1) Smithing/Enchanting/Alchemy is OP.
It would help if you mentioned what "OP" is. Lazy people enjoy dumbing their posts down to a few letters as if everyone else knows what their lazy acronyms mean. On message boards that I frequent, "OP" normally refers to "original poster", as in the topic creator. So, you're saying that smithing, enchanting, and alchemy are... original poster? For a moment I thought you meant "obsessive compulsive", but that's "OC", and more properly "OCD" for "obsessive compulsive disorder". Maybe you meant "OG", as in "original gangster"?
2) The game is dumbed down to simple combat with few RPG elements.
Am I the only one seeing the irony here? Isn't grinding an RPG staple?
What are RPG elements? Typically "RPG elements" refer to character building, which is what we do in this game. You complain that you want grinding. Really? You think most of us want to spend ten hours in the same dungeon killing the same rats a thousand times so that we can finally fight the rat king and move on to the next grind session?
I'm also not sure how you wanted the combat to be expanded. What are you wanting, ridiculously convoluted button sequences to perform goofy, unrealistic acrobatic attacks whereby your character dances and spins through the air with a flurry of sword twirls? Your character fights basically like he would if he was real. The most effective way to attack something with your sword is to swing it at it, not to twirl about through the air with rapid sword dances, as that may look cool in a movie but isn't practical for combat, especially considering that it would get tiring pretty quick. I'm reminded of a scene in one of the Indiana Jones movies in which this bad guy threatens Indy, presenting a flurry of waving sword dances, only for Indy to take two seconds to simply shoot him. Dancing around with swords didn't get him very far.
I suppose this would be ten times better: