The Marriage of Khajiits and Bosmer.

Post » Fri Dec 02, 2011 1:44 am

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Post » Fri Dec 02, 2011 5:03 am

Khajiit and Bosmer lands are now part of the Aldmeri Dominion. The enemy of the Empire. Coincidence? How many Altmer you can marry?
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Rhysa Hughes
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Post » Thu Dec 01, 2011 8:09 pm

Yes, yes, the White-Gold Accord and all that. Shouldn't realistically stop any Khajiit or Bosmer from being married in any land. The war is over, anyway. And if that's what they're going to try telling us, it still doesn't make sense because of the whole playing as a Khajiit/Bosmer and marrying thing. If anyone knows of anyway to send a message to Bethseda or get their attention; that would be wonderful. I know Blizzard regularly responds to their forums and the like, I'm hoping Bethesda does the same here.
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Len swann
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Post » Thu Dec 01, 2011 10:13 pm

Yes, it strikes me as weird, that some Khajiiti and Bosmer in the Nord lands can be married but not all? Maybe these strapping Nords don't understand their own laws very well, if a small sample can be married then why cannot others get married? Why can a Khajiit choose to marry an Imperial, or a Nord, but an Imperial cannot choose to marry a Khajiit?
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Post » Thu Dec 01, 2011 10:26 pm

Plus the fact that I'm Dovahkiin and if anyone tried telling me who I couldn't marry, I'd shout them apart or punch them in the face.

And ActionHitman, you can marry one Altimer woman in Solitude. She's that total [censored] who owns that clothing store. That's one more than Khajiit/Bosmer, and the Empire doesn't have an issue with the Khajiit/Bosmer.
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Post » Thu Dec 01, 2011 5:08 pm

Citing war as the reason why some races cannot marry is preposterous little dumplings, war has never stopped love from prospering in these lands, as you should all well know from some of my more famous plays.
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Lauren Denman
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Post » Fri Dec 02, 2011 1:13 am

Not enough diversity of races in the game period.

I agree with what you say about it feeling like Im in some sort of Norse fantasy game, it hardly feels like TES with 5 khajit, a handful of Argonians and a few elves.

Too little diversity in marriage options as well.
Apart from what you already pointed out, no Redguard or Altmer males either.

Come on Bethesda, this could have been such a great feature.
But, as with many of the things in game, it feels rushed and unfinished.
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Post » Thu Dec 01, 2011 11:27 pm

I agree Merari, and I don't want anyone to get me wrong - I absolutely love this game. I occasionally even feel shivers up my back as I charge towards a dragon with "DOVAHKIIN, DOVAHKIIN, DOVAHKIIN!" in my ears (awesome touch there) but honestly, it really could have been a great feature, but feels.. incomplete.

Found this list off the internet. Someone citing the guide.

Nord 13F 16M -
Redg 1F 0M -
DElf 4F 4M -
Orc 2F 3M -
Impe 5F 4M -
Bret 1F 5M -
Argo 1F 2M -
HElf 1F 0M -
WElf 0F 0M -
Khaj 0F 0M -

28 Female
34 Male

^ Bit ridiculous.

Until Bethseda responds to our demands, I'll have to be happy with my Orc wife, Borgakh. She is hot, but I want Khajiit more. Then again, I should be able to have multiple-wives. It's part of Orc culture anyway, Borgakh can be my Forge-Wife and my Khajiit can be my tap-most-of-the-time Wife.
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Post » Thu Dec 01, 2011 7:54 pm

A few of those numbers look very low, that all the effort was put towards the signature race in the game. This is a far shot from previous titles, where even in the xenophobic homelands of the Dunmer there were large amounts of the other races. Even if it is the Nord homeland there would've been large numbers of mer and men who had deserted the Morrowind province, and even other provinces towards somewhere a lot safer, more likely to the west, since there were other threats coming from the south. Places like Hammerfell, High Rock and Skyrim should have more variation in races by this point.
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Post » Fri Dec 02, 2011 5:55 am

That's true, Uncle Curio. In fact it's supposedly said that people did -just- that. Though in game, the most you see of this is some alley-way in a city that comprises of about.. five or six Dunmer?
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Post » Thu Dec 01, 2011 5:31 pm

kit will fix it! and if your on console i send you a screen shot of my marriage to keep you satisfied
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Amber Hubbard
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Post » Thu Dec 01, 2011 11:33 pm

Your Khajiit wife will be mine. Oh yes, she will be mine.
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Phoenix Draven
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Post » Thu Dec 01, 2011 6:27 pm

Hah, I'm pretty sure some furries work at Bethseda.

Considering some of the things in the game's books, i wouldn't be surprised :lmao:

I wanted my khajiit spellsword to marry a cute little wood elf girl, but that apparently ain't happening either :stare:
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Monique Cameron
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Post » Fri Dec 02, 2011 5:38 am

Hah, aye. "The Real Benerziah Pt. II" I think, the uncensored version. And yes, Bosmer women are cute. I've always actually liked them since Morrowind. Something about those pure-black eyes.

Also I totally just saw a dev in the "Users reading this topic" thing below and he didn't comment.
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Sophie Payne
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Post » Thu Dec 01, 2011 5:07 pm

This does not warrant Bethesda's attention. Especially not right now. They have way, way more important things they need to look into right now.

Besides, it makes sense for there to be very little Khajiit in Skyrim. It's fricking freezing up there. Khajiit are used to lush, temperate to tropical climates. They're freezing their whiskers off up there.

On the marriage thing, I'm fairly certain they made it to be as basic as possible, intended for players to expand (read, mod) upon to their personal taste. TES series' greatest quality is still its modability.

If you're a console user, tough luck. If you want your fantasies to come true exactly the way you want them, buy a pc and mod it in once they release their kit.
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Post » Thu Dec 01, 2011 5:31 pm

That would be "The Real Barenziah, Part IV" young Imperial. Always a thrilling read.
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Post » Thu Dec 01, 2011 6:19 pm

Well... if the Nords are very xenophobic, especially in their own homelands it kind of makes sense. It is also like REALLY cold in ithe North, Argonians are cold blooded right? Khajiits were probably chased out or kept out or simply executed at the border unless they snuck in. I can totally see a lack of the "beast races" in this norse themed fantasy land by lore, but as a role playing gamer, I do weep for the lack of options among the rediculous amount we have in just playing this game. The hard truth is, we can never be trulyi satisfied, the best way to handle it is to use what we have instead of crying over theoretically spilt milk.

Sure my first character is also a khajiit and sure I went into the game with the preconcieved notion that I could marry/find another khajiit, but overall it isn't a part of the game that I deem crucial. I keep my fantasies in all the ideal things that could happen in my head no need to expect things that cannot exist in our current real world culture lol.
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Post » Fri Dec 02, 2011 5:00 am

Navurp, explain why there are more Argonians in Skyrim than Khajiit. Argonians, whom are cold-blooded reptiles - Khajiits, whom are warm-blooded with fur. This does warrent Bethseda's attention, any legitimate question asked by a large group of players does. Douchebags like you don't need to derail and bring down threads like this. I've seen it happen far too many times regarding this subject.

Kage, this is Tamriel, not Earths' Western-World. They do not have the same culture we do, and they've had far-less the similar cultural barriers. Tamriel isn't our real world culture, it's Tamriels, and in Tamriel, it's perfectly acceptable. It isn't even said anywhere that it isn't acceptable in Skyrim - it's just been completely neglected for some reason after a lot of false-promises.
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Post » Thu Dec 01, 2011 3:50 pm

yes, the game world is Tamriel, but that world is created by minds in our own world that created the game to show us that world. But. the creators of Tamriel cannot just put in whatever they want. There are laws, moral considerations, ethics, and other outside influences from the real world that affects what the developers put into Skyrim within Tamriel.

Now this is a horrible example, but I will use it anyway because It was the first thing I thought of.

You cannot kill children in the game. Why? Because it is horrible, wrong, and would surely get the game shut down. This is probably the best example of outside Tamriel influence. I can think of more.
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Post » Thu Dec 01, 2011 2:24 pm

So you're saying that you can't marry Khajiit (but you can marry Argonians) because it would interfere with current, real-world moralities, ethics, and cultural influences? That's psychotic. If that were true with anything, we wouldn't have any form of imagination - plus, Bethseda doesn't care. When they made gay marriage, they didn't make a big deal about it because they didn't think it was an issue. Saying that you can only create a fictional world with our-world minds is bland, boring, and absolutely unimaginative. And I can ensure you, Bethseda is quite the opposite of that, and I can assure they take no consideration of our-world moralities and ethics when making The Elder Scrolls.

Yes, regarding children, they do, because parental groups would throw a pissy-fit. However, it has been done before in games (The original Fallout, for instance) and can very -easily- be modded in. The ability to marry a Khajiit has absolutely nothing, what so ever, to do with our moronic ethics in this world. If that were true, then YOU AS A KHAJIIT PLAYER wouldn't be able to marry one of the 5,000 Nords that you CAN marry.

For Stendarr's sake, you can murder people in Skyrim, can't you? What about how murder is illegal in OUR WORLD?

Ugh, stop trying to derail this thread.
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Post » Thu Dec 01, 2011 8:47 pm

Yes, because bipedal sapient cats and short elves being marry-able somehow violates a real world law.
No. It doesn't. It's a ridiculous example, and it's one that doesn't really apply in this case.
There's no real world social or legal barriers that prevent people from portraying interspecies relationships between sapient beings, in fact this is common in media -- take star trek for example, in which Spock's parents are a human and a vulcan. Now you could probably argue that this is irrelevant because Spock's father is rather human in appearance but he's still not a human.
The only taboo I can think of that would apply in a case like this is portrayal of a homosixual relationship but society has advanced past the point where it believes homosixuality to be a disease that can be cured.

My point is that there are no laws, moral considerations, ethics or other outside influences from the real world that would affect what the developers did and did not choose to be a valid marry-able partner in the game.
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Post » Thu Dec 01, 2011 10:12 pm

Navurp, explain why there are more Argonians in Skyrim than Khajiit.

Define 'more'. I can count the amount of Argonians I've seen in the game so far on one hand I think. To be honest, I'm pretty sure I've seen more Khajiit so far even. Also the climate thing was a weak joke, and wasn't supposed to be taken seriously.

This does warrent Bethseda's attention, any legitimate question asked by a large group of players does.

A personal cosmetic taste is not a legitimate question, and ~5 people is not a large group of players. Right now Bethesda needs to focus on making their game actually playable for one half of the playerbase, and iron out the dozens of bugs in important questlines and game mechanics for the other half. That is a large group of players. Sending them e-mails because you can't marry Khajiit now is a waste of both your time, and more importantly, theirs. Believing otherwise is pure arrogance really. Not to mention childish.

Douchebags like you don't need to derail and bring down threads like this.

I never derailed the thread, I even adressed all the issues that had been brought up so far. I didn't shoot it down either; the topic is worth discussing but, again, does not warrant "Bethesda needing to come in here and comment on this personally". Also, don't randomly insult people if you want to be taken seriously.

I've seen it happen far too many times regarding this subject.

You may have noticed the severe lack of furry haters so far. This is because, unless you're an idiot, you'd notice that it is, indeed, accepted and prominently suggested/featured inside the game, and therefore accepted by most of us here. Don't assume that - just because we're criticising this topic - we're bashing on furries, and start lashing out because of it. Heck, I'm not all too shy of the subject myself, really.

As for Bethesda and real life ethics, I'm pretty sure we can all agree that they don't give a [censored] anymore. Proven by the fact their putting children back in their games for instance, and now by the addition of being able to marry anyone you want, regardless of six and race. Currently being unable to marry one or two specific races is a coincedence at best, considering the setting. If this had been Elsweyr, we wouldn't even be having this discussion. Or it would be about the lack of Nords. And children being "unkillable" isn't stopping me from axing them in the face, now is it?
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Post » Thu Dec 01, 2011 11:16 pm

There should at least been a Khajiit in the thieves guild.
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Post » Fri Dec 02, 2011 5:42 am

I really wanted to marry another Khajiit :(
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Katey Meyer
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Post » Fri Dec 02, 2011 12:47 am

I am not trying to derail the thread. You are over reactingi to my opinion and suggestion.

The reason why LGBT marriage/relationships are making it into the more recent fantasy RPG games are because of the changing way the western world views them

Killing and murder, and murder is killing, it all depends on the context onto which one looks at it. Killing or "defeating your opponents" have been a part of gaming since the beginning of gaming. Even Pong when you think about it, but by context you simply see it as winning and defeating.

I argue that there is indeed something from our own world, whether it be ethics or influences, that prevents the developers from putting in everything they would want to put in barring forgetfulness and a strain on time and resources. This by extension affects what this thread is about, equal opportunities for marriage.

As you stated earlier Batley, we are on the same side here...
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