So what you can not see roads on it? Just walk and eventually you'll come a cross one. "Hey ... a road, lets see where it leads too." ... If your problem is that you get lost all the time,... well then dont get lost. You can fast travel to any location.
Not to a location you haven't been to yet.
You can also get a ride (costing a mere few bucks) to any major city, and when you are on a quest, you will see the location on your map too. And in Whiterun castle, there is a map where you can select all location on the map on the table, and they will get added to your own map, giving you even more locations other then just the major cities.
And... if you want to walk, and you want to *gasp* use the road?
You come to a fork in the road with no signpost. Both forks can feasibly go to the city you want to go to. The marker is exactly in the middle of the screen. For example, the first time heading to Rorikstead from Whiterun, both north or south forks seem plausible Actually, the north fork would seem
more likely, since Rorikstead is slightly north of that fork, but the north fork takes you all the way up to Morthal and around almost to Dragonbridge before heading south to Rorikstead. Can't take a carriage there, can't fast travel, since it's the first time. I like to take the roads, since that's what my character would do, since she's weak and doesn't want to fight every wild animal or bandit in front of every dungeon.
And almost forgetting, .. You got a big HUGE compass on your screen, telling to exactly what the direction are. It'll also whow location you are close to and you have not explored yet and are not on your map yet.
I like going by the paths, especially when heading to cities. Besides, there are all sorts of great encounters that only happen on the roads.
So what is the problem?... All what I described above is more then enough to navigate around. You dont need roads on the map.
Sure, it's 'enough,' but it's not optimal, and it's not efficient.
You are just whining! You have tons of ways to navigate... YOU DONT NEED ROADS.
You do if you want to encounter some questlines.
Geez you guys,.... I bet you'll just to comfy with that GPS in your car at home,... and cant navigate anyway else.