O my nurse! Open me the curtains of the litter, that I may smell the perfume of the breeze.
So the nurse opened them, and Humaidah and en-Nuaniin found themselves face to face. And she mocked him, but he recited, saying:Spite of thy jeering now, O Humaidah! for how long a time have I forsaken thee, like a thrown-off garment?
But she answered, saying:It troubled me not when bereft of high estate. Though I had lost of wealth and rank; wealth may be acquired and honour recalled, if the One preserve the soul from death.
And she continued deriding and laughing, until they drew nigh unto the elves' country. And when they came near a town, she dropped some denarii out of her hand on to the ground, and thenHo, gondalier! we have let some drakes fall; pick them up for us.
So en-Nuaniin looked on the ground, but seeing only denarii, said:They are denarii.
And she replied:Not so, they are drakes.
He repeated:They are denarii!
Whereupon she exclaimed:The One be praised! Denarii fell from our hand, and the One has replaced them by drakes!
Then was en-Nuaniin covered with confusion, and was silent, and made no answer; but went with her into the presence of 'un-AllUh-fyr-Tdhir, who married her. And according to her will, so was everything.