So without further ado, I give you the nominees. Yes, this time I did check your responses.
Crassius Curio
Undeniably one of the most popular NPC's in all of Morrowind and with good reason. Crassius has got it all: He is cunning, funny, perverted an writes his own books.
Divyath Fyr
I am pretty sure that entire books could be written about Divyath. After all a wizard as old as the gods must have experienced his fair share of adventure. Well, this one sure did. From a huge telvanni tower stuffed with artifacts ([censored] be trippin artifacts) to curing the uncureable and let us not forget that he basically cloned himself. Just remember that it is one thing to be about as old as the Tribunal but the Telvanni practically begging you to lead thim and still denying takes the word badass to a whole other level.
M'Aiq the Liar
M'Aiq the liar is just plain awesome. He is the only one on the list that has appeared in more than one game and still manages to remain cool. You did not like Oblivion? M'Aiq was still cool in it... and so on. After all how many of you could talk nonsense in the middle of nowhere and still have some of your ramblings turn true.
Let this just sink in for a while: He drove the freakin cliff racers, all the freakin cliff racers from Vvardenfell. That should be enough to win any contest but it will it be enough for THE MORROWIND AWARDS.
Caius Cosades
Caius Cosades is the Grand Spymaster of the Emperor's KGB. He is in other words the master of the spies and we all agree that spies are awesome, right?
P.S. : Please let me know what you would like for the next award.