I doubt anyone will be persuaded by hearing how many combinations there is. They are most likely not upset there are fewer choices but that some characters they would want to make involving acrobatics etc. can't be done.
For most planned character i have in mind they will only use 4 or 5 skills. Some chracters I orginally planned to have Acrobatics and Athletics for, but they wheren't what defined the character. For example my female dual-sword wielding Altmer who will smith and enchant her weapons. Those are the 3 core skills, to add on that i have alchemy to make the weapons more powerfull. possibly give one blade poison weakness and poison the other, and possibly Light Armor, but I will more likely choose something that looks good and feels fitting between clothing and armor. She'll use shouts but no magic, as she can shouts without having to unequip her swords.
I think im pretty much limiting each character quite much, for example my spellsword will most likely only use 2 schools of magic, Destruction and Restoration. And in that only frost spells.
I have some conjurer build in mind to that i havent quite figured out yet, aswell as my argonian assassin, that seems he have to compensate not having a spear by either something similar 2 handed weapon or dualwielding dagger and staff. Going to play a pure mage aswell and most likely either start with the nord spellsword or an pure nord warrior. Ofcourse I'll also have a thief to make the thieves guild with. I'm also unsure if my argonian assasin would join dark brotherhood so i might make an aditional assassin to join them. And lastly another character that will use a bow but not neccesarily stealthy. Someone using bound weapons too...
Basicly have general idea of atleast 10 characters that probably will use 4 to 7 skills and im sure ill get more ideas in the future. Way more then I did in Oblivion, but sadly alot of my time playing Oblivion I powerleveled, I even have some characters i leveled 100 in all major and max in atributes but havent done anything else on them.
All in all, I feel like there's definitly enough customization, as i have basicly 10+ characters in mind from skills alone, with perks i might even make more characters thats similar in skills but different perks.