Let's face it Brink is not a single player shooter. It is a multiplayer only game and sadly it is missing a few things that a multiplayer game needs to last. The hardcoe community will probably have no problem with these issues because we have clan matches which add reason and incentive to play. Sadly, the majority of the community will probably disappear in the long run due to these missing elements. First being the stats, it will be chore to go to the website to check stats and really has no point. Secondly there is no rank system. Every modern multiplayer shooter that has lasted has had a ranking system like Halo, GoW, and CoD. It keeps the majority of players going they want to rank up and play people with higher ranks. Yes there are levels but only 20 and you level up pretty fast. When you get to 20 what is the incentive to continue playing? Yes some will continue to play for fun but most casual / semi-competitive players will want more reason for playing. Thirdly no Elimination/Deathmatch modes. After reaching to level 20 all you will have left is to play the game and objective gameplay can get repetitive when there is no purpose to drive you. You might think objective is more fun because there is more to do than just kill people but after doing the same goal over and over it can get tiring. Deathmatch is also repetitive, but since you are constantly fighting different people you do not feel it as much. A deathmatch type mode may have not worked with the objective designed maps, but at the very least should have been added just for fun and variety.
Excluding deathmatch and in-game stats are not the only decisions that do not make sense. No lobbies and VoIP can only frustrate and make things harder then they should be. Splash Damage may have meant well but in the end these weird decisions will only turn away customers and shorten the lifespan of the game.