I like mods, they can expand a good game and make it even better, and they're nice to have around if there's some aspect of the game that you feel should have been done differently, but I do not advocate using the attitude to justify poor design decisions. By that kind of reasoning, Bethesda might as well not make a game at all, they might as well just program the engine, core mechanics, and release this and an editor and let fans make the game themselves. In the end, when I play for the game, I expect to get a game that's enjoyable out of the box. Now, it's probably not going to have everything I could possibly want from it, and for that, it's still nice to have mods, but I should be able to enjoy it without them, and I would not use them as an excuse to justify not doing something that's wanted. Now, I'm not saying that I've played a game from Bethesda that I could not enjoy with out mods before. So far, all the Bethesda games I've played have been ones I enjoyed even without installing mods, chances are if I didn't enjoy the games out of the box, I would not have stuck around long enough for mods to be made to fix my problems with them, but there have been some design decisions I've seen in games Bethesda have made that I have not approved of, like Oblivion's approach to level scaling, for example, but I can accept that, because Bethesda can make mistakes at times, what's important is that they realize that maybe the way they did it before wasn't the most ideal way to do it, and try to fix this in future games. What really bothers me is when players criticize what they see as bad design choices, and then other fans defend these designs by saying "Mods can fix it." even worse when Bethesda apparently takes the same mentality, as the lack of an effort to improve the PC interface in Fallout 3 seems to indicate. And besides, the mod mentality probably doesn't appease console players. Now, since I expect to get the PC version for Skyrim, the console versions won't effect me too much, but if Bethesda is going to release the game on consoles, and they are, ignoring the interests of the console players would be rather unwise.
Now, I would say there are some things where the mod mentallity DOES work, but these are for features that some players want, but would alienate too many other players, and can't just be made options. I'd previously have put mandatory eating and drinking here, but since New Vegas proved this can work as an optional feature, I no longer feel it necessarily must be left up to mods. And there are some things that I feel Bethesda would be wise not to do, and should therefore be left for mods, like nudity. And sometimes, I just don't believe a feature will be in the game, or know it won't be in the game, but I still want it, so I say "At least we can mod it." but this doesn't mean I'm using the mod mentality to justify it not being in the game. This is simply acceptance that it won't be happening, and realization that the only way I'll see it is through mods.
I don't think Bethesda are demigods of game design, they're people. People make mistakes, have limitations and have their own tastes and opinions that reflect on what they create. No game will ever be perfect and I don't expect Bethesda to be. There are many decisions they've made over the years that I don't agree with. The same goes for most developers.
I agree with that. Still, saying "players can mod it in" is usually not going to make me approve of a design descision I don't agree with.