» Thu Dec 06, 2012 9:09 am
You must be my long lost "Marshall Brother" lol XD. I also don't play that much Crysis2 anymore. Bro can you add me on PSN?...so if somehow you decided to play Crysis2 again and I'm also up for it, It would be awesome to shotgun ride with you. Peace my brother. Marshall Pride!
Mang, that sounds sweet!
But we may find it hard to get into a match since I moved to the middle east, and as anybody who played with me way back when would tell you, my connection is pretty damn bad!
If you have Skype, then we would be able to communicate a lot better, especially in-game due to the fact that I don't have a mic(yet, hopefully).
As far as Custom Classes go, I have one or two with the Marshall at all times, usually so I can include Air Stomp in case I join a match in a map I'm experienced at stomping in. I always have one stealth/sniper class for when I feel like a ninja, one class with nothing but explosives, and one or two classes with mix-up weapons or things I just enjoy using or wish to try out.
I do have over 10,000 kills with the Marshall, and it's at least 3 times higher than any other weapon's kills, but I enjoy using more than one class in a single game for when I get bored, I actually only use the Marshall when I get SERIOUS. I don't resort to the Feline.
I only used that gun on my first reboot before I discovered the Marshall, and I'm proud to say I have more kills with my GAUSS, GRENDEL, MAJESTIC, SCAR, and SCARAB than I have with the Feline. I usually use the Grendel or Gauss when my opponents are too easy.