The Monastery, A Monk Mod

Post » Tue May 17, 2011 3:51 am


I've gotten the initiation rites completed along with the first strand of quest for the Initiate rank. (first rank).

-First rite: Get a book from a daedric ruin; scripted event
Initiation Rites:-Second Rite: Get a book from a fire demon; scripted event; scripted dungeon
-Third Rite: Steal a book from the Library of Vivec; scripted event; sets stage for rest of questline; free a "tortured soul"

Initiate Rank Quest: You must find out who the above mentioned "tortured soul" is, where he is, and how to free him. ; includes scripted events; interesting dialogue; and other various knick knacks.

Dissident Priest Rank Quest: Just starting This part now.

High Priest Rank Quest: Haven't started, Have re-textured a exquisite Robe as a "high priest" robes though.

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Mark Hepworth
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