The make a Cyrodillic Saint Contest!

Post » Mon May 02, 2011 12:34 am

Peach Mountain Shogun Presents

I'm currently making a that makes the religious experience of Cyrodiil a bit more numinous. As you may notice in the screenshots, there are many reliquaries, but no relics. This simply will not do.

That is where you come in.

Rather than make up a crapload of saints on my own, I decided to turn the canonization process over to you, the lore enthusiasts. After all, who would have a better grasp of the faith of the Imperial Province than you people?

The rules of the contest are simple. Just fill out yonder form:

Name: Obviously
Divine: To what god is this saint affiliated? (Choose from Talos, Arkay, Zenithar, Mara, Julianos, Akatosh, Dibella, or Shezzar)
Backstory: Why was this saint canonized in the first place?
Relic(s): What did this saint leave behind that I can use to fill my empty reliquaries? (If the object is enchanted, please specify)

The winners of the contest will have their saint's relic(s) enshrined, and their backstory recorded in an in-game book.

Notes and Disclaimers

Due to the way the Chapel of Zenithar is organized, Saints of Zenithar can't have body parts (bones, foreskins, etc) as relics, but rather artifacts they have crafted (swords, clothes, paintings, etc). Saints of Shezzar (if any) will be enshrined in an easter egg Chapel of Shezzar. There won't really be any winners as such; Cyrodill is supposed to have countless saints, so chances are all saints submitted (unless they're crap) will be chosen for the mod. Your saint doesn't absolutely need a relic if you don't want him or her to have one. The contest will remain open until I think I have enough saints to make a good show of things.

Good luck, and happy canonizing!
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barbara belmonte
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Post » Sun May 01, 2011 5:25 pm

Name: Saint Maelus
Divine: Arkay
Backstory: Maelus hunted down vampires, and turned himself into a tool of Arkay, to undo what Arkay could not in the mortal realm. He travelled Cyrodiil, hunting them, until he reached the point of where he had to pass himself into death. Before he died, Maelus founded a new Guild, which hunted down vampirs in the name of Arkay.
Relic(s): An urn containing the ashes of the Vampire Lord Brakon, who terrorized Cyrodiil for hundreds of years. He also left a special silver longsword, which he slew Brakon with, which incinerates the enemy's armor, weapons, and burns the flesh with a mighty flame.

Glad to make first entry! :P
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Post » Mon May 02, 2011 1:36 am

Name: Saint Leana
Divine: Kynareth
Backstory: Saint Leana never had any posessions of her own, and lived life as a beggar. Putting herself through these ordeals, she attempted to bring herself closer to nature. It was said that she was so connected to nature, the animals traveled with her and assisted her in her day-to-day life. She passed away of old age in her sleep.
Relic: The Feather of Swift. Swift was Leana's falcon, who was one of her many animal companions and the one she was closest to. It is said that those in posession of The Feather of Swift will be able to tame the beasts of the wilds. (Treat as Bosmer's Beast Tounge ability.)

I noticed that Kynareth wasn't on your list of possible Divines, so is it still okay to make a saint for Kynareth? If not, I can write up another.
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Post » Sun May 01, 2011 7:26 pm

Why is this in the Lore Forum?
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Post » Mon May 02, 2011 3:33 am
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Post » Sun May 01, 2011 8:17 pm

Name: Saint Cephoros the Martyr

Divine: Talos

Backstory: A fanatically loyal soldier at the time of Tiber Septim, Cephoros pledged himself to so fervently to Septim's cause, he was known to have killed in he name of Septim, only for the slightest of insults toward his liege. Cephoros fought in a multitude of Septim's campaigns, most notably the conquest of the Summerset Isles, where (probably exaggerated) reports of the time claim that he single-handedly slew 460 Altmer on a single day. Eventually killed while fighting in Hammerfall, he was canonised, as a testament the splender of Talos.

Relic(s): Cephoros' bones are in Cyrodiil, buried with The Red-brand, his personal blade, which has a fire enchantment.

That made me feel like a lore-raqer. :(
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Post » Mon May 02, 2011 2:15 am

Why is this in the Lore Forum?

Because he wants it not to svck.

Prime example, hopefully. Thanks.

Name: Saint Marius
Divine: Arkay
Backstory: As an ascetic devoted to the teachings of Arkay, Marius's life was barely above mention except for the zeal with which he pursued his vocation. He survived on bread and water alone, and was often the first amongst the monastery to volunteer to bury the dead, even in advanced years when he was bent over double by his burdens. One winter his brothers found him toppled into a grave he himself had dug. The funerary rites were duly implemented and his body was ensconced in the monastery catacombs. Came spring and his brothers were shocked when he emerged from the catacombs, face flushed with vitality, clear-eyed and without memory of what had happened to him. He continued about his typical business, tending the garden and burying the dead. Winter came again, his brothers found him face first in the soil, and again the following spring he returned to life. This continued for several years, drawing growing crowds of pilgrims carrying their dead to have him personally administer the funerary rites, or gathering at the break of spring to watch him emerge from the catacombs, head bowed in humility, embarrassment and piety. He suffered a final death when a young novitiate was startled while tending a patch of lettuce near the entrance to the catacombs and speared him with a pitchfork when he emerged.
Relic(s): The pitchfork.
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Post » Sun May 01, 2011 3:47 pm

Is the purpose of the thread to claim that no Tamriel saint is real? Or maybe the posters on this thread are saying the saints (in TES) were deluded. I'm uncomfortable with that approach; but suit yourselves, I guess.
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Post » Sun May 01, 2011 5:31 pm

Is the purpose of the thread to claim that no Tamriel saint is real? Or maybe the posters on this thread are saying the saints (in TES) were deluded. I'm uncomfortable with that approach; but suit yourselves, I guess.

I thought the purpose was to populate Cyrodiil with the crapload of saints it should have had...
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Rhi Edwards
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Post » Sun May 01, 2011 6:27 pm

I thought the purpose was to populate Cyrodiil with the crapload of saints it should have had...

After reading the earlier posts in this thread, I apologize; I shouldn't have posted. It seemed to me at first that we were saying St Olms and the others were only mortal and perhaps foolish; I prefer to assume they were real and went beyond their mortality during their lifetimes. However, I didn't have a good enough reason for posting about this.
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Post » Sun May 01, 2011 1:52 pm

Saint Damiet

Divine: Alessia, Mother of Cyrodiil (because there is no way she is not included in the Cyrodiilic pantheon)

Backstory: As an initiate in the Alessian order, Damiet faithfully pursued her duties as a shrinekeeper in a currently unknown First Era monastery in eastern Nibenay. Damiet, having only recently joined the cult, had connections to the outer world, of which her secret lover was the most notable. One night, Damiet could no longer bear the seperation and leaving her habit at the shrine of the Mother of Cyrodiil, she fled into the wilds with her lover.

Setting up a new life in a settlement on the borders the city of Cyrod (it has now been completely absorbed by the metropolis) they lived happily with their three children, until at long last, the young man's limited fortune ran out. Before long, he left Damiet alone and her children alone without any means of survival.

For years, the young woman wandered across the province, making a living off hard labour, handycraft and at times to her great dismay also less respectable professions. This continued until Damiet arrived in a town which we now believe to be the forerunner of Cheydiinhal. Inquiring curiously about the nearby Alessian monastery, she heard tales of the congregation's famously pious shrinekeeper. No mention was made of a dissident order member.

Whilst staying in that town for the night, she received a vivid vision of the Saint Alessia herself, who urged Damiet to return to the monastery, ensuring her that her disappearance and subsequent return would go unnoticed.

The next morning, Damiet left her three children in the care of the town's lord and traveled back to the monastery where she found the gates unlocked and, arriving in the chantry, her habit on Alesh' shrine, seemingly untouched since she had left it there twelve years ago. It was at this moment that Damiet realized that only Paravania herself must have taken her place for twelve years, dutifully awaiting the day that Damiet would return.

From that day, Damiet lived an ascetic life within the confines of the monastery. Shortly before death, she had her story written down and copied, for all to read, upon which she was immediately canonized.

Relic: Damiet's Habit
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Post » Mon May 02, 2011 12:06 am

Name: Almenestra Tarhielious
Divine: Kynareth
Backstory: Was a before the Levitation Ban. The Ban was imposed mid-flight, causing Almenestra to fall to her death. Her subsequent martyrdom allowed the Priestesses of Kynareth to canonize her with moral authority over the thoughtless battlemages in the Imperial City who imposed the ban.

Relic(s): Shoes of Almenestra. Once finely enchanted shoes for flying, useless now becuase of the Ban.
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Tiff Clark
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Post » Mon May 02, 2011 3:48 am

Name: Almenestra Tarhielious
Divine: Kynareth
Backstory: Was a before the Levitation Ban. The Ban was imposed mid-flight, causing Almenestra to fall to her death. Her subsequent martyrdom allowed the Priestesses of Kynareth to canonize her with moral authority over the thoughtless battlemages in the Imperial City who imposed the ban.

Relic(s): Shoes of Almenestra. Once finely enchanted shoes for flying, useless now becuase of the Ban.

:rofl: Quality post!

Edit: Nice edit, mate. :P
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Post » Mon May 02, 2011 4:36 am

Divine: Julianos
Backstory: An incredibly ancient scribe in Atmora, Gilbor had been kept alive purely by magical force. Over the years, he recorded the most important kings' lives in great detail. Most of the knowledge of Atmora we have now is extracted from the sermons he wrote dedicated to the kings, though scholars, even today, are having difficulties deciphering the Atmoran language.
The priests of his shrine say, that after he had recorded the life of the last of the Great Kings, Julianos appeared before him, after which Gilbor was never seen again.
Relic(s): The Nine Sermons of Gilbor, a tome in the native language of the Atmorans that describes the most important Kings of their history.
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Post » Sun May 01, 2011 9:48 pm

Name: Saint Kosmo the Elfbane
Divine: Akatosh
Backstory: Inspired by the genocidal heroism of Pelinal Whitestrake a poor farmer named Kosmo took up the sword and killed Elves who had human slaves. Then he killed a few hundred Elves who were standing around and being overly Elvish. Korvus was brutally murdered by evil Elves who didn't appreciate him killing their children and eating their hearts.
His final words were:
"I'm not a racist, that's what so insane about this"
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Post » Mon May 02, 2011 3:45 am

Name: Saint Fargoth
Divine: Arkay
Backstory: Just a little joke
Artifacts: Engraved ring of healing ;)

Ok, seriously though:

Name: Saint Erling
Divine: Akatosh
Backstory: A dedicated follower of Akatosh all his life, he was always employed in the front line during wars, not because of his fighting prowess, however, but because of his sword that was crafted by him, in honour of Akatosh's power over time. This sword supposedly stopped time for the user and anyone near whoever it struck, he was eventually killed in one of the Akaviri invasions because his sword ran out of charge.
Artifacts: Blade of time, cast when strikes, paralyse in 5 feet for 5 secs on touch, paralyze for 5 secs on self
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Post » Mon May 02, 2011 1:03 am

Name: Saint Ralyn
Divine: Juliannos
Backstory: A Dark Elf Mage-Warrior whose deeds of heroic and compassionate qualities are known throughout the whole of Tamriel. Saint Ralyn was born in Balmora in the province of Morrowind. At a young age he helped Saint Jiub drive the cliffracers from Morrowind. After earning reputation in battles across Morrowind, Skyrim, and Black Marsh, Saint Ralyn ventured to Mournhold to be the personal bodyguard of King Helseth, and eventually becoming one of his most trusted advisors, and on several occasions thwarted assassination attempts on Helseth and his mother Berenziah. It is widely believed that Saint Ralyn is a devoted worshiper of the Divine Juliannos, although little is known of thier relationship. It is also believed that Saint Ralyn has spoken to several Deadric Princes such as Boethia, Mephala, and Sanguine. Although the circumstances of these meetings are unknown it is believed they were for the good of all races. Saint Ralyn is often described in battle with his Elven Longsword later named for him, and wielding powerful destruction spells rarely seen before.
Relic(s): Blade of Ralyn (Elven Longsword- Abosrb Health 25 pts on strike, Fire Damage 25 pts on strike), Spell Shield (Ruby Necklace- Resist Magicka 60% constant effect, Spell Absorbtion 15% constant effect)
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Post » Sun May 01, 2011 5:23 pm

Saint Brennor
He was a priest in the late 2nd Era. He was brought up in a family of 8 other siblings and was the slyest of the 8. He once convinced a noble into giving his entire fortune to the church. The man died the next day.
Brennor used the money to help the poor and started the first soup kitchen in Tamriel. He died when a bear ate off his head.

Ring of the Fox
increases speechcraft and luck.

brennor's ring apparently didnt do much for luck if you think about it.
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Post » Sun May 01, 2011 4:43 pm

Name. Saint Itineris

Divine: Arkay

Backstory: Iternis was a low-life criminal living in poverty in Bravil during the mid 3rd era. After waking up in a gutter after a week of depravity with no memory or clothes he decided to make amends for all he had done wrong. He then began his work as a missionary.
He walked through the scorching deserts of Elswheyr and among the towering elms of Valenwood all the while spreading the word about the nines and and giving what little he had to the poor and needy. When he came under attack by Wood-Elven heretics who wanted to eat his flesh he did not fight back he just kept walking and as they chased him he told them of the glory of the Nine and they stopped in their tracks and went to the nearest chapel to beg for forgiveness.
Iternis walked through all of Hammerfell and he walked over the Orc infested mountains to High-Rock still praising the Nine and converting unbelievers.
He even walked across the barren wastes of Skyrim and was granted audience with many city-state kings none of whom knew of The Divines. The Nords were content spending their lives fighting and drinking mead so they did not head Iterni's call.
He then walked to Morrowind were the living gods ruled. The Dark-Elves hated Iternis with passion and he was often attacked by them. But like before he did not fight back but converted them with only a few words.
After enduring ash-storms and constant attacks of strange beasts on both Vvardenfell and the mainland Iternis was thrown out by the temple beaten and left to die in a swamp in Black Marsh. As he lay there dying a voice spoke out "Iternis" The booming voice said "you have done well" Iternis knew then that it was none other then Arkay that spoke to him "now in your dying hours I will give you the strength to walk on through this land and reach your homeland where you will die as a holy man"
Arkay's words came true. After a hazardous journey through the disease ridden swamps Black Marsh, spreading the holy word even further, Iternis reached Cyrodil.
He was just over the boarder when he collapsed from the many diseases and wound he had received on his journey.
He had been walking for 30 years.

Relic: The shoes of Iternis
The shoes he wore throughout his journey blessed by Arkay.
Fortify fatigue
Water walking
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Post » Mon May 02, 2011 2:42 am

Name: Saint Frederic the Bloodied
Divine: Dibella
Backstory: Brother Frederic lived in a monastery resting in the center of Falaxiran, a small town on the shores of the Niben. He lived a very devout life of beauty and love. He was an avid painter and sculptor. The monk's work was the small town's main trade good. Soon his pieces became the obsession of many avid art collectors. One in particular, an Orsimer named Rugdulg, sought after Frederic's art. But the demand was too high and Rugdulg sent bandits to simply kidnap the monk.

The lawbreakers raided the town at night, silencing all in their way, until they finally infiltrated the priory. The Abbot caught them though and sounded the alarm. The unarmed friars were massacred though until finally Frederic was dragged outside and had to be scalped because of a burning sensation that ran through all that touched him. A few hours later the townspeople discovered the scene and were shocked at the small grove around Frederic's corpse.

The entire field was engulfed in the most delicately sculpted statues of the 8 Divines, and a smaller gold statue of Frederic at Dibella's side. This site became an area of intense pilgrimage for the faithful, he was declared a saint only a few years later
Relic(s): A small hammer which, according to legend, was blessed for him by Dibella herself for his work.
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Post » Mon May 02, 2011 1:58 am

Name: Hjaitm the Elf-Eaten

Divine: Mara

Backstory: Hjaitm was a Nord by birth, but lived in the Colovian Highlands, north of Chorrol. He was a great warrior, and in traditional practise of his Nordic Fore-fathers, would paint his face blue with markings of Wolves, Bears, and the mighty creatures of the North. His battle cry would excede any other on the field of combat, and all would fall under his axe. He wore no protection, but was not invulnerable, however even with a hundread arrows piercing his chest he still brung down the largest enemy.
This remarkable being was called upon by Reman to lead his legions against the Summurset Hoardes. Being a man who could never not take up a challenge, he took it upon himself in Imperial vows to King and Country that he would slew aas many of the elf-kind as he could.
Leading troops into battle with terrifying roaring-rage, on a single day it is said he killed ten-thousand of Elven-Blood, like he was some Daemon, or the Enlightened Pelinal within him. But stop could he not the capture of himself and his troops by a trick of the elves. He looked upon the lads that he had lead into combat, many of them being younger than his own son, so did he pity them, and what the elves were to do, so make a pact he did with those elves that day, that they could do whatever they liked to him, if he were only to let his troops go free. The elves did leaugh at Hjaitm, for fool was he for forgetting the pact made by Reman and them for a war without crimes, and so Hjaitm bracking pact with the new, to set troops free was fine with them, for he had done all the killing anyway.

It was that Hjaitm was eaten alive by the Elves that day; but pity did Mara have on him, for in his death he gave his love for his fellow man, so she gave him Sainthood.

Relics: The Skull of Hjaitm, The Axe of Hjaitm, The Banner of Hjaitm.
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Tamara Primo
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Post » Sun May 01, 2011 6:10 pm

Name: Tsani the Tail-less

Divine: Mara

Backstory: Tsani was but a simple painter who lived a moddest farm life on the outskirts of Skingrad. She rarely traveled apart from weekly trips to Mara's wayshrine. She was not the best at combat, though she always carried a steel dagger, just incase the worst should happen.
One afternoon, on her way to the wayshrine, she came across a pregnant,emaciated dog. She had no meat with her, as it would spoil, and she knew if she left for town and came back the dog would most likely die. Taking pity on the dog, and unable to leave it as it gazed on her with solemn eyes, she unshethed her dagger and cut off her own tail. By feeding the dog her tail, it might survive long enough for her to bring it back to her home. Unfortunatly, she died of infection shortly therafter, but not before she was blessed to see it give birth.

Relics: A paintbrush said to contain bits of her fur and Tsani's steel dagger
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