» Fri Nov 18, 2011 5:15 pm
Why is the map the way it is?
Blame us thicko console owners: the game has been tailored toward console gaming to increase sales, providing a idiot-proof map that shows you where you are, always, and looks shiney is more important than basic immersion or RP appropriateness.
It doesnt really bother me tbh, i generally go cross country anyway, so no-roads aint an issue. Haivng no map, or a old-style 2D map that draws detail as you explore it - THAT would be the best for immersion. But it would drive tens of thousands of gamers away, particularly on the consoles. PC gamers can wait for Mods is probably the Dev's easy answer (albeit an unspoken one).
THe current map feels like a comprimise between the 'want' of catering to us dumb console gamers and not being a perfect GPS system + Ultra-detail of 'everything' i.e. it is vaguely immersive whilst preventing all but idiots from getting utterly and bewilderingly lost.
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