The Morrowind Awards #5: Favorite Dialogue

Post » Thu Dec 08, 2011 8:58 pm

Previous Winners

Morrowind Award #1 Favorite NPC: Crassius Curio

The witty Crassius Curio managed to grasp the win in a close battle against Divyath Fyr.
Confirming that six even in Morrowind does in fact sell?

Morrowind Award #2 Favorite Town/City: Balmora

Balmora won the second Morrowind Award a mile ahead of the other contenders.
I do not know how though. I mean, Crassius Curio does not even live there.

Morrowind Award #3 Favorite Faction: House Telvanni

House Telvanni won and there was really no contest. The great house Telvanni won but:
I wonder if Telvanni is really really that much better OR if the only people who stick around in Morrowind forums after so many years just so happen to be Telvanni fans.- The.Z.Man.

Morrowind Award #4 Favorite Creature: Ascended Sleeper

After a close-pitched battle between the Guar the Ascended Sleeper finally took the victory.
Morrowind fan-boy mode: This just proves that Morrowind is awesome because this is one creature that will never show up again in TES.

The next award

After popular demand it was decided that the next award will be all about the best dialogue. I did not call this the favorite NPC dialogue award because there are some creatures with good dialogue though. Like the ascended sleepers, maybe they will win again? :celebration:

Send me your 5 nominees by reply or PM and happy voting!
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Siobhan Thompson
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