For those of you advocating rpg over action. Whta are you thoughts on Oblivion then? The series has already went "action" with oblivion, as far as combat goes. The hit was based on player skill, not character skill like in morrowind.
I am in NO way saying take the "rpg" out of the game, not at all, I love the RPG. I am just saying, with an action-rpg, which we already have with TES, having combat that is more in depth and offers a more fun tactical experience for the pler I would find more appealing. You can have both, it works fine in rpgs like Mass Effect, Mount and Blade, etc. All of which are action rpgs.
I doubt BEth would go from Oblivion style combat to an older more die-roll heavier system a l Morrowind.
Also as far as view goes. I said biefore, If you can do a combat system like I talk about IN first person, I'd be happy. However the problem with such things are the camera. When a player does a combat move that requires a spin or such, do you show this? Will it disorient the player or what?
This is why I feel that many first-person games that do combat (IE OBlivion, Dark Messiah, Zeno Clash) have a bit of a "shallow" feel to them. They can be fun yes, and the games themselves are great. The combat however lacks real depth behind it, as far as player skill goes.
A few choice responses in red.
Bottom Line: First of all, the combat in Oblivion was fine and does not need drastic changes. The game was very popular, and was a huge hit... so Bethesda is simply not going to make drastic changes to a winning formula.
Yes, there probably will be some changes to the combat... but they likely will keep the basics that have made TES so popular. Bethesda is however NOT going to make changes that would basically turn the game into a watered down, button masher action adventure game. I understand you might not like the combat in TES games, but then you probably shouldn't play TES games. If you want action adventure, go play action adventure... don't try to turn a one of a kind game into a run of the mill game in an already crowded market.
As I said in detail in my post. Lock on, as in Severance and how I mention it, isn't an "I win" button.
The combat is NOTHING like fable, at all. In fable you just spam attacks galore, there is 0 depth to the combat of Fable games.
IN severance, the combat was much much more in depth. You had a LOT of different moves, which changed depending on what weapon you were using (IE Swords/hammers had different move sets, advantages/weaknesses/speeds).
The "lock on" mechanic as it is in Severance is used mainly so that you keep an orientation to your target, however once you start doing an attack or move, the animation plays out in that specific direction. This allows enemies to dodge, block, etc and the same goes for you. You HAD to read your enemies, you couldn't just "button mash" your way, enemies would dodge attacks, block them, etc. Whereas for you, this opened up counters. When you say an enemy coming in to oattack you a quick strafe left/dodge out of the way was important, then you could open a counter attack on them after they missed.
Without a lock on mechanic you lose circle strafing and instead, because of the limitations of the 2d-plane of a mouse you have to constantly change your view/movement, instead of doing it with a/d keys which is easier and better controlled.