house down." but it quickly escalated to attacks. The Mah family however, were not without combat training and fought back. The bandits finding it difficult to attack the house which was surrounded by fast water. Realising however that they weren't going to give up, the Mah family began to hire men and women to attack the bandits, to try and clear them out. This only worked to escalate problems resulting in an all out war between the now known Black Ink bandit cave and the Mah family.

The Mah family went to the Imperials for help but their problem was quickly rejected as the civil war had just begun. Bun-Mah, the oldest son of the three siblings was the best warrior and often went out on hunts to try and kill as many Black Ink bandits as he could. This pressure eventually won them the war, and the Black Ink bandits relocated somewhere else and were not heard from.

This allowed the Mah family to prosper, creating walls around their estate and more and more families began to join their fishing village. They traded with Solitude and when they could, Morthal selling furs, fish and potions the mother Tanza-Mah would create. Then, one day - Bun-Mah disappeared and a note was delivered to the estate.

It read:

The Mah Family,

You may have realised that your son, Bun-Mah is not at home. That's because we've kidnapped him. To prove this, enclosed is his right index finger. You have brought this upon yourselves, we approached you peacefully and you retaliated with battle. Well, an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth. He is being held at our base near Shor's Stone, Riften. It would be wise of you to seek us out and hand over a ransom of 30,000 septims. We know you are rich, we know you can pay. We assume your son does too.

The Black Ink
Shor's Stone, Riften.

The family were heartbroken. They could not imagine having enough money to pay for the ransom let alone enough mercenaries to destroy the clan and bring back their son. Peer-Mah, the youngest of the family, decided he would act in secret. He pooled his money together and began to plan, creating posters at first. He was to hire three mercenaries that would venture with him, his poster looked like this:

Looking to hide adventurers or mercenaries!
Looking to hire up to three men for a private job, client will accompany. Job will require travelling across Skyrim by foot. Pay in total is 1000 septims so is not expecting heroes of skyrim.
If interested, meet at the Dragon Bridge inn and ask for Peer. I will be there every night for a week.
Good luck

With that, Peer-Mah placed the posters all over Solitude, Morthal and every man, woman and child in between. Word was eventually going to reach those that were looking for physical work.


Character Sheet:
Name: (Full name)
Nickname: (Yeah.. What you would rather be called: Note! No one will call you this unless you tell them that that's your name)
Race: (Don't go all complicated on me, stick to the races seen in Morrowind.)
six: (No 'Yes please')

What your character is good at: (AKA, ingame and noningame skills.)

Appearence: (How pretty is your character?)
Hair: (Length/colour/style)
Height: (In feet/cm...)

Weapons: (Maximum quality: Iron)
Armour: (Maximum quality: Iron)
Inventory: (No high level scrolls/potions)

Misc: (No high level spells)

  • No high level characters - Peer Mah can't afford to hire you!
  • No graphic six - The moderators will do what moderators do...
  • Side Quests are allowed - If you have any ideas for side quests, please send them my way.
RP starting location:
The RP starts in the town Dragon Bridge in the northern parts of Skyrim, very close to the coastal city Solitude. The setting will be night time and your character will be trying to make their way towards the local tavern in this run down, small town.

Current Characters:
Uglius Maximus - Peer-Mah - Argonian Male

Name: Peer-Mah
Nickname: Peer
Race: Argonian
six: Male
Age: 22

What your character is good at: Peer-Mah is a renowned at fishing, training with his family and becoming a key member of their business in his early years. His mother taught him to cook too, and while he didn't excel at it, he enjoys making the occasional roast or meat pie to entertain guests and the occasional friend. His father, being worldly and fairly knowledgeable, taught him about exploration, and survival in the wilderness something which he has always been grateful for. Bun-Mah however, taught Peer about love, song and when he came of age - Archery allowing Peer-Mah to join his brother on hunting trips for deer and fox. (He tried a bear once, ended up gaining nothing more than a scar.) Against his fathers' wishes however, Peer-Mah has begun training in Conjuration reading overly confusing books and listening to the drunken ramblings of an ex-mage.

Appearance: To those who are familiar with Argonians, Peer-Mah looks smooth skinned and a little childlike. His jaw line not being as firm as most Argonians his age. Defying that notion however is a large clawed scar running across his face and three large horns sticking out from the back of his head. Hanging from these horns are a series of colourful feathers. His scales are a dark brown with lines of black, his underbelly however is a bright orange colour. Peer-Mah isn't well built, he's slim and athletic but has no real muscle tone.
Hair: No hair, 3 large bone spikes protruding from the back of his head.
Height: 6 feet.
Eyes: Orange
Scars/Tattoo's: Large scar from a bear attack runs down his right cheek.

Weapons: Hunting Bow, 30 Iron Arrows, Iron Short sword and hunting shiv.
Armour: Leather chest, fur boots and gloves.
Clothing: Peer-Mah wears a dark green hooded cape over his armour to keep him dry when it rains, he also carries some simple clothes just incase.
Inventory: During the trip, Peer-Mah will be carrying most of his stuff in a large backpack. In it contains enough space for a tent roll, a small tent, cooking pots and kindle. He also has a large array of salted fishes, potatoes and herbs/spices. He also carries some special long life bread his father has made. In a small pouch hanging around his belt is 50 septims and four lockpicks. He makes sure to keep a diary on him which is stuffed with maps, his brothers journal and any pieces of parchment with information about his route.

Peer-Mah has always lived in conflict, he's always been picked on and treated differently, his use of the 3rd person kept him away from others of his age and thus he had to adapt to life alone. He doesn't have much in the way of social skills but isn't shy. In fact, he had to adapt so harshly, that he barely recognises insults or criticism of any kind. Instead, he believes himself to be the perfect Argonian boy, on the quest to save his brother.

On the topic of his brother, Peer-Mah believes it to be a noble cause to try to save him, and has put his full faith in the heist, so much so that he is no longer concerned of his brothers welfare and has moved on emotionally, from the entire affair.

JonasVault - Khura - Khajiit Male

Name: Khura-Khan
Nickname: Khura
Race: Khajiit (Cathay-raht)
six: (Just put 'Gender' in the future) Male
Age: 39

What your character is good at: Khura-Khan grew up in Skyrim as a matter of fact. He lived with a small tribe of other Khajiit, mostly merchants. They spent much of the time traveling between cities, even going into Hammerfell and Morrowind at times. This gave him a great outlook on the world and many experiences to learn from. He is versed in the Bow and Spear very well, using them both as either hunting tools, or weapons at times. He also learned to use a katana, steel but very ornate, bought off an old Redguard in Hammerfell. Khura prefers to wear Light Armor, being able to craft it himself, and having learned many exotic techniques and crafting of other fine wares. Khura, like all Khajiit, has a silver-tongue as well, a true BS'er if there ever was one. He can also cook VERY well.

Appearence: Khura is Cathay-raht, covered in thick snow-white fur with black spots dotting the rest of his body. He is very strong, and very athletic.
Hair: Thick Mane, grayish-white, covers the top of his head and his neck.
Height: 6'4"
Eyes: Bright Orange
Scars/Tattoo's: A scar left from a sabre-cat across his chest marks where 3 huge claws nearly tore Khura's chest open. He also bears Nordic, Dunmer, and Orismer tattoos all over his body.

Weapons: Hunting Bow, 32 Iron Arrows, Katana, Iron spear
Armour: Fur armor (Chest showing), Hide Bracers, Hide Boots, Iron Helmet (only worn in a fight, til then it hangs off his backpack).
Clothing: Horker-skin pants
Inventory: Jerkey, Flint, tobacco, pipe, moon sugar, cheese in wax cloth, deer hide used as bedroll and a bottle of Alto Wine.

Misc: 2 Scrolls of Fireball (can't really tell if that's considered "high level").

Other: Khura worked as a mercenary in the Ravenclaw Reavers. During this time, he mainly was hired to protect caravans and property, as well as clearing out animal infestations and other bloodier tasks. When he left the merc life at age 36, having done it for 13 years, he settled in his home of Skyrim. He also developed a heavy addiction to moon sugar and skooma. Often he has flashbacks of past battles, hallucinations, and tremors. Most of the time he keeps a somewhat level head, but sometimes and especially in combat, Khura can become violently unstable.

Trixy - Ayla - Nord Female

Name: Ayla Belthon
Nickname: Ayla
Race: Nord
six: Female
Age: 24
What your character is good at: one-handed, archery, she is intellegent, and she is training in light armor.
Appearence: She is very pretty, and of course thin, but is strong. Pale skin.
Hair: Her hair is long, brown and ever so slightly wavy.
Height: 5' 7"
Eyes: light blue eyes
Scars/Tattoo's: none
Weapons: She carries a iron sword, with a hunting bow and iron arrows (20 iron arrows)
Armour: studded armor, iron boots and iron gautlets.
Clothing: when she isn't wearing her armor she is just wearing a regular dress.
Inventory: 2 low level healing potions, and a couple leather strips.
Misc: none

Athell - Corvus - Imperial Male

Name: Corvus Artellion
Nickname: None that he would like to pass on.
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Race: Imperial

What your character is good at: Corvus has trained himself in the use of two blades in battle, after breaking his right wrist when he was twenty he learnt to use his left almost as well as he uses his right. He learnt to survive in the warmer lands of Cyrodil and has only recently moved to Skryim so his knowledge will be of less use here. After years of use he had become comfortable using the lightest armour possible. He can cook well enough to keep himself alive but don’t expect anything particularly tasty.

Physical Description: Corvus is surprisingly slender for a man who hopes to make his name as an out and out warrior mercenary. At 6ft he is averaged sized for an Imperial, and stands comfortably shoulder to shoulder with most. His light brown hair is cropped close to his head, and he ties a red band around his head emblazoned with a white rose, an echo of his past.

His right forearm is tattooed with two crossed swords, the tattoo is made out in black ink and he had it done after he completed his first solo contract. He has two long scars on his right bicep, one extending from the edge of his shoulder downwards and the other crosses it and continues onto his pectoral.

Weapons: Two ‘Gladius’ style iron swords and a small stiletto dagger he keeps up he sleeve.

Armour: To fit with his fighting style he uses light armour, Fur boots and gauntlets, the rest is leather. He wears no helmet.
Clothing: The only other piece of clothing he carries with him is a warm hat that he sleeps in.
Inventory: Corvus keeps everything in a small backpack that he wears at most times, it has simple straps allowing him to slip out of it quickly before battle. It contains 50 gold coins, a simple bedroll that he wraps everything up in, a loaf, a flint, a small knife he can use for cleaning kills and a whetstone to keep the edges of his blade suitable for battle.

Smig - Ragmyr - Nord
Name: Ragmyr
Race: Nord
six: Male
Age: 46

What your character is good at: Being a veteran Imperial soldier, now retired, he has the knowledge to use just about any weapon and armor available, although he's only truly skilled in one handed swords, shields and heavy armor. His experience is his biggest asset. His physical shape is his weakest point.

Appearance: A life as a soldier has taken a toll on him. He looks older than he is. His face is scarred and he walks with a slight limp due to a damaged right ankle. He has wide shoulders and he has put on some weight after his retirement.
Hair: Light brown, long and braided.
Height: 6'5'' (~2 m)
Eyes: Small and blue, not very expressive.
Scars/Tattoo's: He has two scars in the forehead but he doesn't remember how he got them. His memories of what happens in the heat of battle is never that good.

Weapons: A rusty iron sword and a wooden shield.
Armour: A mixed set of leather and iron armor he slowly put together after his official Imperial armor was taken away from him. His iron helmet is bent on the side and he's been looking to replace it lately.
Clothing: Simple commoner's clothing he rarely uses.
Inventory: A backpack with a utility knife, a bag full of red apples, clothing/armor and around 40 Septims.
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 11:19 am


You step into Dragon's Reach, a small town who's people are as cold and dark as the night before you. Snow covered petals are a reminder that winter has yet to leave it's icy grip. The guards ruffle their furred cloaks, their long hair blowing violanlty in the harsh northern wind. Your eyes meet the famous bridge, it's sharp edges and dark coloured rock stand out against the snow covered landscape. The Dragon Bridge, the only important part of this remote town.

As you walk, you hear laughter and loud music eminating from the tavern, it's doors swing open and a patron stumbles down the steps. Intruiged, you catch a glimpse of people dancing and drinking before the door closes. The temporary warmth leaving you as quickly as it came.

You check the poster in your hands again, Peer, the client for this job should be inside, as you begin to climb the wooden steps, you wonder about who else you might find inside.

Peer-Mah - Dragon Bridge Inn - Morndas, 15th First Seed

Peer-Mah walked the familiar route to Dragons Bridge, the hard dirt road now covered with a thick grey mush.This was going to be his third night. Perhaps no one would show? Perhaps people really weren't going to help? Perhaps he had to do this, alone. He was recognised and greeted on the way into town, two men atop a carriage waved to him but Peer-Mah couldn't hear them over the sudden gust of wind. It was a long walk, from the Mah Estate to Dragon Bridge but it was also quite beautiful. The fast running stream, the tall trees and the surrounding mountains were all covered in a thick white blanket so that it appeared to be just one big bed of white. There were no sounds either, the only thing Peer could hear was his own footsteps, his fur boots crushing the snow beneath them. The wind picked up again, throwing snow and ice his way. He felt a chill run down his spine and covered up, throwing the hood over his face. It was getting dark.

By the time Peer had made it to Dragon Bridge, the sun had gone down and the moon was beginning to peek over the mountains. "Evening Peer!" some of the villagers called but they quickly went about their business, it was clear that a blizzard would soon start. The tavern looked like it always had, from the day he moved to Dragon Bridge, to the day he left. Nothing really changed here, not in this town. Stepping into the inn, Peer felt warmth was over him. A fire burnt in the middle of the tavern, incensed with vanilla and lavendar so that a pungeont aroma filled your nose and made you feel more welcome.

"Peer!" The bartender called out, his moustache well combed while his large flabby belly protruded out from underneath his shirt. The old man walked over and patted Peer warmly on his back, pushing him gently towards the bar.
"Peer-Mah is glad to see you again friend." Peer returned the greeting, a large toothy smile making many of the patrons uneven.

"Come peer, it's been what? 2 months since you stepped into this place?"

"Peer disagree's, this one has been here the past two nights."

"I must've been off, ahh well, it's still good to see you, getting lonely on your Estate then?" The bartender asked, pouring Peer a pint of his favourite beer.

"Aye, Peer does miss the warmth of this inn and the faces he grew up with. But tonight, he meets friends, he tells them to meet him here but does not know when they will show." Peer accepted the beer and took a sip, the honey rich ale brought back memories.

"I've got a good feeling about tonight peer, but go and take a seat, anyone asks for ya, I'll know where to send them."

Peer-Mah nodded and shook the mans hand before leaving, his usual table in the corner unoccupied as always.
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Erich Lendermon
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 8:19 am

Corvus - Dragon Bridge - Morndas, 15th First Seed

Corvus paced across the Dragon Bridge carefully in the dark, he wouldn't admit it to anyone but he had always had a slight fear of heights, the darkness and rushing water beneath him were doing nothing to allay this fear. He shifted the weight of his pack around, after a whole day walking the straps were beginning to dig into his shoulders and his legs ached. I'll be glad to get out of this damn cold. He'd only been in Skryim for a few weeks and already the weather was grating on his nerves.

The snow lying on the surrounding mountains was glowing slightly from the faint light emanating from the twin moons overhead, giving them an eerie presence. The inn was easy to see in this small town and he hurried towards it. Before he entered he pulled a tattered piece of paper from his pocket. It was the poster the client had put up, he wasn't great with his letters but Corvus could understand the basic gist of it. He pushed the wooden door inwards and felt the warmth from within wash over his face.

There was a strangely sweet smell inside, a mix of perfumes Corvus was unfamiliar with. He walked across to the bar and its slightly portly barkeep. "Evening friend, what can I get for you tonight?" the mans mustache twitched slightly as he spoke.

"Two things, first a cup of warm spiced wine if you've got it and second I'm looking for someone called," he squinted at the letter he held in his hands "Peer-Mah? You know where he is?"

"I can do both," the barkeep turned to a pot hanging above a small firepit and filled a cup with its steaming contents, he placed it on the bar in front of Corvus "Two please and Peer is over there," he said pointing over to an Argonian sat in the corner. Corvus nodded and slid three coins across the bar. He grabbed the cup of wine and strode across the table the Argonian had claimed.

"You Peer-Mah? I'm Corvus, I saw your poster." Corvus took one of the other seats at the table and started to warm himself with the wine.
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Logan Greenwood
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 12:59 am

Peer-Mah - Dragon Bridge Inn

Peer had barely sat down with his ale before an Imperial man had stepped up to speak to him. He was tall, wearing nothing but light armour and was heavily armed. He looked cold though, his cheeks flushed like most of the other humans. Peer was about to stand up to greet the man but the Imperial named Corvus helped himself to the table. Peer-Mah smiled a toothy grin of satisfaction for the first mercenary had arrived.

"Peer-Mah is delighted to see you." he replied to the mans introduction, "That is his poster, yes. He has been waiting for a while now, he was beginning to lose hope." Peer-Mah took a large gulp of his ale before patting down his plain cloth clothes, "Do excuse his words, for this one is excited, he has never hired anyone before."

For a second Peer-Mah wondered what the man thought about Peer-Mah, what his motives for coming were and where he had come from. Peer quickly became aware that he was supposed to be in control of the situation, after all - This was his interview. "This one wonders what it is you are drinking."
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 1:19 pm

Ayla - Dragon Bridge - Morndas, 15th First Seed

Ayla made her way down the road from Solitude, her hair blowing slightly in the evening air. She down at the poster for wanted help, and continued on down the road.She smiled as the snow came falling down softly.
Ayla had been in Solitude for a few days, getting used to living on her own. She had traveled all the way up from Riverwood, which was her original home. As she stepped into the Dragon Bridge area she looked about; a few homesteads, a mill farther down the road, and then an inn to what it looked like. Ayla jumped up the steps to the inn and went inside. She was not at all suprized at the town folk sitting around the fire, talking to each other and the people playing music in the backround. Then she walked up to the bar.
The bartender turned his attention from the mug he was cleaning to the Nord who had just approached. "Well, lass. What can I do for you?" he had a jolly spirit about him, and his warm deep voice was very calming.
Ayla smiled at him. "Yes, I was just looking for somebody named Peer-Mah, I think."
The bartender nooded. "Oh yes," he gave the mug a few more swips with his towel and then looked back at Ayla. "You're not the only one ask'n about that Argonian. He's right over there." He pointed to the table where Peer-Mah sat with the Imperial man.
Ayla nodded. "Thanks. I think I'll just wait a few minutes. He looks busy." She sat down at the bar, occationaly peaking over at the Argonian and Imperial man.
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Harinder Ghag
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 2:53 pm

OOC: I was waiting for Jonas but I don't want this to drop off the front page after three posts.

Corvus - The Dragon Bridge Inn

"Peer-Mah is delighted to see you." he really did look pleased, "That is his poster, yes. He has been waiting for a while now, he was beginning to lose hope." Peer-Mah took a greedy swig from the tankard in his hand, "Do excuse his words, for this one is excited, he has never hired anyone before."

Peer-Mah paused for a second and Corvus took a chance to examine his potential employer, the thing that struck him was the three large bony spikes protruding out of his head. That must be uncomfortable. "This one wonders what it is you are drinking."

Corvus took a warming gulp of his wine before explaining "Spiced wine, beautiful stuff really, stick the right things in it and even the worst wine will taste heavenly when you warm it up," he swirled it in the mug releasing the smell of spices, "didn't really drink it before I came here but I needed something to warm me against the damn cold." Corvus was holding back the questions he wanted to ask, it had been a while since he'd had a contract and he didn't want to get to involved in something dangerous.
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Jonathan Windmon
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 2:51 am

ooc: It's quite polite of you, but don't worry about it just yet, it's too early for someone to get lost just yet! : D


Peer-Mah, At a corner table with Corvus

Peer watched as a petite and attractive nord woman walked into the bar. She garnered all sorts of interest from stares to murmurings. If Peer-Mah knew Dragon Bridge like he did, she had suddenly become the interest of just about every man over the age of 30. She looked his way though, making the young and socially inept argonian blush and lose focus. So much so that he had no idea what Corvus, the interesting Cyrodiilian had said.

Peer simply smiled and nodded, not really knowing quite what to say. He looked over to the barkeep who winked and pointed to Ayla at the bar. "This one believes another has joined us." he stated and stood up. Making eye contact, Peer awkwardly beckoned Ayla over using his right hand. The other men in the bar made a small sigh, but a few wouldn't be stopped by a young Argonian. "And now, Peer-Mah can tell you what the job is about. And he hopes, another will come."
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 9:37 am

Ayla-Dragon Bridge inn
Ayla, ingnoring the men's stares and whispers of which she knew were about her, turned back to look once again at the Argonian, who was now gesturing to her to come over. Ayla grinned, stood and walked over, standing between the Imperial and the Argonian. "Hi," she began to introduce herself, pulling up a chair, "I'm Ayla, from Riverwood. This is your poster, isn't it?" she held out the "help wanted" poster to Peer-Mah. "Because I'd like to help you. I've just started out on my own, and I do need the work." She spoke with a traditional nordish accent which wasn't very heavy, but still noticable. She put the poster back in her small napsack attached to her side, then pulled her few foot long brown hair over her shoulder. She sat up straight in the chair.
(OOC: Sorry, my posts are never super long)
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Max Van Morrison
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 8:14 am

Khura-Khan, Dragon Bridge

A chill northern wind blew across the Dragon Bridge, the grass beneath it stirring. But it was not the wind, as a white black-spotted Khajiit came bounding out of the tall grass, swinging his katana. Khura saw them, five orcs, berserkers who had been following him for days.

"Urghan sends his regards!" Screamed one, snarling and gnashing his yellow tusks of teeth. "This one does not do well with threats!" Khura yelled back as he and the Orc clashed. Khura swung violently, chopping and hacking.

"Hey! What're ya doin' ya crazy damned cat!" Khura stumbled and fell on his tail, in the faint moonlight he could make out a shape on the Dragon Bridge. It was a simple man pulling a horse-drawn cart, he yelled down to Khura once more, "Ya realize that tree was planted by mah daughter three years ago!"

Khura looked behind him, there was no Orc, only a small sapling now hacked to pieces, Khura looked down at his blade, "Damn... ". Picking himself up, and not bothering to look for his lost pride, Khura sheathed his sword, picked up his pack and set off towards the town's inn. The angry passerby yelled once more, "Eh, what dah hell do ya think yer doin'! Ya better gimme some money fer dat tree!" Khura turned and looked down the hill at the chopped up little tree.

"It still stands, yes?" Khura said, his smooth voice and exotic accent trailing over the fresh breeze that begun to blow. A sharp crack was heard, both Khura and the man looked at each other, Khura grinning wryly. "Well... this happens... plant another." With these last words Khura tossed the man a small bag of seeds. "Your daughter will enjoy them, I think." And as cool as the breeze itself, Khura walked away and too the streets of Dragon Bridge.

The only real noise that could be heard came from within the well lit Inn. The sounds of drunken revelry and songs being sung by blonde-haired women, all could be heard in the cozy wooden hovel. "A night of my liking, I must join." Khura said to himself, knowing that he could never miss out on such a good time. Also, perhaps Peer-Mah, his new employer would be waiting for him. I only hope he has not left, this skooma makes me loose time. The Khajiit thought.

Dragon Bridge Inn

As Khura entered, he lit his pipe, already packed with fine Colovian tobacco, and sprinkled with Elsweyrii moon-sugar. He puffed and search for his Argonian employer, finding the bar instead. "Evening, good sir, may I have a mead?" He said politely, the barkeep peaked his head over the counter. "Khura! 'ow 'ave ya been, ya old tomcat!" Khura smiled at his old friend, "This one has been well, friend. But I am here on business, an Argonian, Peer-Mah hired me and told me to meet him here."

The barkeep nodded, handing Khura his mead and pointing in the direction of a table set at the corner of a bar. "My thanks, friend." Khura bowed his head, picked up his spear laying against the bar, and trudged over to Peer-Mah's table. He then noticed the striking young woman at the table, a true thing of beauty. Khura pushed it out of his mind, turning to Peer-Mah himself.

"I am Khura-Khan, this one was hired by you. I would gladly join, should you have need of me."

OOC: Its not one of my best posts, but I've been kinda sick lately (so much bad stuff has been going around town its unbelievable). But anyways, just didn't want you guys thinking I'd dropped out. ;)
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 7:56 am

ooc: Lol, the drugged out kitty joins us. : D

I'm off to uni so expect a post at about 7/8pm GMT time.
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Yvonne Gruening
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 1:06 am

Ayla- Dragon Bridge Inn
Ayla turned her attention to the Khajiit who had entered. Her blue eyes followed him as he walked to the bar and conversed with the bartender, but then turned quickly back towards Peer-Mah and Imperial as he came walking over to their table. She was quiet as the Khajiit spoke to Peer-Mah in his silky voice.
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Victor Oropeza
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Post » Wed May 02, 2012 11:24 pm


"This one believes another has joined us." Peer-Mah waved across to the pretty Nord who had taken a seat at the bar, there was an audible sigh from the bar's patrons as she came to the table "And now, Peer-Mah can tell you what the job is about. And he hopes, another will come."

"Hi," she said as she pulled up a chair "I'm Ayla, from Riverwood. This is your poster, isn't it?" she held out another one of Peer Mah's requests for help, the same as the one in Corvus's pockey. "Because I'd like to help you. I've just started out on my own, and I do need the work." she sounded genuine, if a little green. Ayla put the poster away and pushed her hair behind her shoulder. She's a pretty one for a mercenary, shame she's a nord though.

Before Corvus could reply to either of them another joined the party, a Khajiit, carrying a spear. Brilliant, a cat. "I am Khura-Khan, this one was hired by you. I would gladly join, should you have need of me." All the while Ayla sat quietly.

"Feeling a little outmatched yet love? Two strapping," he paused for a second "men, three if we count our employer, about to drag you off into the Skyrim wilderness, all armed to the teeth." Corvus chuckled a little. "Don't worry Ayla, we'll break you in gently."
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Aman Bhattal
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 12:15 pm

ooc: Phew! Knackered, who knew it took 2 hours to make a DnD character? D:


If Peer could blush, he would have. It wasn't often he spoke to pretty women. "That is indeed Peer-Mah's poster, it is good you two have-" he was interupted as a very tall Khajiit introduced himself. Peer quickly looked over the furball and while his experiences with Khajiit had been limited, he assumed he was well experienced in the field of combat. Peer-Mah nodded and beckoned for him to sit down.

"This one did not expect this, the three he needs turn up at the same time. Most fortunate." He smiled toward Ayla before sitting back down. When Corvus spoke out toward Ayla, Peer clenched his jawns at how awkward the comment was. While a valid concern; Alya was obviously unexperienced and didn't look particularly strong, Peer doubted she would appreciate the comment.

Deciding to quickly break into conversation and tell them about the job he leant in, "We're going to retrieve an object of some value to my family." He blurted out, hoping to catch their attention, "It was stolen from us by a group of bandits who are now trying to randsome it for a stupid amount of money. I know where they are stationed and we will head there, retrieve the item and head back."

He leant back and took another large gulp of the ale. "Any questions about that?"
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Ricky Rayner
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 3:00 pm

"Feeling a little outmatched yet love? Two strapping men, three if we count our employer, about to drag you off into the Skyrim wilderness, all armed to the teeth. Don't worry Ayla, we'll break you in gently."

Ayla then turned her full attention to Corvus. A flare of anger sparked up within her. "Charming," For the first time she retaliated in a cold, harsh, almost frightening voice that no one could ever imagine coming from such a lovely young woman, "Though I'm not suprized an Imperial would try to frighten me off. It's not wise to judge a woman by her cover. I handle myself well in battle, and I'm ready for anything that comes my way in this quest." Her voice returned to normal and she turned her gaze back to Peer-Mah, listening to the job details.
As she listened she began to think, how am I going to get these men to think I'm as good a fighter as any of them? She had been training for many years, but now seeing who she was going to have to prove her worth to, made her all the more determined.
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Natalie Taylor
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 5:47 am

Ooc: nice edit trixy.

Also! Posting is cool!
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Lloyd Muldowney
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 3:35 am

OOC: Thanks! I end up editing everything. he he he
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Brittany Abner
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 12:41 am


"Charming," her voice was different now, angrier, "Though I'm not suprized an Imperial would try to frighten me off. It's not wise to judge a woman by her cover. I handle myself well in battle, and I'm ready for anything that comes my way in this quest." This one's got balls, great, she might just survive the trip then.

"You think I'm trying to scare you off? No I'm trying to warn you. You say you've just started out as a merc so perhaps you don't understand, life as a sword for hire isn't exactly a bed of roses." he was right, at least to him, he'd seen his friends die in this business. "But anyway, I'm sure there's more to you than meets the eye, so I'll leave any judgments until I've seen you fight."

He turned to his employer, "So Peer-Mah, what exactly is this item?" Nothing was ever as simple as it looked on the front of it in this line of work.
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Ebony Lawson
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 12:51 pm

Ayla listened to what Corvus had to say; she wanted to lash out again, she wanted to start a fight to prove she did understand mercenary work, but she kept her mouth shut. "If I have to be traveling with him, then I'd better not start on the wrong foot," she thought, slightly slumping in the chair.
When Corvus asked about the precious family item, she perked up, sitting up straight again.
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Lexy Dick
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 12:38 am

ooc: Holy [censored], I am bloody ill.


Peer winced as the two traded words, he was obviously unable to control the conversation. "The item is a family heirloom, extremely precious and very valuable. For it's protection, this one cannot tell you what it is." He took a gulp of his ale and wiped his chin. He was beginning to get nervous they might suspect something. He wouldn't dare tell them now that it was a human, he wouldn't dare risk them not wanting to go. These three that stood before him were his only chance of ever seeing his brother again. He needed to play everything down.

"Peer-Mah will pay you a total of one thousand septims each." he added, deciding to tell them more about the job. "You will be given three hundred in the morning when we set off, and upon retrieval of the heirloom and it being brought back to my family estate safely, you will be granted an extra seven hundred." He took another large sip, "Peer is willing to sign an agreement with the Solitude guard securing this proposal."

"We will be travelling via the countryside mainly, as this one is almost certain the thieves will be watching the roads and caravans." Peer began to feel excitement, it was finally going to happen. He was going to break his families trust to rescue his brother, This would make a fine song.
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 10:44 am

(OOC: I'm sorry. I hope you feel better soon)
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Tyler F
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 7:18 am

OOC: Sorry... will make a post soon Uglius.
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Richus Dude
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 2:00 pm

ooc: Posting is still cool!
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Gavin Roberts
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 9:38 am

(OCC: I'm still rping this thread if anybody else is.)
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Bonnie Clyde
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 1:42 pm

ooc: Make a post and we'll see if anyone else replies?
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Laura Hicks
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 7:51 am

Ayla nodded, respecting Mah not wanting to tell exactly what the heirloom was. But as he explained, she was growing excitied about the journey. "So, what time will we set off in the morning?" she asked, the excitment showing through her voice.
(occ: ahh! so short! but I made meh post. we will see if anybody else responds.)
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Jennie Skeletons
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