A Fallout 3 RP
They won't get to me. Why? They don't know me. They don't know what I do. They don't know what I look like. They don't know who I work for. And even if they did, they will NEVER know what I am capable of until it's too late. But for now I have to keep going. Moving. Running. Hiding.
My metal heart ticks on.
The year is 2273.
Traders have been given a vast number of holotapes and tasked with distributing them throughout the DC Wastes for a sizable sum of caps. They're passed along and handed out, usually ending up in large stock at the Capital Wasteland's many settlements or in the corners of the city, where raiders and Brotherhood Outcasts roam. The content of the tapes asks any adventurers seeking a well-paying job to locate the recently established camp northwest of Tenpenny Tower. To acquire the briefing, the adventurers should ask the guards at the camp for "an employer". Few other details remain on the holotapes.
Our story begins when [a maximum of] 5 people enter the camp and await their instructions from the leader of the camp.
1: PM me your character sheet (shown below)
2: Do not uber your character (do not make your character some sort of all-powerful God who can do anything).
3: Don't control other people's characters without permission from the other person (not in this thread: I recommend a PM).
4: Do not attempt to move the story along. Sure, go ahead and perform actions and such, but do not make Non-Roleplayer Characters (NRPCs?) say things that change the story. Go ahead and say "Character X gets pissed", but NOT MUCH MORE (PM me for exceptions)!
5: Try to give every post depth. However, keep in mind that sometimes people get bored of you describing your every little action and might skip your post. Try as hard as you can to make good post lengths, but don't worry about it TOO much.
6: Don't say you have a Fat Man. Most combat in this RP will be too bunched up to fire a nuke into. Just for realism. PLEASE.
7: Sniper Rifles are okay to the specific extent that a person wielding one can't say "stand back, I'm going to go off and shoot everyone for you from afar so as to ruin your RPing experience". Provide BACKUP with them, maybe. Be a nice sniper.
8: Don't be an Enclave soldier. It's just awkward.
9: Having fun is a crime punishable by death.
10: I am TOTALLY not being sarcastic for number 9.
This obviously outlines your character, who is essential for you to use so as to RP. Fill in and PM me the sheet for approval!
RACE: [you can be a ghoul as a sort of nationality]
FACIAL APPEARANCE: [how your face looks, doy]
BUILD: [how your body looks, doy]
FACTION: [stuff like Raider, Brotherhood Outcast, Rivet City citizen. NONE is also an appropriate answer. It is assumed that if you are in a faction that has an enemy, these people will be hostile towards you. Raiders may be able to be hostile towards other Raiders]
HOME: [The Citadel, Megaton, and Tenpenny tower are examples. NONE also works]
SKILLS: [Choose a maximum of three skills that your character is good at, the ones from FO3 like Small Guns, Science. Make up your own if you want, but make it believable]
DESCRIPTION: [generally a backstory or a quick profile of your character]
TALENTS: [a maximum of three things your character does well]
DRAWBACKS: [a minimum of three things that impair your character, like a fear of raiders or complete stupidity]
APPAREL: [some form of clothing or armor you are wearing. Don't limit yourself to pre-existing stuff ingame. Be as descriptive as the number of pockets you have if you really want to! NONE is SORT OF an allowed answer, but DO NOT BE SILLY]
WEAPONS: [don't uber, folks! Be descriptive if you want. Maximum of three. I'm assuming you have 60 to 100 rounds, but THIS WILL WEIGH YOU DOWN. NONE is an okay answer]
OTHER ITEMS: [anything as long as it doesn't make you some sort of god. Minimum of two. You may be weighed down by too many items; pack smartly and realistically]
There is 0 positions left! Shucks...
1: Psymplejester
2: Freak Show
3: BGursky59
4: The Cardinal
5: ForcemunkeE