The Mojave Convention
This is not a thread to replace the current Mojave Convention but rather is a continuation of Mojave Convention because it went over the post limit. Everything has been left off right were it was, in the past thread. If you want to see what has been said just go take a look. I can't believe these threads are regaining their popularity but I'm certainly for it.
Whats the set up?
The setting- 6 months after the Second Battle
The Second Battle of Hoover Dam has happened without help from the courier who was shot to death in the Goodsprings Cemetery. House's robot army was destroyed by the command of Caesar with the chip taken Benny who was trying to sneak into the Fort. The Legion won the day at the Dam but barely and wasn't able to follow up with a campaign to take Vegas. Most of the Legion's commanding officers died trying to take the Dam and the Legion has been left in an unorganized state. Without proper medical care Caesar died days before the Battle and Legate has now taken command of the Legion, fearing his Generals in the east might use this time to create their own fiefdoms or worse. To stop the possibility of a mass influx of NCR troops Legate has had the Dam's operational capabilities completely and totally destroyed. All metal scrap that could be collected as been salvenged, boiled down, and erected into a 100 foot tall statue of Caesar pointing West on the Dam's top road platform.
Most NCR encampments were attacked or destroyed, also Kimball and Oliver are now dead. The NCR took back Primm, NCRCF and had no opposition in holding the Mojave Outpost. The Powder Gangers still exist in a few small camps along the I-15 but Eddie is dead. Cooke and his Powder Gangers are still in Vault 19 and the Great Khans largely died in the Second Battle but are still located in Red Rock and mointored by the NCR Ranger Station Foxtort. The Fiends launched a deadly attack and did overrun Camp McCarran killing all NCR personnel there but at the cost of almost all of their forces. Today the Fiends don't number more than a dozen, they are currently located out of McCarran.
Westside and Freeside went up in anti NCR riots and almost all NCR citizens located in those places at the time were killed. House, the Tops and WGS killed all Omerta's who destroyed the NCR embassy on the Strip killing all inside. The Kings lost no men and some of them even helped kill NCR citizens, the Van Gruffs were caught trying to supply the Legion with energy weapons but no action by anyone has been taken yet. Crimson Caravan has been able to continue operating but don't trade at all with Freeside. The Gun Runners have lost much business because of McCarran's desturction but continue to operate outside of Freeside. The Boomers helped no faction in the Second Battle and still have no contact with the world except this convention. The Enclave have remained on the sidelines..for now...
Jacobstown lost most of their citizens from NCR mercenary attacks but a few mutants, Lily, Marcus, and the doctor working on the cure there, survived and killed the mercs. Black Mountain has had no contact with the outside world, although they are struggling more and more with Deathclaw attacks which are reducing their numbers. The BOS used the Second Battle as a chance to take back Helios One and killed all NCR posted their. Novac was able to repel the small Legion attack and has remained independent, although ghoul attacks are continual, as are Legion raids. The NCR at Camp Golf were able to beat back the Legion and even received support from Ranger Station Bravo and Delta which delivered the much needed ammo and able bodies the Veteran Rangers needed for victory.
Forlorn Hope fell to the Legion but the officers, VR posted, first recon and a few regular troopers were able to retreat and live to see another day. The Legion destroyed Forlorn and have turned Nelson into their main forward operating base, with the near by mines serving as holding cells for prisoners of war. Ranger Station Echo was taken by the Legion in an uphill battle that cost them the Centurion of Phoenix, all of their forces from the Legion raiding camp and most Legionaries at Cottonwood. The NCR posted at Searchlight and in Southern Nevada died trying to stop the attack on Echo and helped weaken the Legion to their low numbers. The Legion still uses Cottonwood as it's southern forward operating base but they have very few numbers.
The NCR has reorganized it's Mojave Campaign, with the death of Kimball and Oliver bringing mixed reactions within the nation. The NCR senate has voted to continue the campaign but senators from Boneyard and the like refuse to increase the amount of troopers sent to the Mojave. Legate's Legion is struggling to get enough recruits from the east to hold the Dam and Colorado, and there are even rumors a few centurions from the east have spoken out against the continuation of the Mojave Campaign. The NCR's main forward operating base is now in the ruins of Nipton, with the former city hall attacking as the new hq for the NCR top command (lead by General Polatli) and the Rangers (still lead by Hanlon). All surviving NCR military members are now in Nipton, Primm, the Mojave Outpost, Goodsprings or Sloan. The Veteran Rangers and First Recon are now roaming Southern Nevada in search of Legion raiding parties, safe houses, and are planning on taking down Cottonwood once and for all...
On the strip a three way power balance has formed with House not being strong enough to direct the Tops or WGS. The city of Vegas also continues to slowly die and no power, food or water reaches it's gates. House's back up generators continue to provide enough power for himself and his army but no one knows for how long...
Why a new convention?
I love the concept of conventions and want them to continue. This thread will run along side the Hoover Dam Convention and will be an opportunity for forumers to join in a new setting thread. Under this thread all major factions are more or less equal with no faction having claim over the Mojave. The NCR and Legion are more or less here to stay and House's robots have yet to be upgraded. All factions want to come to a peaceful resolution to this conflict but are willing to use military actions to get their way between conventions. Also while everyone is on Winter Break it's a good time to start a new convention.
What factions are represented?
These factions, if you have a question about their force size etc. then just ask
NCR- HQ out of Nipton, full control of Primm, a minor encampment of troopers at the Goodsprings source, a Ranger Station at Sloan (which is now cleared of NCR quarry workers) and full control of the I-15 to Sloan and the road to Nipton. The rail line is also used to supply Nipton and Sloan.
Caesar's Legion- The Legion has five encampments in the Mojave. The Fort is still the primary training ground and entry point for Legion forces in the Mojave. There seem to be less Legionaries coming into the Mojave these days. The Dam itself is the Legion's primary forward operating base into Vegas with a few raiding parties spotted in Outer Vegas. Nelson has been fortified and a few raiding parties try to take Novac only to be killed by a duel team of snipers. Cottonwood is understaffed with only a few legionaries their watching over slaves and Legate's Camp has been transformed into a permanent home for the ruler who distrust many at the Fort.
-Dark Zerker
House- Barely controls the Strip with a backup generator keeping him alive.He has a two dozen or so Mk1 Securtions- Falloutbob
The Tops- Bidding for control of the Gomorrah and pushing for some type of Strip Joint Power Agreement.-
The White Glove Society- Simply want food, water, tourist and electricity to return to the Strip, have begun abducting Freesiders and Vegas residents for unknown purposes...-undead fiend
The Kings- Their forces are still enact but the lack of water coming into Freeside has caused many members to revert to more..tribalistic tendencies towards other Freeside residents and out of the Kings control.-
Van Gruffs- They've continued making deals with independent caravans for water and feel no need to relocate, although they want a return to normalcy because of violence.-
Westside Milita- Water is running out and so is hope, violence is increasing and many simply want a return to the old days before the Second Battle.-
The Followers- Still located in Freeside the Followers have been helping all that they can to little avail- Undead Fiend
Boomers- While they still have a few problems to solve (the quest the Courier did for them) things largely continue humming along in Boomer Land-Legend1221
BOS- The BOS don't engage the NCR on the I-15 with an unspoken agreement with the two groups but they have taken Helios One from the NCR.-Oldsorryoldhorse
Khans- The Elders have been killed but their drug production continues, with a shipment to the Fiends always right on time-
Gangers- The Vault 19 Powder Gangers have been in contact with the Great Khans and Fiends but have yet to leave their vault except for scouting missions.-
Fiends- A dozen or so Fiends occupy the former Camp McCarran and it's destroyed terminal. They've taken the NCR's salvenged power armor has their own and the NCR's weapon supply.-
Jacobstown- A few prominent members remain and the settlement's Big Horn are growing nicely.-
Novac- Attacked on one side by ghouls and on the other by the Legion (who wish to take the town to stop all trade along the I-93 and by extension into Vegas)-Sebor13
State of Utobitha- Nightkin continue to die from Deathclaw attacks every month, something must be done.- The Lobotomite
Primm- An official part of the NCR, Primm has had a massive influx of trade from the NCR and many former tourist who visited Vegas are now making the shorter, safer trip of to Primm the other New Vegas.-
Goodsprings- Goodsprings wishes to remain independent of the NCR because of the tax burden that would follow and has seen the town economy collapse because of the situation in Vegas and the I-15. The NCR encampment at the water source (8 troopers) frightens the town that they are next.-
The Enclave Remnants- No one knows much about the Enclave, and they've yet to choose a side- hircine21
Gun Runners- Paladin Lewis
If needed I'll add more factions like the Crimson etc but for now let's see if we can't fill all the spots.
These are there results of the First Convention
The NCR will attack Cottonwood, reinforce Novac with First Recon, retake ownership of the Rangers Shack after killing the I-15 Deathclaws, and allowing your caravans to sell weapons and armor to Mojave factions. The border of the NCR has been set, and troop movements limited in the Northern Mojave.
Residence on the Strip and full protection from all enemies in exchange for full help and participation in all acts of military aggression against House
Funding for supplies and full residence in Freeside from House Protection from the Kings in exchange for aid to Freeside
Funding for weapons and armor in exchange for the execution of all traitors to House, Vegas or public safety in Freeside. Protection of the Gun Runners for weapons.
Full funding for military build up in exchange for 20 percent of future revenue to House
Evacuation of Helios one but are allowed to keep one monitor at the sight. The use of Rep Con as a base, free travel of ambassadors, but restricts on travel in the Mojave.
Gun Runners
Relocation into Vault 3
An alliance with House, in exchange for funding to restore all planes in the Mojave Region.
The Chairmen
Full control of the Gomorrah (with some observation of business activities by House)
Is this a proper outline of what has been said and agreed? If not please alert me.
7 months after the Second Battle of Hoover Dam
Much can change within 30 days, and last month was no different. After the First Mojave Convention life moved on and war didn't change. The Legion, an ever present threat in the Mojave, launched a failed attack on the town of Novac. Days before the battle Novac received a massive weapon shipment. While a few citizens of Novac died in the attack, because of Legates' lack of tactical originality most Legionaries poured directly over the I-93 bridge, only to meet their death from First Recon on top of an abandoned Posiden Gas Station and an pair of duel snipers at the top of the town hotel. After the Legion lost the battle, crosses were set a top of a near by hillside with all of the formerly surviving members of the Second Battle of Hoover Dam posted as a sign not to enter Novac. A few days after the battle small scale Legion raids from Nelson, working their way around the town and attacking from the south, have resulted in no deaths on either side, but a Legion flag was posted, a warning from the group that the Legion can still cause trouble for their town.
North of Novac in Helios One, the BoS relinquished control to a group of House's securitrons and made their way to Rep Conn. Despite the fact Helios security system had been reactivated, after a few days of linking with the network House was able to deactivate them without incident, and restore power to the Strip. Not forgetting the situation in Freeside, House restored power to the cities aging water system. Within a week of Helios had the Strip drained in lights, Novac had enough power for their ranches, farms and a few spotlights and Freeside flowing with water. Unfortunately the water was to little to late in Freeside. Despite a Gun Runners shipment to the King paid for by House, only non-King members and low ranking ones in Freeside were executed. Many higher ranking King members, such as Pacer, who are rumored to have been a part in the violence have gone unscratched.
The executions did calm Freeside, and within days of the water coming on things were more or less back to normal, but no tourist have yet to return to Vegas. The Followers brought enough supplies from caravans to help heal Freeside and the Kings had enough weaponry to put down any threats to the area. Caravans along the I-15 reported that the deathclaw threat had been removed, although highways north of I-93 were experiencing Legion raids. Due to the loss of Cottonwood to NCR veteran rangers and the failed attempt to take Novac, the Legion was now using their last remaining reserve forces to attack the Vegas area directly. Camp Golf is now occupied by the Legions top Centurions. From roughly 188 outpost up to Vegas' gates have been crawling with Legionaries in the night, all of them coming from Hoover Dam, the Legion's gate to the west. Luckily for the Gun Runners they relocated before these raids began, but Crimson Caravan's regional offices were not as lucky.
The Legion occupation of I-95 isn't having the Legion's desired effect of choking Vegas from NCR caravans, since the NCR Rangers launched an attack on the Quarry killing all of the deathclaws encamped their. While the campaign was successful Ranger Ghost was killed in the operation, not by a deathclaw, but by a nightkin who had wondered from Black Mountain during the battle, much to the anger of the NCR. Because the war in the Mojave has been looking up for the NCR Senators in the west have promised not to end the campaign, but there is much controversy if Primm, Nipton and Cottonwood should become permanent parts of their Republic.
As soon as the Enclave moved onto the Strip many were unsure of their power, that is until they dealt with the Fiends. Within 15 minutes the Fiends were no longer a threat to Vegas and were erased from the earth. Just as the Fiend problem was ending, a new problem arose from Southwestern Vegas. The Vault 19 Powder Gangers emerged and began looking for targets in Southwest Vegas, almost destroying one of House's securitrons while it was doing area reconnaissance and collecting the Fiend's weapons. The Boomers continued to remain with Nellis, but because of the Legion's presence at Camp Golf, no movement has been made in restoring the Bomber in the lake.
On the strip itself, the Chairmen took control of the Gomorrah and "rehired" many of the Omerta's former six slaves, any who rejected to this hostile takeover were killed in the name of treason, House looked the other way. The White Glove Society was elated that power was returned to the Strip, but rumors continued to spread that some of their more "tribalistic practices" were continuing.
Now with the Legion at their gates, House has called for another Mojave Convention, only this time named as the Mojave Congress to discuss among other things the Mojave Confederation...