You are a Dremora, fearsome warriors of the Deadric Prince Mehrunes Dagon. You've lived a thousand lives, killed a thousand enemies. You march fearlessly into battle, your armour stained red with the blood of your foes. Your home is nothing more than a hellish nightmare, your rivers are lava and your land ash. You are harsh, cruel and calculating. You are a Dremora, and you have been called to battle!
Mehrunes Dagon, your god: Has ordered the attack upon the living world of Nirn. It is a colourful place, a place you have been to a few times in your life. You are a lowely Caitiff and your unit is run by two Kynmarcher's. Your Primary mission is to kill the son of the current Emperor. Your drop point? The city of Kvatch.
Gear up soldier! Your Kynmarcher's are waiting for you at the Oblivion Gate, swear your oath, sharpen your blade and prepare to taste blood!
1. Uglius Maximus II and i are the moderators of this RP. What we say goes.
2. No ubering. You are a Catiff, that is to say, a simple Dremora Soldier. Uglius Maximus and I are the Kynmarchers.
3. Respect eachother, no fighting
4. Do not do anything major without consent
5. Make sure PM your character sheets to Uglius Maximus II or me for submission
6. Be consistant with posts, but please, no more than two or three a day
7. read up on Dremora lore here:
8. have fun!
Character Sheet
Name: your dremora's name
Gender: should be male, but i suppose there are female dremoras?
General Appearance: self explanatory
Skills: no more than seven skills please
Equipment: you are kind of limited here, you need to carry some sort of dremora weapon and armor. BUT you may also have some other weapon or armor piece you found durring your travels in nirn. Your armor can be either light or heavy
Backstory: what has your dremora done in its immortal life? list its involvments with mortals, battles he/she participated in, evil deeds, and anything else you can think up
Personality: kinda limited here as well, but be creative.
Please read over all the rules. Submit sheets and questions to either me or Uglius Maximus II. we will begin once we have ten people.