The Marriage of Khajiits and Bosmer.

Post » Thu Dec 01, 2011 2:24 pm

Can't remember the town, Navurp, but it's wherever you find the Argonian "Sheeva" to marry. She lives in an entire Argonian Consulate by the docks in whatever town it's on. There's like ten of them there. There's about four Khajiit NPCs in a traveling merchant band, and one in the Wizard's College. The rest are bandits, and they don't count. Hell, bandits are the only female Bosmer I've even seen.

Your post is irrelevant to the subject at hand, and you're taking your own personal opinion on the matter way too far. I'm not the only one of "five" who wants this matter addressed; go ahead and google it. You also can't marry Bosmer, either (something I mentioned before, and is in fact, part of the title to this thread) and I have mentioned that we want answers to that as well. A single Dev sitting around sipping coffee and posting on Twitter or the forums when he's not coding or walking along the beach contemplating life while "Dust in the Wind" plays doesn't detract from actual game development. They've even said it's time for their break, and answering questions isn't going to stop them from doing that. Yes, making a huge post in an obvious and specific attempt to attack my opinion and my request is "derailing". You don't want to be considered a troll or said you're derailing a thread? Comment about how you agree that Bethseda never gave a good reason and should, or don't comment at all; all this sort of post and response and so on and so forth leads to is the thread being locked.

Just because Bethseda gave us something nice doesn't mean we, the customers who support them, have to just sit there with our thumbs up our [censored] and let them do whatever they want without questioning it. We have every right to ask them why there are no marry-able Khajiits or Bosmer in game, and if you really believe that's somehow going to prevent them from developing their game, or anything, you're insane.

And yes, Kage, we are. However you had stated basically, that you aren't able to marry Khajiiti or Bosmer based on our real world ethics/moralities/et cetera, where the truth is quite the contrary. As I stated before, that line of reasoning behind their decision to not allow us to marry them is defeated by the fact that you can -play- as a Khajiit or Bosmer and marry any other race.. except your own, in that instance.

Also let's not forget the fact that I don't actually believe Todd Howard himself is browsing these forums and posts anything himself, there are however, team members at Bethseda who are paid to read forums and answer customers questions just like this one. For Blizzard, they're basically what most Game Masters do.
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Rex Help
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Post » Thu Dec 01, 2011 7:35 pm

I like this quote from Gstaff.

"we've been monitoring the forums all weekend. should have more information to share soon"
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Dan Wright
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Post » Thu Dec 01, 2011 6:22 pm

I like this quote from Gstaff.

"we've been monitoring the forums all weekend. should have more information to share soon"

I like your style.

Ok, so the real world question has been thrown out the window or at least shouldn't be considered.

What exactly does the LORE say?
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Ally Chimienti
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Post » Fri Dec 02, 2011 5:21 am

Not sure why Khajiit and Bosmer were excluded, but what can you do? Also surprised that there are more male options then females!........did not see that coming.
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Chris Duncan
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Post » Thu Dec 01, 2011 5:17 pm

As a Bosmer female, if I can't find a Bosmer male to marry then I guess I won't be getting married. Not only should there be one, there should be several to choose from. Same for the Khajiits!
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Monika Krzyzak
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Post » Thu Dec 01, 2011 9:44 pm

I like your style.

Ok, so the real world question has been thrown out the window or at least shouldn't be considered.

What exactly does the LORE say?

I don't know... maybe it's because the Khajiit are the most dicriminated race in Skyrim.
How would you marry one if they're not even allowed into cities?

And the Bosmers...well...I guess it's because they're cannibals? I don't feel there's any real reason for there not to be Wood Elven spouses,actually.
Another coincidence is that the Bosmer and Khajiit share the same ancestors, but that's hardly a reason as well.
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Post » Thu Dec 01, 2011 8:49 pm

Well, that's just it Kage, and that's really where I want Bethseda or someone at Bethseda who knows to step in and answer: there isn't ANYTHING in lore that says we can't - no reason given, not even a hint at an explanation. The very LEAST I can think of is that MAYBE it has something to do with Khajiiti merchants being banned from entering cities? But that of course makes no sense, since you can -be- a Khajiit and do anything you want.. and I can't even think of a reasoning behind Bosmer not being able to be married. Besides maybe the fact that there are hardly any to begin with.. I swear I've met maybe three, and no women. First and only Bosmer woman I saw was a bandit - and they don't count. Could be Sheogorath in the Banditfaction.

Also, do not forget good people, of Ahnassi of Morrowind in Pelegiad, and her absolute disregard for any race you may be so long as you are male. In her words, it was "Yes, Ahnassi is Khajiit, and William is Imperial. We are both strangers in this land.".

If all else, my personal theory is that they went so berserk adding Nords to the game they literally ran out of room for any other NPCs and had to slip the rest of the races in afterwards.

All I think we want is an answer, a comment about it. We were told that we could marry anyone, were led to believe we could marry Khajiit and Bosmer as we were given no reason not to, and instead we can't - for no reason.

Bethseda to say something on it, and to in the absolute best possible outcome, address it as part of a DLC, expansion, offical mod (like what Morrowind got), or patch would be amazing. Forget not that the Construction Kit would be a perfectly acceptable answer for PC users - yet excludes all console gamers.

Also, Hinalle, because you're the Dovahkiin, and if someone tried telling you what to do you'd destroy them.
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Post » Fri Dec 02, 2011 5:18 am

Furry fetishes are gross. You are a weird person.
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Dewayne Quattlebaum
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Post » Thu Dec 01, 2011 7:43 pm

Furry fetishes are gross.

Midget Wood elf ones as well.
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Post » Thu Dec 01, 2011 4:39 pm

I quit reading when you failed to except that these "warped" morals are right.
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Adrian Morales
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Post » Fri Dec 02, 2011 4:14 am

Ah, yes, yes, how could I ever forget about Ahnassi.

Oh well, perhaps they'll fix this with DLCs in the future.
More content means more NPCs...
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Post » Thu Dec 01, 2011 11:58 pm

That's what I hope for, Hinalle. But first I want some form of dialogue about it. I need reasons, even if they're bad ones, at least they're reasons.
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Post » Thu Dec 01, 2011 2:48 pm

I think the most logical conclusion would be that they simply forgot, or just didn't keep track of which races we could marry. Either that or there is something that we haven't considered, because I'm not buying the lore perspective, or the real world morals thing.
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Post » Fri Dec 02, 2011 2:32 am

Have we exhausted all productive avenues of discussion then?
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Post » Thu Dec 01, 2011 2:47 pm

Sadly, I'm starting to think the "forgot" possibility more and more ;\

Bethseda, I love you. I really do. I've been with you guys since Daggerfall, and your game series has been one of the best and most memorable series of my entire gaming history.

But gods damnit, you guys forget so much, leave so much incomplete, and promise so much but never deliver on those promises.

Also, for Stendarr's sake. If you guys are going to try spamming or derailing, at least ask something like "what was that ice armor in Bloodmoon called and why isn't it here considering it was Nordic and this is Skyrim" (Kind of a personal question there along with an example).

I'd rather this thread just be created as some sort of sticky so that Bethseda or one of its forum-based employee-guy-person-things can respond to it, instead of it either getting derailed/trolled into Oblivion and forgotten or locked, leaving the question unanswered.

Seriously, when I said "this subject has been derailed countless times" I meant it. I spent like 2-3 days digging through other forums/threads about the same matter and the first response is something idiotic or unhelpful and the topic gets locked and no one is the wiser. I want this to stick around in hope that it gains attention from Bethseda and they can at least plop down a sentence about it.
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Post » Fri Dec 02, 2011 4:30 am

Bethesda allows everybody to be any race they want without blocking content from the player because of in-game racism, so the lore thing doesn't matter.
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Post » Thu Dec 01, 2011 8:53 pm

I can think of a more practical reason.

Khajiit have a very unique mode of speech, so they need unique sound files. In Oblivion they instead made the khajiit share sound files with the argonians, most people didn't notice but people like me were horrified by their own lore breaking and was quick to point out how wrong it sounded.

In Skyrim, the few khajiit you meet actually SPEAK like the khajiit from previous titles, however that requires unique dialogue and sound files (this is averted for the player who is essentially a mute). Marrying a khajiit and the additional dialogue this'd require makes it a lot of effort for a minority feature (I mean, it's not the entire fanbase would be jumping at the chance to get themselves some barbed khajiit junk)
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Post » Thu Dec 01, 2011 5:53 pm

I can think of a more practical reason.

Khajiit have a very unique mode of speech, so they need unique sound files. In Oblivion they instead made the khajiit share sound files with the argonians, most people didn't notice but people like me were horrified by their own lore breaking and was quick to point out how wrong it sounded.

In Skyrim, the few khajiit you meet actually SPEAK like the khajiit from previous titles, however that requires unique dialogue and sound files (this is averted for the player who is essentially a mute). Marrying a khajiit and the additional dialogue this'd require makes it a lot of effort for a minority feature (I mean, it's not the entire fanbase would be jumping at the chance to get themselves some barbed khajiit junk)

Still not a good reason. You can marry Argonians and they are a minority as well.
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Post » Thu Dec 01, 2011 11:38 pm

But that goes against what they're trying to establish as a setting; it makes it very inconsistent and sloppy story telling.
Contradicting an established point of lore is very much a huge no-no when world-building in a setting for a story, game or anything.
To clarify, I mean allowing the player to do one thing as any race but saying that NPCs of that race cannot by laws of the province or anything else similar.
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Post » Thu Dec 01, 2011 8:08 pm

you're taking your own personal opinion on the matter way too far.

Hypocrite; go ahead and google it.

You also can't marry Bosmer, either (something I mentioned before, and is in fact, part of the title to this thread) and I have mentioned that we want answers to that as well.

I repeat:
Currently being unable to marry one or two specific races is a coincedence at best, considering the setting. If this had been Elsweyr, we wouldn't even be having this discussion. Or it would be about the lack of Nords.

The only reason you can't marry Khajiit or Bosmer is probably because, due to the current setting, the developers put barely any of them in the game besides randomly generated bandits and such. Since you can't marry those, it's tough luck for you. And that's all the 'reason' there is to it. There is no hate against them, there is no conspiracy, it's just a coincedence. The Altmer, Imperials, Nords and such play far greater roles in Skyrim's current time and space. Maybe they should have added more NPCs of the other races, true, but they certainly didn't do it on purpose.

Yes, making a huge post in an obvious and specific attempt to attack my opinion and my request is "derailing".

I'm sorry if my way of replying offends you, but it helps point out the specific issues in your clumps of text I want to reply to without having to clump my text as well. I've never once attacked your opinion so far, at most I've made stern remarks about them. Again, if this offends you, maybe consider maturing a bit.

[...]there are however, team members at Bethseda who are paid to read forums and answer customers questions just like this one. For Blizzard, they're basically what most Game Masters do.

Right now, the only person who's been turning this thread into "one of those threads that will get locked" is you. The only one shooting down others' opinion has been you. Bethesda won't reply in this topic because it's not taking itself seriously, so why should we?

Other than that, I guess there's not much more to be said about the subject without inciting more hate.
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Post » Fri Dec 02, 2011 2:53 am

Barbed what????

Well... you do have a good point. Hiring voice actors to do additional and obscure voice work costs time and money.

But then again, in Oblivion I do remember that the Protagonist, i.e. you had the beast race voice in fighting and hurt sounds. But in skyrim, I still have a nord voice even though I am using a khajiit.
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Post » Fri Dec 02, 2011 6:25 am

Well, Ryuujin, that is a good point as well. But if that's the case, why have so few Khajiit to begin with? And I have actually heard them say quite a lot of things - in dialogue with each other, or a khajiit bandit speaking to others or myself. I do hope that some DLC/Patch/Officialmods/et cetera, come out that introduces more Khajiit (and marriage options). Perhaps a large caravan from Cyrodil setting up residence in an abandoned ruin, tower, town, and so on?

or of course, they simply forgot and got rushed. Maybe Marriage was implemented as a more-or-less last minute thing? I forget we live in the day-and-age of DLCs/content patches/et cetera. I do hope they bring back the Morrowind style offical mods (free, added nice things to the game, area of effect arrows or sound effects/ dragon flies for near seyda neen as an example).

Navurp, you had no reason to comment to begin with. Your post had nothing at all to do with the subject, nor does your current response. You are an example of someone who derails a thread and gets it locked. I'm not sure if it's maliciousness or ignorance. Your first post was nothing but quotes from me and how you're attacking each individual sentence. So yes, your manner of replying "offends" me because you're being an ass and you aren't contributing anything helpful at all. - Either way, stop.

And by the way, there's only one Altmer you can marry, and she's a total b-word. Kind of irritated at that too.
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Post » Thu Dec 01, 2011 6:04 pm

I guess it's also "lore" that everyone in Tamriel is bisixual as well.
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Post » Thu Dec 01, 2011 9:13 pm

Well, Luke, I wouldn't really say that. Firstly let me mention that it's kindaaa a westen-culture gays/bisixuality is wrong yadda-yadda sort of thing. (Look at the Romans, they didn't give a [censored].) But you can also say that only about.. 40 people are bi-sixual?.. I mean, that's pretty much all you can marry ;|

On that note, why can't we marry MORE NPCs? There are SO many NPCs who you can't even have conversations with, you just push X and they say some line (was actually kind of disappointed by that.. made the NPCs seem -less- alive.), why not allow us to marry them too? If we had some kind of presuation mini-game like Oblivion or means of increasing a specific NPCs disposition without doing a quest for them, I could see how they could still make the marry-most-anyone option viable. Can't just have it like "HI, WE JUST MET, LET'S GET MARRIED".
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Post » Fri Dec 02, 2011 12:43 am

I had every reason to comment, the topic genuinely interested me. Unfortunately, I didn't expect its poster to be this uptight and arrogant.

If all you're going to do is ignore, shun or insult everyone who tries to give an honest opinion/explanation on this that differs from yours, then I'd say good luck with that. I won't bother you any further then.
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