compared to Fallout 3, and NV, consider the Commonwealth just has more power armors going around.
compared to Fallout 3, and NV, consider the Commonwealth just has more power armors going around.
Which I never cared for in any Fallout game. Other than selling it or parking it at Sanctuary for some settler getting in.
In building mode, highlight the settler, and you will see the assign key at the bottom. Now go and click on the plants you want them to attend. Each settler can attend up to 6 plants.
I have 14 now. It's a mini game really. I have a flamed T45 at Sanctuary and I have 4 ready to go to several settlements. Three T51s and a Jet Packed T60e are going to ... wherever, I have not decided yet.
Having developed a hatred for BoS, The Railroad and the Institute I have few choices in who I support. At least the Atom Cats think I'm cool.
Yeah, it is kind of a mini game. When I see one, I step in and fast travel to Sanctuary to park it there.
And miss out on valuable content, later on. Such as things that go boom.
Okay, yes. This is true. But this is a video game. The developers CHOSE these incredibly annoying people to be some of the characters that you encounter most, at least if one uses Sanctuary. This is a choice that seems rather questionable to me. Why not make your original settlers a group of people that are actually likable? I like Preston in most respects. Sturges kind of creeps me out. His facial expressions never change. Preston has this issue a lot too. Mama Murphy is weird, but at least she adds some cool diversity to the group. Marcy and Jun? Most people just find them to be incredibly abrasive. This is a game. This is not a real life people who lost someone important to them. They were deliberately put in the game, and deliberately made annoying as hell. I just don't understand why they wouldn't have made these characters at least a bit more tolerable. I can't even tell you how many pictures I've seen in Fallout Facebook groups and such showing someone who built a sealed room to lock them into and various things like that. That is how annoying they are lol