I think it looks pretty cool... and the word "immersion" confuses me. I would be worried for anyone that could genuinely forget they are playing a video game at any time while doing so... or ask them for their virtual reality and memory-erasing machine, so what does that word even mean in relation to video games. Arena, Daggerfall, Morrowind, and Oblivion all had UIs that were clearly those of video games. Every game ever played is limiting in some aspect that real life is not. Video games are false worlds that do not and never have looked and felt like real life. All video games are controlled by some type of mechanical device, be it keyboard/mouse, game controller, some form of motion control, or something else. How does Skyrim's map take away from the inherently impossible "immersion"? I've grown to hate that word because of how illogical and overused it is, to begin with. If they think it's out-of-place in the game's setting and would prefer something more artistically suited (in their opinion) to the gameworld, I'm fine with that, but "immersion" is nonsense.
Actually, the word immersion is a well known, well established, and understood term in game design. In fact, there are game design classes called things like "Immersion and Aesthetics" if you are studying to become a game designer today. Players aren't the only people that use this word. Game developers do too. Nobody is saying that you will totally forget that you are playing a game. There is currently no technology that can accomplish that yet. However, anyone who's played games for a long enough time can testify of those moments that you felt so "in the world" of the game that you became as serious and as focused as you would if it were real life. Its called "suspension of disbelief". Bad design decisions can break that sense of immersion if you are not careful in your design.
While I don't have any serious problem with the 3d map, I do feel that its a fair argument to say that its "less immersive" than an old and tattered cloth or paper map, though.
Its no bid deal though.