Those coded messages lead to a number of secret places where dead humans are.
The nuclear payloads dropping from space are from orbiting weapons platforms that were not used...
nothing alien about either, sorry.

As for the moon, I think it's plausible that the Enclave began secret projects with Vault-Tec (Moon-Tec?!) to create military installations on the moon. Afterall, publically, moon missions ended shortly before 2077 -- but that leaves a lot of time for the development of moon colonies.
The existence of the Vaults themselves and the nature of many as experiments could have been experiments in long-term isolation -- which would
have to be factored in on if the Enclave were planning on populating a lunar base. Or even an orbiting space station.
So what happened to the Enclave's plan? Was it generally abandoned when the oil rig was destroyed? In FO3 the Enclave seem to be pre-occupied with retaking control of D.C., but this easily could be for the same purposes. Afterall, this is much later and the Enclave have met some setbacks. Most of the Vaults have been opened and the survivors have re-populated the place.