Post » Sat Nov 19, 2011 2:13 am

Clouds on a map. That just cracks me up. Perhaps we're actually connected to some weird alien thing floating high in the skyyyy... ahem... and it looks down and we see what it sees?

Of course! Dwemer steam powered navigation satellites! Why didn't i think of it sooner? Explains everything.

But yes, i agree completely. The only road i'm able to see in the map is the one on the mountains west of Solitude. But good thing a traditional map already exists in the game, should be easy to give to the player once the CK is released.

And thanks for those ini tweaks Swish Lizard, makes the map almost useful.
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Post » Sat Nov 19, 2011 7:16 am

To be honest I would prefer a simple 2D map, with roads and borders etc like the physical map you get. I don't understand the ingame justification for a clever 3D map with clouds etc.
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Post » Fri Nov 18, 2011 3:11 pm

Never had the problem with the map. I CAN see quite a few roads on it and even if I don't, almost every dungeon has a road that leads to the main road... not to mention that if you visited a Dungeon, you should know how to get back as well. Not to mention that the detail of the map lets you see the whole landscape, all the way to a little stone structure. You seriously don't need roads to navigate through it as you see practically everything (on PC at least, don't know how it is when you sit a meter or two on the couch).

And lol at people saying MW had a better map. The darn thing there was light years worse (not just did it not have roads but the painting of the map made seeing mountains impossible thus making the map more and more useless the more you explored it).
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