Ahh looks like a newbie am i wrong?

Ok Vanilla Oblivion is the unmoded game default and everything thats what it is
but for 360 well since you cant get mods into xbox like on the pc there is no need for vanilla
dont get confused by this but there is a way to mod all games no matter on what platform they are
but i dont understand how can you play that xbox the pc is way better
if you want to mod the game and install it on another gaming platform you need to remake the installing cd and add the mods to it and adapt them for xbox 360 or any other platform if you adapt it you can make mods get installed with oblivion
1.) I play on PS3 and think its great. One good thing about consoles, is if a game performs well on on console it will perform well on all consoles of that type.
PC's on the other hand are a different story. If you try to play TES on a PC that doesn't meet the minimum requirements, the results would be unsatisfactory at best.
For some people ( me to name one ) shelling out $20 to play GOTY is better that $600 to $800 ( or more IDK ). That said I won't try to argue with playing on PC is
better, just not always the best option for every one.
2.) I agree that it should be possible to mod Oblivian for the console, however I haven't heard of anyone doing so. Are you saying that you have done this, or know some one who has?
That would be very interesting to quite a few people, could you post a link ? The main problem I see with this is that it would require a computer more than capable of playing the game,
so who would even bother
3.) I am not in any way challenging the validity of any of your statements, but would be interested if you could post a little more information supporting them. A link would be awesome.