Now, before you mention that it's been said before, or the thread exists (and is then filled with morons who've no idea what they're speaking about, causing the thread to linger and die), I want this thread to try to stick around. I would really love for an official comment from Bethseda on the matter, if they do such a thing.
Why can we not marry any Khajiit or Bosmer? My Imperial ass has hunted tail à la Uncle Curio since 207ish years ago in a dimly lit tavern in Pelagiad. When Oblivion came out, I was hoping they would at least bring back some sort of tail-hunting options; but alas, my search t'was for naught. Then, SKYRIM is announced - and behold, marriage.
"Finally." I think, as I nod my head slowly, mind filled with thoughts of wild inter-species relations and little half-cat spawn with excellent bartering skills and silver tongues. My excitement begins to mount as I hear more word of it, about same-six relations being acceptable because Tamriel doesn't have our warped and twisted 2,000 years of religious-fueled definition of morality, word of how we can marry "any" NPC; leading me more and more to believe that yes - I will finally nail a Khajiit and have claw-marks to boast over in mead-slurred gloatings by the fire in a tavern. And with good reason, we were never told otherwise.
Then I get Skyrim, I begin my journey, - a renegade Cyrodil they call me, apologies go around, the chopping block - fate, all that good stuff. I set off after that little incident and make my way around the world, battling Deathlords atop glaciers, twin-dragons, droves of undead, cultists, necromancers, vampires and the like. All around the world I travel in search of a Khajiit woman to wed - but none I find. The racial diversity is appalling, and makes little sense. I swear in Morrowind, you saw at least one of every race within the first five minutes of gameplay, and the rest down the street in another town - and with even less reason so than Skyrim! I've only even MET four Khajiit, and I'm told they cannot be wed? WHY? Regardless, dispite Bethseda's apparent obsession with Skwisgaar, I remained hopeful that I would eventually find one. After at least 12 hours of gameplay, I decided that they weren't here, or there was only one hidden somewhere really stupid. I check online and sure enough, I find that it cannot be done.
Not only can it not be done, but Bethseda really went berserk with the Nord obsession. 16 female nords, 20 male nords to marry, and evey other race getting 2, maybe 3 canidates? Yes, we get it Todd, it's Aryan-Nord-Land and literally everyone is a Nord for some reason. It literally gets boring at times to walk into a town and the only people you meet are Skwisgaar and Toki going on about how dragons is dlldos. Sometimes, I forget that I'm in The Elder Scrolls universe until I stumble upon a a troll or some [censored]. I start feeling like I'm in some generic Nord-themed medeval-fantasy game.
Anyway, back on topic. I want an answer as to why we can't marry Khajiit or Bosmer, not stupid people durping and saying things like "MEBE DEY DONT HAFF MARRIGUE DUR" (It's called a Mating Ceremony in their culture.) Not to mention the fact that you can marry Argonians for some bloody reason, and their culture is ever more shrouded in mystery and misconceptions than any other race in Tamriel. I also have a few points to mention in regards to this whole matter: One of the like, four Khajiits in all of Skyrim mention that they're banned from entering cities. I can see this as a half-assed excuse from Bethseda as to why you can't marry them - the only problem is, their own reasoning defeats itself in that regard, considering you can -play- as a Khajiit, not even discover you're Dragonborn, be nothing more than some run-away fugitive in the eyes of the people, and still marry, own property, and jump around rooftops and knock over merchant stands. And I can't even think of a reason as to why you can't marry Bosmer. I wouldn't be surprised if male/female Khajiit/Bosmer actually had the voice files for marriage in game, too.
I kind of feel like Bethseda went so berserk making everyone a gods dammned Nord that they forgot to add any other race, and then quickly shoved the remaining races in afterwards. I would love some actual reasoning behind this, and I would love for Bethseda to actually address the massively inbalanced marriage canidate list.
Patches, included as a bit in some DLC, free or other-wise, an expansion, what have you. Just something, if even just a completely bogus reason.
YEAH! And I wanna be able to bang chicken! Now don′t say that′s disgusting, it′s perfectly acceptable over here in Kentucky.